The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 293 Ah Zhen and Ah Qiang

Chapter 293 Ah Zhen and Ah Qiang

Ah Zhen was originally a pure college girl who was living a peaceful and fulfilling college life a few days ago, but the sudden gluttony broke her peaceful life.

In the process of escaping, Zhen's parents were brutally killed by Taotie in order to protect Zhen from Taotie.

The lonely and helpless A Zhen finally fled to ×× City, a relatively safe city.

However, in this chaotic period, people have tried their best just to survive, so the law and order are not as good as before.

It has also led to many illegal acts that cannot be stopped, and even condoned their occurrence.

In order to make ends meet, Ah Zhen came to a foot-washing city to make a living, praying for a stable job, and this gorgeously decorated foot-washing city is a good choice.

The naive Ah Zhen didn't know at the time that the ostensibly Footwashing City was actually an illegal organization operating an underground brothel.

When receiving the job, Ah Zhen never thought about what she would face in the future...

Three days have passed, and Ah Zhen, who has received customers many times, gradually becomes numb...

"Be careful... It's a good thing to be able to survive by selling your body, at least we're still alive." Some companions couldn't understand Ah Zhen's dull expression all day long, and tried to enlighten her.

"That's right, who made us incapable of self-protection in this chaotic time... This place not only provides us with protection, but also provides for our daily life, Jane, you can be content." Someone echoed.

"You..." Ah Zhen glanced blankly at the companions in the room. They were all college girls who were about the same age as her, but they seemed to be very satisfied with her current situation, which made Ah Zhen extremely puzzled.

"It's this age, Zhen, if you want to be more open, you don't need to pick up a few customers and you will die." An extremely coquettishly dressed woman said.

"Since you can't resist, then lie down and enjoy."

Ah Zhen felt that she was out of place with the other girls here, so she had to curl up on the bed in the corner alone.

"Girls, we have guests~"

At this time, the voice of the proprietress came from the front desk, or was it the chicken head?
The ladies who were lying lazily stood up one after another and stood neatly on both sides.

This is the transfer room on the first basement floor of Xijiaocheng, and it is also the place where these ladies usually rest. The place where the proprietress is located is the front desk, responsible for greeting the guests, and at the back, there are various rooms... to satisfy the guests. For every taste.

"Zhen, cheer up, since you don't want to stay here, you should work harder..." said a girl who was close to Zhen.

"Didn't the proprietress say that? As long as we help her earn enough 3 yuan, she can let us go, and she will also subsidize 3000 yuan."

"At that time, you can take 3000 yuan, go to the city to find a job, and continue to return to a peaceful life."

Ah Zhen raised her head and looked at the good friends she had made since coming here.

Biting his lips tightly, he nodded heavily.

At this time, the door of the front desk opened, and the ladies on both sides of the road cheered up one after another, posing vigorously, like a peacock spreading its tail, in an attempt to attract attention.

"Yo? Can you enjoy the underwear show after washing your feet? The service of this store is good~" Morgana's voice came from the door.

"I said... do you really not understand, or are you pretending not to understand?" Ren Yi looked at the various ladies standing on both sides with a dark face.

The smile on Morgana's face became stronger, and she gave Ren Yi a meaningful look.

This guy definitely did it on purpose.Renyi thought to himself.

"This kind of place should be a man's paradise, right? How about it? How do you feel?" Morgana asked while looking at the looks and figures of the ladies on both sides.

"I don't think so." Ren Yi pouted and said.

He really doesn't have any ideas, and there are many reasons for this. First, Ren Yi is not interested in this kind of bus girl, and second... Even if he has an idea, he currently doesn't have the tools to commit crimes!
"What on earth do you want to come here?" Ren Yi followed Morgana's pace and asked.

"Isn't this the Footwashing City? What do you think I'm here for?" Morgana asked in surprise.

"Huh? Are you sure you want to wash your feet in this kind of place?" Ren Yi stared at Morgana in disbelief.

"Otherwise? Hey, the one over there, that's right, it's you, prepared for us, a foot washing set meal for two." Morgana looked around casually, then pointed to A Zhen who was standing in the corner, and said .

It wasn't until this moment that the girls reacted...

Are these two guys here to wash their feet?Did you make a mistake?Come here to wash your feet?
They seem to have forgotten... the place they are in, and the storefront says Footwashing City...

"Ah? I...I..." A-Zhen pointed at herself a little at a loss.

what to do?Wash your feet?I haven't washed other people's feet yet...not even my own parents. As a pampered young lady in the city, Ah Zhen is very confused by the situation at this time.

Just when Ah Zhen was sweating and standing there trembling, a strong hand patted her shoulder.

"It's okay, I'll be with you..." A strangely dressed man appeared behind Ah Zhen.

"Ah Qiang?" Ah Zhen seemed a little surprised and happy...


(End of this chapter)

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