Chapter 354 Died
Not good... It seems that I underestimated her...

Looking at Gorzan, Di Jia jumped back a few steps vigilantly, posing for a fight.

Although strength is not determined by appearance... But according to Ultraman's settings, this kind of poor body shape does not have to be played well at all... Di Jia thought helplessly.

"Wait, it's the Dragon Ball world now, maybe Ultraman's setting has been covered by Dragon Ball, can try it." Di Jia's courage came from nowhere, and his eyes became more determined.

Ren Yi, who was lying on the side watching the play, seemed to have noticed his determined gaze, and sat up with a cup of milk tea.

"Did this guy's eyes suddenly flash?"

At the same time, not far from the three of them, was the entrance to the forest.

"Are we really going in? What if there is danger?" A small young man said reassuringly.

"Of course we have to go in. The expedition team has only figured out the edge area. There must be a lot of things to reveal in the central area. By then..." Behind the young man was a slim woman wearing a camouflage expedition suit.

"I think... we'd better go back... in case there are really monsters in it... Lisa, I don't think we need a share"

"It's useless, you're a man! Why are you so timid?" Lisa curled her lips, looking at Xiao Xian with contempt in her eyes.

Hearing this, Xiao Xian lowered his head slowly, muttering something by himself.

Seeing that the other party was so unreliable, Lisa had no choice but to lead the way by herself.

"You are really useless, I have to rely on myself..." Lisa took out a chainsaw as she spoke, and sawed off all the weeds, thorns, and some small trees beside her.

Xiao Xian followed behind Lisa, looking at the handsome figure of the former wielding a chainsaw, and looked down at his empty hands, two tender and torn palms, still dripping with blood.

"It's really unreliable. It took you half a day to drive for less than one kilometer." Lisa cursed as she drove.

"But I..." Xiao Xian looked at Lisa who took out a flamethrower out of nowhere, and replied hesitantly.

Pieces of flaming branches and leaves fell from the sides of the two, leaving only a trail of ashes wherever they went.

As the two moved forward, the road ahead became more and more difficult, with rugged and steep slopes, thorny jungles, ferocious beasts in groups, and a secret place with little light...

Although there are many difficulties and obstacles on the road, relying on Lisa's superb skills, the two of them stepped into the unexplored center without any risk.

"So... came in?" Xiao Xian looked around in disbelief.

Unrecorded environments, unfamiliar insects, and these... suspicious but fascinating fruits...

"No way...we..."

Lisa glanced at Xiao Xian indifferently, then turned around and walked towards a nearby cave.

"Hey? Do you still want to go inside? This place has broken through the known range, maybe..." Seeing this, Xiao Xian didn't care too much, and hurriedly followed.

"These are precious materials..."

Although he really wanted to stay here to collect the plants and insects here, or take a photo to record it, Xiao Xian didn't do that in the end.

"Think about it, just here is such an eye-opening material, what about the inside? Could it be..." Lisa turned her head and smiled meaningfully at Xiao Xian.

"But inside..." Although Xiao Xian understands this truth, he also knows the relative danger...

The smile on Lisa's face gradually disappeared, and her progress also stopped.

"Xiao Xian, listen up." Lisa said and turned around, looking down at Xiao Xian.

"As journalists, we must have a fearless spirit, dare to take risks, and dare to innovate." Lisa said and took out a telescope from her pocket.

"When a war breaks out, if we are timid and afraid to go to the battlefield, then the precious war images may not be preserved, and there will be a gap in the unforgettable history."

But when you recruited war reporters back then, you took half a month off... Xiao Xian murmured in his heart.

"When a disaster strikes, if we run away and don't dare to be retrogrades, how will we deal with disasters, large and small, and how will human beings survive?"

At the time of the earthquake, I really don't know who rushed out first...

"Dare to explore the unknown, be good at revealing the mysteries of the world, and show the world real and credible events. This is what our industry should do." Lisa puffed her chest out, opened her arms, and looked down at the mountains under the mountains. Xiao Xian.

It should be God's will, when Lisa opened her arms, a bright light appeared above her head, illuminating this gloomy cave like daytime.

"This..." Xiao Xian was so stunned by the light that he couldn't open his eyes, so he half-covered his eyes with his hands, trying hard to see Lisa's current appearance clearly.

"Xiao Xian, do you know what the honor of a reporter is like?" Lisa's voice came leisurely.

Xiao Xian wanted to answer, but he didn't know how to answer, he only heard:

"It's incremental!!"

The light became more and more intense, and finally engulfed the area...

I don't know how long it took, at least Xiao Xian couldn't tell, his head was dizzy, as if he had been hit by some kind of impact, and his body was also extraordinarily heavy, as if he had fallen from a height of four or five meters.

"I...this is..." Xiao Xian put his hands on his dazed head, and opened his eyes to observe the surrounding environment.

The rocks formed by the broken mountains are scattered around in a mess, and a ray of sunlight can be faintly seen through the leaves above the head.

"Lisa!" Suddenly, Xiao Xian seemed to have remembered something, and stood up abruptly.


Xiao Xian's voice spread around and was drowned in the dense and deep jungle.

After a brief absence, Xiao Xian seemed to understand something.

"Here...this should be a cave...why..." Xiao Xian looked at the surrounding empty environment, where is the so-called cave, it is open air at all.

Although the sunlight was still very weak, Xiao Xian felt a ray of brightness. Through this ray of light, Xiao Xian found a skeleton not far in front of him... visually it should be human...

He began to sort out his memory. What he can be sure of is that he just woke up from a coma. After waking up, the cave where he was originally was turned into an empty space, and his partner - Lisa also disappeared...

As for the memory before coma...

"It seems that... Lisa was enveloped by a ray of light, and finally the light filled the entire cave, and then...then..."

While recalling, Xiao Xian walked towards the exit of his memory.

"When the light appeared...I seemed to hear a seemed to be..."

"Zai Pelio Light!"


(End of this chapter)

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