The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 340 Suddenly has a goal!

Chapter 340 Suddenly has a goal!

"The formalities have been completed for you, your residence has been displayed on the map attached to the system, because you have just arrived here, there will be a few months of adjustment time, please get familiar with and enjoy this place during this time life."

Ren Yi looked at the blond woman in uniform in front of her, nodded, turned and left.

"It's not bad to pick up a house for nothing."

Renyi walked on the road leading to the housing area, humming a song in a happy mood.

what to do next...

Just as Ren Yi was walking while thinking about his future plans, a group of big men in black appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"My lord, please help us."

A leading burly man knelt down in front of Ren Yi without any explanation.

"Huh?" Ren Yi was a little confused by what he had done.

"Please save our boss."

"Your boss..." Ren Yi said, as if recalling something.

"Still alive?"


Renyi followed all the big men to a clinic... It was said to be a clinic, but it was actually a small shop with a sign outside.

Entering inside, there is nothing but a hospital bed and a set of tables and chairs.

Say it's a clinic, where's your medicine rack?What about your medical equipment?

"Let me introduce you. This is Dr. Hu, who saved our boss's life." At this time, the big man bowed and pointed to a man in a white robe standing beside him.

It should be a person with healing skills... Ren Yi glanced at Dr. Hu, guessing.

"Since your life is saved, why did you ask me to come?"

"It's like this..." Before the big man in black could speak, the doctor took a step forward and spoke first.

"Although I saved his life, with my ability, I can only do this."

"Explain more clearly." Ren Yi replied with some puzzlement.

"Then let me briefly explain that he is out of danger now, but I have nothing to do with the follow-up treatment. In other words, I can only save his life, not cure him."


"So we might have a solution." The big man in black scratched his head and muttered.

Ren Yi didn't answer, but looked at the decoration in the room.

"Is your clinic too simple?"

"Clinic?" Dr. Xi repeated in surprise.

" misunderstood, I am not a clinic here."

"Isn't it a clinic? The sign outside?" Ren Yi was also a little surprised.

"The signboard? Ah~ the previous owner of this piece of land probably forgot to take it away." Doctor Xi explained.

"Then you are here?"

Doctor Xi had an inexplicable smile on his face, and instead of answering Ren Yi's question immediately, he turned around and walked towards the hospital bed.

Renyi followed curiously and came to the bedside.

On the hospital bed, the boss of the arena that Ren Yi met earlier was lying on it with a calm face.

Seeing that Dr. Hu suddenly squatted down, stretched out his hand and started to grope under the bed.

Not long after, Ren Yi heard a sound coming from under the bed, and then, a... coffin?She was pulled out from under the bed by the doctor.

"This coffin is called the Coffin of Immortality. It is made of special materials and spells are added to ensure that the corpse will never rot in it and will not emit any smell. Not only that, as long as you lie in it for seven Seven 42 days, you can reincarnate as a zombie, the current discounted price, as long as..."

"Wait!" Ren Yi stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

"So, you sell coffins?"

"Of course, and this is not an ordinary coffin, it's the coffin of immortality, it can't help but transform people into zombies, and it can also temporarily freeze the life of a dying person and caress for the fire of life to rekindle, thereby preserving that person's life " said the doctor proudly.

"Hmm... so, you are here as a job-changing NPC?" Ren Yi suddenly understood.

"It can also be said that this coffin was accidentally picked up by me in the world of "Mr. Amazing China". It is very precious." Doctor Hu said lovingly touching the coffin lid a few times.

"Can you help me transform?" At this moment, the leading man in black came out.

Ren Yi and Dr. Xi glanced at him at the same time.

"My lord, Doctor Xi, a person's ability is limited. I learned one thing from the boss's incident. The more scheming a person is, the easier it is to fall into unexpected difficulties and waste all previous efforts. Unless it surpasses human beings..." The big man in black murmured solemnly.

"Could it be that you want to..." Ren Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, why is this line so familiar.

"I'm not a man anymore!"

"Okay, transforming a zombie requires a service fee of [-] points, I don't know you..." Dr. Chu rubbed his palms and moved closer to the big man in black.

The big man who was still very imposing just now was suddenly discouraged.

"Just kidding, just kidding." The big man in black touched the back of his head and said with a smile.

"Cut~ Don't make such jokes in the future, I thought I could make a fortune...By the way, when will your boss' medical expenses be paid to me?" Dr. Hu sighed in disappointment, and then asked.

"This... we need to wake up the boss first, we have no money..."

"What?" The doctor's eyes suddenly changed, and became much sharper.

"That is to say, you were fooling me when you asked me to save someone?"

"No, no, how dare I, it's just that our salary has not been paid for several months. The money really belongs to the boss. If we want to get the money, we can only cure him first."

As they said that, their eyes turned to Ren Yi one after another.

"Look at what I'm doing, I didn't promise to save him."


This is not good... These poor people must have no money, so I am at a disadvantage. I have to find a way to wake up their boss... But I... can only rely on this person they brought?
"I didn't promise to save him." Ren Yi said lightly.

"My lord, we can only rely on you now!" said the big man in black and knelt down again.

It seemed that the voice of the big man was too loud, and the people waiting outside the door also broke in.

"Saving him, what good will it do me?" Ren Yi continued calmly.

"What are you talking about? Boss wakes up, the arena can continue to operate, and your status as the champion can continue!"

"But suddenly I don't want to be the champion anymore~" Ren Yi continued.


"And you are so sure that I can save him?" This is also a point of Ren Yi's doubts. He seems to have only summoned the Shadow Corps, right?He didn't show any healing ability.

"But don't you have the Shadow Corps? Since you have the Shadow Corps, you must have been to "The Adventures of Jackie Chan", right? Then you must have not only obtained the ability of the Shadow Corps in it, but also according to your previous competition Judging from the situation of the main battle, you must still have the power of the spell..." The black-clothed man explained.

" seems quite reasonable."

"If you want extra reward..." the big man in black said as he took out an item from his pocket.

"This is..." After seeing the item in his hand, Dr. Li's eyes lit up.

"To be honest, my experience world is "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure"..."


(End of this chapter)

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