Chapter 339 Aruba!
"What's the situation?!" Ren Yi looked at Da Zhuang who fell vertically to the ground with a dazed expression, and scratched his head for some unknown reason.

" this complete?"

Due to the sudden incident, everyone reacted for a while, and the scene fell into silence.

Afterwards, an unknown younger brother yelled, "It's not good! The boss has been plotted against!"

Like a boulder smashed into the calm water, the group of men in black who copied and pasted exploded.

The food on the table was scattered on the ground, and the plates containing the delicacies were overturned together with the dining table. This group of people seemed to have lost their minds, throwing things, smashing things, even screaming at the sky, or dancing wildly.

I saw one of them knelt down on the ground, looking up at the ceiling, tears streaming down his face.

Another person was seen, lying beside Da Zhuang, holding Da Zhuang's shoulders with both hands, shaking desperately.


"I think……"

"I can still... grab..."


Da Zhuang was awakened by the violent shaking, but unfortunately, even though he was already awake, the man in front of him didn't intend to stop, and was still shaking non-stop.

"It seems that he is not dead..." Ren Yi looked at Da Zhuang, who was half awake, and muttered.

At this time, a chair flew over from nowhere and hit Da Zhuang on the back of the head impartially.

"En!" Accompanied by a cry of unknown meaning, Da Zhuang, who had already regained consciousness, rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and fell unconscious.

"Well, it should be dead." Ren Yi watched this scene and nodded in satisfaction.

"This situation is not good... let's get away..." Qian Lei timidly hid in the corner, thinking.

"I'm done when they calm down..."

Coincidentally, Renyi saw him trying to get away.

"Yo! Isn't this the former ringleader!" Ren Yi walked straight in front of him, blocked his way, and shouted loudly.

Ren Yi's voice is like a lion's roar, the thunder is furious, the waves are turbulent, like thunder filling the ears, like thunder filling the ears, boiling back to the sky, earth-shattering, thunderous, resounding through the sky, deafening, deafening, dragons and tigers roaring, shaking the sky!

In an instant, the chaotic people in black took a unified action at this time, and Qian Lei felt that countless acupuncture-like gazes fell on him, piercing every part of his body from various places in the room.

"It's him! He plotted against the boss!" A younger brother shouted.

"Catch him!" Then someone echoed.

"Take him to Aruba!"

"Take off his clothes!"

"No, stripping his clothes will only make him more excited, so not only can we not strip him, but we also need to add some more clothes to him!"

"Yes! Smother him to death! Squeeze him out, covered in prickly heat!"

Ren Yi didn't bother to make a fuss with this group of people, so he glanced lightly at Qian Lei, who was surrounded by many big men in black, silently mourned for him for three seconds, then turned his head and left.


"System, where is my house?" Ren Yi walked out of the arena and asked.

"System prompt: Since the host's identity is <Transcendence>, you can go to the management office in the leisure area to claim your own house."

"No, no, I mean the house rewarded by the mission."

"System prompt: Do you want to launch now?"

Accompanied by the sound of the system, a virtual digital model of the house appeared in front of Renyi's eyes, but only the outline could be seen. To use a metaphor, it was like something was going to be covered on the red police, but this was more advanced One point, not only the floor area is displayed, but also the outline of the entire house is displayed.

"Does this require me to choose a place..." Ren Yi tried to make gestures with his hands twice, and found that the model really moved.

"By the way, can this be built anywhere...doesn't it require any certificates?" Ren Yi suddenly realized this problem. Could it be that the land here is public?No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

It seems that I can only put it away first. If I just put it on and it is forcibly removed later, who should I ask for reason?Besides... rewarding you, and then taking it back in a certain way, all in all, you are not allowed to get it, which is very much like the style of the system. In summary, it is likely to be a trick under the system.

"I'm not fooled..." Ren Yi smiled and walked towards the leisure area guided by the system.

Not long after Renyi left, under a tree outside the arena, a young man looked at the arena with a smile on his face.

"It's almost there, the boss is gone, so the land should change hands." The young man said to himself excitedly.

"I've wanted to turn this place into a custom shop for a long time. A custom shop of this size must be very profitable, hehe..."

When the young man was thinking about it, he saw that the group of men in black were holding a... clothes ball?No, it should be said that there are too many clothes on, which makes the appearance close to that of a ball. In other words, how do you put on so many clothes?

I saw the group of men in black put the ball in front of a tree next to the youth, divided into two teams, and stood on both sides respectively. Then, the two people in the front raised the ball and rushed towards the big tree, smashing the ball hit the tree trunk.

"Is this... the punishment for killing the boss? Could it be that these younger brothers have long since disliked the boss?" The young man wondered.

As the head of the Propaganda Department, the boss has not allocated funds, so I can only go to promote it myself, and I have long planned to rebuild the arena, so it is not unreasonable for me to resent the boss, but these little guys ...I remember the boss treated them well...

"My boss was killed. As a bodyguard + younger brother, I must punish the murderer... This punishment in Aruba is indeed harsh, but..." The young man muttered and glanced at the person who was being punished.

"But...wrapping it like this, does Aruba still work... No, how did you put so many clothes on?"

As if to answer his doubts, a man in black came out carrying a sack of clothes.

"Have sex with the person in front of you!" The man yelled and opened the sack.

Then... there were three or four more clothes on Qian Lei's body.

"Say~ How about my skills? I spent [-] points to exchange for this, one-click dressing! By the way, one-click undressing!"

"Uh...not bad not bad." The young man smiled awkwardly and walked over.

"Huh? I remember you were..."

"I am the head of the Propaganda Department, and my name is Gui Gong." The young man introduced himself.

"Oh! Then we should be our own people, this cub, the boss treats him well, but he actually assassinated the boss! So we decided to punish him!" The man in black pointed at the front and said angrily.

"Hehehe..." Gui Gong smiled helplessly, is this called punishment?That's all, just be happy.

"By the way, how was my performance just now? Isn't this skill very good?" The man in black pointed to himself excitedly and asked, as if he was about to praise me.

"The skill is pretty's the prompting line..."

"The prompting line? What is that?" The man in black tilted his head in confusion.

"That's what you said before you released your skills... huh? Isn't it?" Now it was Gui Gong's turn to be puzzled.

"That's just what I wanted to shout."


(End of this chapter)

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