The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 292 Lolita is justice!

Chapter 292 Lolita is justice!

"Cough, cough..." Following the wretched man's violent coughing, the scene fell into an inexplicable silence.

"Brother, I really can't do anything about this..." the wretched man covered his mouth, and cried to the fat man aggrievedly.

"Okay, okay, I know you can't count on it, just watch my performance." The fat man frowned and waved his hand, signaling for the wretched man to step aside.

It's not the first time that the wretched man has done this kind of thing, he very consciously stood behind Ren Yi and Morgana, blocking their retreat.

"Yo~ Take a closer look...the two are truly amazing~" After the fat man dismissed his unreliable younger brother, he looked carefully at Renyi and Morgana.

"Today is really a good day..." the fat man muttered to himself, and smiled wretchedly.

The wretched boy is much more sensitive than his unresponsive older brother. He has noticed the heaven-defying looks of the two of them long ago, and has already wiped his saliva countless times.

"Brother, which one do you like?" The wretched man stood behind the two, and asked yelling because he was a little away from the fat man.

"'s difficult..." The obese man naturally understood the meaning of the wretched man's words.

"I like both of them..."

"Hey? Big brother, you can't do this!" Hearing this, the wretched man panicked, thinking that his big brother was going to monopolize these two beauties in the world.

In fact, obese men do have this idea... This kind of appearance was rare in the peaceful era... No, it is almost never seen. Today's society is in chaos. Who knows that there will be two such people at this time? The alluring best appeared in front of me...

"Are we... being ignored?" Ren Yi looked at the obese man who was in deep thought, and the wretched man with an anxious face, and turned to ask Morgana.

"It looks like it is." Morgana put her hands on her chest and nodded.

"Aren't you going to make a move?" Ren Yi asked slightly puzzled.

"I want to wait for a while, after all, there are not many opportunities to observe human residues at close range." After Morgana finished speaking, she really looked at the two seriously.

"Hey? This chick is quite coquettish, dare to wink at me, it's decided, it's you!" The fat man recovered from his thoughts, saw Morgana's eyes, and the smile on his face was even more evil. The small eyes have been squeezed by the horizontal flesh at this time.

"Brother, then this blond loli..." said the wretched man with golden eyes shining.

"Here I am...but! You are not allowed to be presumptuous for the time being." The fat man said seriously...but in fact, the two of them had no experience in contact with the opposite sex.

"I understand, I don't want to be presumptuous, so it shouldn't be a problem to taste it briefly first?" The wretched man smiled and rubbed his hands.

The obese man didn't answer, as if he had acquiesced.

"Two brothers~" At this time, a sweet voice that was so cute that it exploded came.

The two punks only felt a stabbing pain in their left chest, as if something was about to come out.

"Brother...I can't stand it anymore!" The wretched man said while clutching his chest.

"Forbearance! I must give it to me! It must belong to me!" The obese man bent his body, as if something had really stabbed him in the chest.

"That~ the two big brothers want to do strange things to him?" Ren Yi clasped his hands together and placed them in front of his chest, opening his big watery eyes with a pitiful look.


As if he had been hit hard, the wretched man suddenly staggered and nearly fell.

"I've changed my mind. I'll give you that sexy chick. I have to taste this cute little loli first." The fat man stared at Ren Yi with his eyes wide open. Never out of sight.

"No!" At this moment, something unexpected happened to the obese man.

"You dare to disobey me?" The fat man stood up straight and stared at the wretched man viciously, his tone gradually became serious.

"Brother... I have been working under you for a long time. When you blackmailed elementary school students earlier, you would take away eight of ten yuan. Beat me up and say nothing, but... today, only today, I will not give in!" The wretched man said righteously, his body seemed to be shining with dazzling light at this moment.

"Okay...the wings are hard, if that's the case... then follow the rules of the rivers and lakes, let's fight one-on-one!" The obese man took off his coat as he said, revealing his fat beer belly with three layers of tires.

"Under the power of love, I am invincible!" The wretched man also followed his example, taking off his coat, revealing his scrawny body.


Looking at the scuffling, or the scene of a fat man beating a wretched man in a crushing style.

"Interesting, I didn't expect you to be so insidious." Morgana said to Ren Yi with a smile.

"Is there? I just said a few words~" Ren Yi replied indifferently, looking at the two punks who gradually disappeared from his vision, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Hey~ Your tone just now was quite amusing, let me say a few more words." Morgana hugged Renyi as she spoke, and leaned into Renyi's ear and said.

"Huh~ I've got goosebumps all over my body, save me." Ren Yi pushed Morgana away in disgust, and rubbed his arms a few times.

Sure enough, he is still not used to speaking in that tone... I hope that this paragraph will not be recorded in the files of the Lord God Space... Ren Yi prayed silently in his heart.

The two walked and laughed and came to the front of a foot-washing city.

"Well... are you sure you want to go in?" Ren Yi looked around and found that there was no one around, so he asked hesitantly.

"Of course, I heard that this is an entertainment place, and everyone who goes in becomes very happy, don't you want to try it?" Morgana said seriously.

A few drops of cold sweat appeared on Renyi's forehead.

Sister, do you really not know or fake?This place is obviously... Lichun Courtyard!
(End of this chapter)

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