The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 378 Unexpected job change

Chapter 378 Unexpected job change

Knocking on the door of the president's room, Yao Qianshu clicked on the system inbox again and took a look.

"It was indeed sent to me by the president."

"Is it Yao Qianshu?" The president's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Yes, President, it's me." Yao Qianshu responded.

"Is there no one else next to you?" The president continued to ask.

Yao Qianshu glanced around, and after confirming that it was correct, he replied, "I'm alone."

"it is good……"

With the president's voice, the lock inside the door was opened.

Pushing open the wooden door, Yao Qianshu walked into the president's room.

"It's so dark, President, why don't you turn on the light?" Yao Qianshu looked at the dark room and asked suspiciously.

"You don't need to turn on the lights, I just called you here to give you a task." The president's voice came again.

Because the room was too dark, Yao Qianshu couldn't tell where the president was standing.

"Okay... you say."

As soon as the voice fell, a reminder came from Yao Qianshu's system.

"This task..." Yao Qianshu looked at the task assigned to him by the president in a daze...

Isn't this task shared by that big man and Xiyue just now?

"Oh? It seems that you have already received this must have been shared with you by other people in the guild." The president said quietly in the dark.

"Well... As far as I know, there are already two... Ah no, all three of them have received this task." Yao Qianshu replied truthfully.

"Forget it, then I will add another condition to you, I ask you to complete this task before them..."

Yao Qianshu looked around the room in some puzzlement, trying to find out the specific location of the president.

He has an inexplicable feeling that today's president is a little different, as if something has changed.

"Ah? Why is that?" Yao Qianshu asked with some doubts.

"I don't want anyone else to be the vice president. In my mind, no one is more suitable for this position than you." The president explained.

Then why not give me this task in my personal capacity, but post it in the guild task column?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Yao Qianshu didn't ask on the spot.

"All right……"

"If you complete this task before others, I will give you some extra rewards." The president's voice sounded again.

Additional rewards?

"Okay, let's go, the registration time for the arena will end in three hours, don't delay."

Now that the president has given the order, there is no need for me to stay here to ask.

After exiting the president's room, a question arose in Yao Qianshu's mind.

Is it true that as those people said, the president has changed his job to become a vampire?So you don't want me to see him turned into a vampire... You don't even want to turn on the lights because you hate sunlight?

After Yao Qianshu left, a bright light appeared in the president's room.

It was a very faint light from the candle.

"What a failure... I never expected to get Ai Zhe's red stone by publishing a mission..." The president sat on his chair and pressed his temple with his hand.

Just as Yao Qianshu guessed, the chairman has changed his job to become a vampire at this time.

As for this job change, we have to start from the time when I got the stone ghost mask.

At that time, because he was too excited, the chairman put it on his face after getting the stone ghost mask, to experience what it felt like.

However, just after putting it on, someone knocked on the door.


"President, it's me, Lilian." A female voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this, the president quickly put the stone ghost face back into his backpack, sat on the chair, and put his hands crossed on the table.

"come in."

Pushing open the wooden door, a woman with long blond hair came in. As soon as she entered the door, the president felt a gust of wind blowing towards her face.

She exudes a faint scent of roses, and with tights that highlight her body, she gives off a mature charm.

With such beauty, being able to appear in one's guild is like a phoenix growing out of a chicken coop.

But the president didn't like her very much.

"Mission completed?" The president casually took out a book from the drawer and asked while flipping through it.

"It's done. After confirmation, that thing is indeed in the arena, and it has been set as a third prize by the new owner of the arena." The blond beauty replied.

"Oh? Read that right?" the president continued to ask, still in the posture of flipping through the book.

The blond beauty frowned, came to the president, and sat on the chair in front of her.

The two sat facing each other, the average male, the immature kind, if such a beautiful woman was sitting in front of him, he might not be able to resist, but the meeting was different.

It's not that he's mature, it's just...

"Okay, okay, you should know that your trick doesn't work for me." The president sighed and closed the book.

"Heh~ I thought it would work this time." The blond beauty raised her legs, and her slender thighs became more prominent under the wrapping of the jeans.

"I know who you are, Xue Xi." The president shook his head helplessly and stood up.

"Here, this is the promised reward."

Xuexi, who was sitting on a chair, clicked on the system interface, glanced at her balance, and smiled with satisfaction.

"If that's the case, then I won't bother you. If you have a task like this, please leave it to me~" Xue Xi stood up with a smile and left the room.

"Sigh~ I'm still as difficult to deal with as ever..." The president walked around the room a few times and walked to the chair that Xue Xi had just made.

"This is……"

The president looked at the drop of bright red liquid on the chair, and couldn't help touching it with his hand.

"There is a bloody smell..."

However, the president didn't think too much, he patted the chair with his hands casually, as if to disperse the bad luck on the chair, and then returned to his seat.

He took out the stone ghost mask again and put it on his face.

It's just that what he didn't notice was that the liquid he touched just now hadn't been cleaned up, it was still standing on his thumb, and as he put on the mask, it was also contaminated on the mask.

Suddenly, several bone spurs shot out from the mask and ruthlessly penetrated into the president's brain. At this time, the mask seemed to be integrated with the president.

Sensing the strangeness, the president subconsciously began to pull the stone ghost's face with both hands, but unfortunately the bone spur had already been deeply embedded in his face, and it was almost impossible to pull it out.

The president even felt that his brain had been pierced by a bone spur.

Then there was a blur of consciousness, and then the president lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he got up from the ground.

Looking at the mirror in the room, the president understood...

It seems that the vampire transfer has been completed.

Along with the integration of the memory, the system's prompt sound also sounded.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the host for successfully changing his job to: Blood Race..."


(End of this chapter)

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