The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 353 For the first time in 2 years, hit full attendance!

Chapter 353 For the first time in two years, hit full attendance!
"Win her?" Di Jia looked down at the girl beside Renyi.

Gorzan, that's the right name... In other words, is she the monster that this guy subdued in the anime world?
"This is what you said."

"That's right, as I said, I've always been the most trustworthy person." Ren Yi raised his head and replied affirmatively.

Di Jia heard the words, nodded slightly, and quietly called out the system backpack.

"Pet Fruit (one-time): Turn a weakened target into your own pet.

——From "One Piece""

"Hmph, isn't this a self-inflicted trap..."


In a city in the far north of the world, a news studio is on the verge of closing.

The news studio's financial situation has been deteriorating because of a chronic lack of fresh and interesting news material.

"That's it? Ah? That's it?" In the studio, a thin and strong young man in a suit and leather shoes was waving a roll of paper in his hand, scolding the people in front of him loudly.

"I asked you to find new material for me and break the big news, how about you? What kind of bullshit news is this?!"

"But the boss... other studios have already revealed those interesting things when they first happened. We can't be an afterthought." A smaller employee said obsequiously.

The boss was a little surprised and a little annoyed that someone dared to contradict him.

"An afterthought? It's better to be an afterthought than to report nothing, right? At least you can make some money by being an afterthought, but... what about you? There's nothing to reveal, so just give me a shoulder and quit? Everyone is eating idle food Is it right?" The boss's voice became louder and louder, and at the same time he approached the employee who retorted.

"Besides, why are other people always breaking the news faster than us? Why can't we always find news materials? Shouldn't you find the reason from yourself?" The boss said and poked the little man fiercely. employees, with a slightly threatening tone in their tone.

"We also broke the news! We also found a lot of material." At this time, some people couldn't sit still and stood up to retort.

"That's right, we can't negate all our efforts with just one sentence." As the saying goes, those employees who had long been displeased began to echo.

"Hehe... Work hard? You still call it hard work?" The boss laughed as he talked, walked to his desk, and took out a stack of documents from the drawer.

"Shocked, Lin Ergou's sow screamed in the middle of the night, and the owner got up and rushed to the pigsty overnight, and saw this...

Want to know what the streets look like at night?In the middle of the night, this kind of thing actually happens in the streets and alleys...

The child is always smirking at the screen of the mobile phone, most of it is yellow, the editor will take you to expose the truth...

A high school girl was left behind after school, and the dean and class teacher actually..."

As the boss spoke, he threw the documents in his hands into the sky.

"This is your hard work? Huh?"

Seeing this, everyone lowered their heads silently, and the air was filled with embarrassment.

"Look at the news from the newspaper next door to us." The boss said and picked up the newspaper beside him.

"A well-known e-sports player said in an interview: Parents? Just two old men with a dog. What is this...

At the audition site for xx new rap, two great immortals, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young, unexpectedly appeared at the same time. The audition was like the finals...

The President of the United States tweeted in the middle of the night: chnia, the tone is like a baby calling its mother..."

"Look at other people's news, have you compared it?" The boss said and slapped the newspaper on the table, and then reprimanded him.

No one in the room dared to refute the boss's words anymore. The tranquility of the room seemed to be infected by the violent boss, and his yelling gradually subsided.

"Our studio is almost unsustainable. If you can't find interesting news material before next month, then...on the first day of next month, you don't have to tolerate my violent temper anymore." The boss supported the table and said weakly.

After finishing speaking, regardless of everyone's reaction, he pushed open the door of the studio and left silently.

After the boss left, the atmosphere in the room slowly began to return to its original state.

"Are we...are we going to lose our jobs?" An employee spoke first, it was the small young man.

"Ah~ I can't help it. In half a month, we'll go our separate ways." Beside him, a bearded man held his head in his hands, and lay his body back on the chair, hanging the three corners of the chair in the air, his legs Put it loosely on your desk.

"Can't we find some interesting news and find a way to revive our studio?" At this time, a female employee stood up and suggested.

"Heh~ What do you expect from this? Interesting news, can you come across this thing just by wandering in the street? It's easy to say..." The same bearded man replied disdainfully.

"I see, if you are looking for interesting news, have you seen the forest to the north of our newspaper office? Go there, and you may encounter two monsters you have never encountered before. This news is novel enough. , is it attractive enough?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's very dangerous inside. Even a professional team can't explore the innermost part. They can only wander around the periphery of the forest. Don't be impulsive." The small young man hurriedly dissuaded him.

"I know...thank you for your kindness, I'm not a reckless person." The woman smiled and sat back in her seat.

"I said, don't think about it too much. Take advantage of this half month to pack up your things and adjust your state by the way. We have a lot of work experience, but are we still worried about finding another job?" The unshaven man was full Said indifferently.

Afterwards, regardless of what the woman thought, the others threw themselves into their work one after another.

"In the it..." the female employee muttered in a low voice.


The screen turns to Ren Yi's side again.

"Since you agree, then... Gorzan, go." Renyi said as he flew to the top of a nearby mountain, conjured a beach chair and a small round table out of thin air, and placed a glass of wine on the table. Caramel milk tea with ice cream.

Although Ren Yi's appearance made Di Jia very unhappy, Di Jia still clenched his fist and endured it.

Who made us unable to beat others...

"Oh~ okay, then I'll go!" After receiving Renyi's order, Gorzan walked towards Di Jia's position step by step. Every two steps he took, his body size would become several times larger, and his appearance would change accordingly. It has changed.

"Oh? A new transformation method? It looks pretty good." Ren Yi took a sip of milk tea and praised.

When he came to Tiga, Gorzan had already completed his transformation and returned to his normal body shape, but...

Di Jia looked at the monster twice as big as himself in front of him, and fell into deep thought.


(End of this chapter)

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