Chapter 377 I met my peers

Time went back to the time when Yao Qianshu went to the restaurant with Renyi.

Inside the guild.

Although the bounty task for the stone ghost face has been completed, this does not affect other people's daily tasks in the guild.

Xiyue is one of the few female members in the guild. At this time, she came to the guild to receive the task as usual.

Since I don't have any special opportunities, and my strength is not very strong, I usually receive some simple tasks, and most of my travels are in low-level martial arts worlds.

Originally, with her conditions, she could join some well-known guilds. After all, female traversers are quite popular in the main god space.

Even if her appearance is not considered all-powerful, there can only be one word to describe her throughout the whole article: ordinary.

But when she first came, she was invited by several guilds, including some big guilds, but unfortunately she rejected them all.

In the world of experience, she understood a truth, she understood that she should not be tempted by these superficial interests.

On the surface, joining the Great Guild means that there is a lot of cards, the future is promising, and it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

However, a large-scale guild means a large number of people, a high reputation, and is easy to attract attention.

Being able to make the guild bigger and stronger means that the leadership inside is extraordinary.

Generally, if you get involved with this kind of person, you will definitely be involved in a big incident, and you will inevitably go to some world of high martial arts, which means that the risk index is extremely high.

Therefore, in all aspects, going to a small guild is much better than entering a large guild.

Of course, this is just Xiyue's personal idea, and it only applies to people like her who don't like taking risks.

If it is the kind of person who wants to stand out and is eager to challenge and improve himself, Xiyue thinks that the Grand Duke should be suitable for them.

So she looked down on these men in the guild.

Yao Qianshu happened to be here when she came back with the stone ghost face, so she naturally saw the atmosphere at that time.

"If you really have the ability, why don't you go find it yourself, and grab other people's results..."

"To put it bluntly, this kind of person is only delusional, and if he has no skills, he can only brag."

It is these people that Xiyue despises the most.

But... Although she looks down on them from the bottom of her heart, Xiyue will not choose to withdraw.

Because she knew that no matter which guild she was in, there would always be these people, and she just had to take care of herself. She didn't have the time to bother with these people.

As long as I guarantee that I can live a good life, what do other people do? Are they full?
When Xiyue browsed the task bar and selected a task suitable for her, a task at the bottom of the task bar caught her attention.

"This doesn't look like a mission issued by the main god system..." Xiyue muttered as she looked at the mission introduction.

When scanning to the lower column, Xiyue was a little confused by the name of the publisher.

"It was issued by the president..."

Although she has also heard that travelers can issue missions to each other, but...

"Go to the xx arena to sign up, win the third prize in the competition - ruby, and give it to the president to get... the position of vice president?" Xiyue took a breath.

Although I didn't plan to take on this task, after all, places like arenas are not suitable for me to go to, and even if I go, I won't be able to get a ranking.

However, you must know that even this small guild has very powerful characters.

For the first prize, it is relatively understandable to be given the position of vice president. After all, the reward for the first prize is very generous, but... the third prize, a ruby?

"The setting seems to be acceptable to everyone... What is the president thinking?" Xiyue sat on the chair and pondered for a long time.

However, looking at the appearance of these people, it seems that they have not discovered this task.

She also has a little understanding of the mission of the stone ghost face.

Of course, the position of vice president is only a fiction, and it is speculated that it is a rumor released by the president, and there is no such thing in the task details.

But this task is different, the rewards clearly stated: those who complete the task will be able to obtain the position of vice president.

For small guilds, it can be said that half of the guild is directly handed over to you.

"It seems that it should be because it was released just now... No one has discovered it yet." Xiyue glanced at the release time and said to herself.

"Yes!" At this moment, a bold idea appeared in Xiyue's mind.

The moment Xiyue stood up, the door of the guild was pushed open.


"The president has become a vampire? Who spread such rumors." The big man cast a vicious glance at the table sitting by the door.

"Hmm... I can't figure it out. Changing to become a vampire, although the strength can be greatly improved, but the disadvantages are... the president should not choose to change jobs easily." Yao Qianshu analyzed.

As far as he knows, the president should be a very rigorous person... It's not like he would make such a decision that does more harm than good.

The three of Yao Qianshu opened the door and came in, skipping the people at the table, and sat down at random.

"Three, there shouldn't be any urgent tasks in hand right now?" Xiyue came to the three of them and asked with a smile.

"Who are you?" Lu Renjia leaned back on the chair and asked expressionlessly.

Are the people here so enthusiastic?Come and talk to someone at every turn...

"My name is Xiyue, let's get acquainted." Xiyue said as she helped a chair and sat beside everyone.

"One of the few girls in the guild...doesn't know why she came to see us?" The big man took out a glass of wine from his backpack and asked while drinking.

"Of course it's a good thing." Xiyue said, looking at Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia, she automatically ignored the big man in the middle.

After all, if there were two little fresh meats and a rough guy in front of you, which one would you stare at?
"I have a mission here, the rewards are very generous, must be very to your taste, do you want to..." Xiyue said, resting her chin with one hand.

After her research and testing, even if she looks mediocre, if she makes some special movements, the charm of body language can also affect her own charm, which will lead to her own charm being improved in a short time.

And in terms of negotiation, charisma is very important.

"Wait, you are talking about this mission, right?" The big man put down the wine glass in his hand, and sent his own mission to Xiyue.

Xiyue, who had already thought of her words, suddenly fell silent.

"Why do you have this mission?" Xiyue asked with some doubts.

"It's in the guild column, why can't I have it?" The big man asked back.

Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia looked at the two of them without saying a word, and after a long time of talking, they turned out to be traveling together?

"Yao Qianshu, come to my room."

At this time, Yao Qianshu received a text message from the president.


(End of this chapter)

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