Chapter 352 I understand!

Facing Renyi's questioning, Gorzan seemed a little flustered.

"What's the matter? Gorzanjiang, why did you talk to yourself from the very beginning?" Asked the Guixian who was very puzzled.

Gorzan quickly waved his hand and motioned for him to turn off the TV.

It's a pity that when he first received the call, Ren Yi had already noticed the "wonderful" voice coming from there. Judging by the color and quality of the voice, it should be coming from the TV.

"Oh~ you mean I'm tired of watching this one, and you want me to change to another type?" Gui Xianren tapped his palm, with an expression that I understand, he picked up the remote control and pressed it.

"Ah~ya baa~"

A strange panting followed, and Ren Yi, who was thousands of miles away, heard it.

This voice... Renyi listened to the voice fluctuating loudly and sometimes softly, fast and slow, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

If you heard me right, it should be a certain classroom movie by Hakata Yasuhiro.

"Gorzan, is it because you're watching that thing that you haven't set off yet?" Ren Yi asked with a bad expression.

"Ah~ this... Brother, listen to my explanation." Gorzan raised his head in a panic, looking left and right as if looking for something.

"Okay, I'll pick you up." Ren Yi sighed helplessly, and hung up the call.


After hanging up the call, Ren Yi...

Looking at Di Jia who was stunned, Ren Yi shook his head and flew towards him slowly.

"Are you ready to get serious?" Di Jia asked nonchalantly.

To be honest, he is still very confused. It’s okay for the other party to eat a full amount of me without any damage, and I’m about to lose all my energy. He actually helped me restore my energy to full?This guy... what kind of plan is he playing?
"I'm going to pick up someone now, don't move around here, I'll be back in a while." Ren Yi said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, Dijia only felt that his body became extremely heavy, as if a mountain was pressing on him.

Looking up, it was really a mountain, a mountain 1.5 times his size suddenly appeared above his head.

"This way, I shouldn't be able to run away." Ren Yi looked at Di Jia who was struggling to lift the hill, and said to himself.

"Just in case, let's add another layer of gravity with the magic power of curse blue."

Suddenly, Dijia, who was about to be overwhelmed, staggered and fell to the ground. His whole body was buried by the mountain, only one hand and half of his head were exposed.

"OK, it should be fine this way." Ren Yi looked at the hill in front of him, which looked like a human palm, and nodded in satisfaction.


Gorzan here.

"Huh? Gorzanjiang, you look very strange. Are you feeling unwell? Come, let me check your body for you..." Gui Xianren said with a lewd expression.

"It's okay, I'm leaving later." The panicked expression on Gorzan's face disappeared after he hung up the phone, and he replied calmly.

"So soon? Stay a little longer, I still have a lot of treasures." Gui Xianren said and took out a large stack of video tapes and photo albums from nowhere.

"Thank you, I have learned a lot here and it has helped me a lot." Gorzan said with a smile.

"Okay...then I'll give it to you." Seeing her like this, Gui Xianren knew that she would not be able to keep her, so she put away the video tape and photo album, showing a kind old man, kindly Said.

"Okay..." Before Gorzan finished speaking, he felt as if he was being hugged, and then...the scene in front of him changed...

As for Guixianren, after saying that sentence, he felt a whirlwind blowing in front of him, and Gorzan disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Gorzan... sauce? Huh?"

"Already left?" Gui Xianren scratched his head and sighed.

"Hey? Where are the two photo books in my hand just now? They are limited editions."


Looking at the half head and one hand not far away, Gorzan expressed his confusion.

"I... just... here..."

"What? Haven't you seen me use the rabbit charm?" Renyi's voice came slowly from behind Gorzan.

"Brother!" Gorzan turned around and immediately understood why he appeared here.

Gorzan subconsciously squeezed the two photobooks in his hands.

"Okay, since we're here, let's start the real drama." Ren Yi said as he waved his hands towards the sky.

The hill pressing on Dijia rose slowly with Renyi's fingers, and finally landed on a clearing behind Dijia.

Dijia, who got rid of the suppression, quickly stood up, flexed his muscles, and stared at Renyi and Gorzan vigilantly.

"Gorzan, this is the partner I found for you, go practice with him." Ren Yi automatically ignored Dijia, and said to Gorzan casually.

Although it is said to be a test of Gorzan, but Diga of this size...compared with the to put it, it seems that there is no need to compare to know who is stronger and who is weaker...

But... maybe the opponent's strength is actually stronger than the original one?After all, people should not be judged by their appearance, and the same is true for Ultraman. You must know that the famous dismemberment maniac——Ace, doesn’t look harmless on the outside, and the ranking is not high, but he secretly learned the forbidden technique of the Kingdom of Light. a lot?Any pose can emit light. Since the heroine left, the super beast has never left a whole body...


After hearing Renyi's order, Gorzan looked at Di Jia on the opposite side with some doubts.

Through the unique vision of monsters, Gorzan clearly saw the weakness of the opponent's energy. I'm afraid I could knock him down with one paw, but...

Big Brother must know this, but why did he arrange for me to fight him?
Gorzan was very puzzled.

Could it be that!
At this moment, Gorzan seemed to understand something, and took a peek at the photobook in his hand.

The cover is a girl with M-shaped legs, with a pitiful and powerless expression, and an unknown white liquid all over her body...

Could it be that the eldest brother is interested in this type of work?So I deliberately found someone who couldn't hurt me, and wanted me to cooperate with him safely?
"Really, big brother, if you like this, you can do it yourself~" Gorzan patted Renyi on the back with a smile.

"Eh?" Ren Yi glanced at Gorzan inexplicably, and then at Di Jia.

"Emmm... the live version is better for watching."

At this moment, Gorzan seemed to understand something again.

Could it be that the eldest brother just wants to watch this scene live?I was negligent...

"I understand, brother, I must behave well!" Gorzan clenched his fists and said seriously.

"Ah? Hmm... It's good if you understand, do well, and I'll reward you if you do well." Of course, Ren Yi didn't guess what Gorzan was thinking, and replied blankly.

This is it!Rewards, sure enough!At this time, Gorzan became more determined in his mind.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance." Seeing that Gorzan seemed full of energy, Ren Yi flew to Di Jia and said.

"As long as you can beat her, I promise to let you go."


(End of this chapter)

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