The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 376 Vampire job change

Chapter 376 Vampire job change

"Guest, what do you mean?" The waiter with the teacup on his head looked at Ren Yi with a half-smile.

Not only the waiter, but even Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia who came with Renyi didn't understand what was going on. Wasn't it good just now?Why take a sip of tea...

"What do you mean? Call your boss, you will naturally know what I mean." Ren Yi sat back in his seat after putting the teacup on the waiter's head, and said without raising his head.

As soon as the words fell, the boss who saw everything in his eyes came over.

"My guest, I hope you can give me an explanation, no, or you can give me an explanation for the little brother who works in my shop." The unmoving Renyi.

"It just so happens that there's some left over here, do you want to try it?" Ren Yi said as he took the teacup off the waiter's head and handed it to the boss.

The corner of the boss's mouth twitched slightly, Renyi's obvious provocation caused the anger in his heart to rise continuously.

I thought I finally met a guest who also loves tea ceremony, but I didn't expect it to be such a troublemaker...

"Oh~ excuse me for speaking inappropriately, there should be quite a lot of tea left in that pot of tea just now, why don't we pour two more cups and let's chat while drinking?"

Hearing this, the boss looked at Ren Yi with some doubts, and the anger in his heart subsided a little.

At the same time, an idea came into the mind of the boss, could it be...

"Xiao Chen, bring over the teapot you just filled him with water." The boss still looked at Ren Yi with a grim face.

"Yes..." Xiao Chen also just came here to work not long ago, and this atmosphere is obviously not suitable for a newcomer like him to participate.

It turns out that being a casual player is so easy to encounter incidents. Sure enough, you don't want to live a peaceful life in the main god space...

While complaining, Xiao Chen brought over the teapot just now.

"Pour tea." The boss picked up a tea bowl from an empty table and handed it to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen lowered his head and poured tea silently.

"And mine." Ren Yi said and handed over the tea bowl.

"Wait a minute, I'll pour it for you myself." The boss snatched the teapot from Xiao Chen's hand, holding the bowl in his left and the pot in his right.

Ren Yi looked at the teacup that was about to overflow from his hands, a smile appeared on his calm face.

"Sure enough... a restaurant is a restaurant, and the tea in it is still not as good as a professional teahouse." Ren Yi said while turning the tea bowl.

After returning the teapot to Xiao Chen's boss, he immediately became unhappy.

Although I am the owner of a restaurant, I used to run a tea house anyway, and I have been practicing the skill of making tea. This guy actually said that my tea is not authentic?

"Why? I can't even drink the tea I made myself?" Ren Yi was still playing with the tea bowl that was about to overflow. The amazing thing is that no matter how he fiddled with it, the water in it seemed to be spiritual, always flowing along the The edge of the bowl hovered and not a single drop was spilled.

The anger in the boss's heart was soaring, and he even had the urge to directly put the tea bowl and the tea on the guy's head.

No, no, I can't do that, I'm a cultivated person, I absolutely can't do such a rude thing, or won't I become the same as him?
The boss comforted himself in his heart.

Looking down at the tea in his hand, doubts arose in the boss's heart again.

"Try it?" Ren Yi gently placed the tea bowl on the table, and said to the boss.

The boss didn't answer, just bowed his head and sipped his tea.

"This!" The boss opened his eyes suddenly, looking at the tea in his hand in surprise.

"Xiao Chen, who brewed this pot of tea?"

Xiao Chen, whose name was suddenly called, looked up for a moment, and replied after about two or three seconds: "Didn't you make it?"

"No... I wouldn't brew this kind of tea... Tell me, who has been to my room just now." The boss continued, and his eyes gradually turned from Ren Yi to the tea bowl.

"Um... I remember when I went to get it, Brother Lu just came out of it." Xiao Chen thought for a while and replied.

"Little Lu?" The boss frowned.

"Hmm... He said that a guest wanted to add water, so he went inside to get a teapot... But... when he came out, he seemed to be empty-handed." Xiao Chen continued.

"It must be that kid." The boss sighed and closed his eyes.


"Brother Renyi is really amazing, he just said a few words, and he let us waive the bill." Yao Qianshu said with some admiration.

"Maybe he just knows something about tea..." Lu Renjia guessed.

"I don't know what happened afterwards. The boss seemed very angry."

"After all, it's a signboard that I worked hard on with my own strength. If it was destroyed by a disciple, I must be angry..."

"But I don't see any reaction from other customers in the store, and I think the tea tastes pretty good." Yao Qianshu said with his head raised.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with the two of us. The problem is the pot of water." Lu Renjia shook his head and looked at Yao Qianshu with some contempt. He was a little worried about his partner's IQ.


While talking, the two of them had arrived at the door of the guild, and were about to open the door and go in.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the two of them.

"Yo~ two warriors, where did you go?"

Looking back, it was the big man who tried to snatch the stone ghost face from before.

The tendon and flesh of that body are really eye-catching, and this almost naked dress is even more eye-catching.

"Do you have anything to do with us?" Lu Renjia looked at him with disgust and asked.

"They're all from the same guild, why are you showing such an expression?" The big man spread his hands and said helplessly.

"I just want to chat with you and learn some experience. Since you can get stone ghost noodles, there must be some special channel." The big man laughed, probably because he was too ugly, even It's very wretched to laugh.

"Even if there is, why did we tell you?" Lu Renjia continued.

"Don't say that, of course I won't ask for it for nothing..." The big man clicked on the system interface and handed over a task to the two of them.

Rather than submitting it, it is more appropriate to say it is a shared task.

"This mission..." Lu Renjia took a deep breath and looked at the big man with a strange expression.

"Well, it's enough to show my sincerity." The big man smiled even more lewdly.

Yao Qianshu's expression was a little flat, and he pushed open the door and said:
"Go in and talk, it's been too long, I want to sit down for a while."


"Have you heard? The president accidentally used the stone ghost mask, and now he has become a vampire."

"Really? Does that mean he turns into ashes whenever he sees sunlight?"

"No way... I remember that things like stone ghost noodles can only be activated when they are stained with blood?"

As soon as the three of them entered the door, they heard a few people sitting at the door discussing there.

"The president has become a vampire?"


(End of this chapter)

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