The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 397 Shut Your Mouth!

Chapter 397 Shut Your Mouth!

"System prompt: The host is detected to be under laser attack... Judgment source is: pig charm... A total of 3 points of damage have been received... Remaining HP: 99999..."

"As expected...that's how it is..."

As the smoke dissipated, Ren Yi appeared in front of everyone intact with a faint white light all over his body.

"This should be the first time I have used the horse charm on myself since I came to the Lord God's Dimension..."

"Boy, you are very good, you can actually break my defense..." Ren Yi raised his head and took a deep breath, then looked directly at Xiao Ran and said.

"This guy..." Master Pang supported the somewhat tired Xiaoran, made him stand firmly, and looked at Renyi.

"Even this move can't help him?" Xiao Qi hid behind the team, and when she saw Ren Yi who was unharmed, she said to herself in surprise.

You know, the scroll just now is one of the "Twelve", which is powerful and has extremely strong penetrating power. It stands to reason that even if the opponent has some kind of defensive props, it can directly penetrate the props and hit him. right……

Xiao Ran and Xiao Qi, Ren Yi roughly figured out what the abilities of these two guys are.

The power of the spell, the form of the scroll... and this power system, it should be in "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"...

" seems that you have a good relationship with Lopez." Ren Yi said with a smile.

"Lopei?" Xiaoran and the others in the guild were a little confused when they heard this.

After all, there are too many characters called Lopez in anime, it sounds like the name of a passerby, of course... For those who have watched "The Adventures of Jackie Chan", this Lopez is very meaningful.

Renyi couldn't help but have seen it, and experienced this world. After seeing scrolls, spells and other things, he easily guessed the way the two brothers obtained their abilities...

Undoubtedly, it is Lopei's teacher, or he found the ancient righteousness magic learning method in some ruins, or is it Lopei's fellow apprentice?
"It seems that you have already guessed it..." Xiaoran walked towards Renyi again, shook off Master Pang's supporting hand, and looked at Renyi with a smile.

"Now it makes sense, why do you always feel that you have a familiar feeling..." Ren Yi put the sunglasses in his hand back into the system backpack.

"Blonde hair and red eyes...could it be <Transcendent>?" Phantom asked in a low voice after seeing Ren Yi's appearance clearly.

In the main god space, there is such a technique of identifying people's identities. Although it is not very effective, it has spread for some reason.

Legend has it that since <Transcendents> are the lucky ones chosen by the main god, they will get a new skin after transmigrating, that is, a new look, and each <Transcendence> looks very outstanding, compared to For <Traveler>, the image of <Transcendence> is more in line with the Two-dimensional image, in other words, they are more handsome, chic, more beautiful, and have higher appearance...

This is the treatment of the Lord God's own son...

Of course, this method of identification is not reliable.

Someone once dyed their hair colorful and wore colored contact lenses to pretend to be <Transcendent>, in order to enter a better guild.

"Look at his appearance... He has regular facial features, a hint of immaturity in his maturity, such nimble eyes, the curvature when he smiles, captivating, his small and tall nose, and his body proportions are also excellent..." Phantom stared at him. With Renyi's analysis.

"Hehe... Hearing what you said... then we will be miserable today..." Brother Zhou replied with a wry smile.

"If he is really <Transcendent>, then we can only pray that the other party will show mercy and let us go..."

"Is it so exaggerated..." Master Pang asked in disbelief.

"You haven't met <Transcendent>, have you?" Brother Zhou said and looked at Master Pang.

Master Pang nodded silently.

"If you've experienced it yourself, you'll know..."

"This group of guys... are not on the same level as us at all." Phantom also said.

"Ah..." Master Pang was taken aback by what they said.

Rubbing his eyes with his hands, Master Pang carefully observed Ren Yi.

"Just right, although the president has been telling everyone that it is best not to make enemies when you meet <Transcendence>, and it is best to have a good relationship with the other party, but some people are young and energetic, and they want to fight no matter who they meet." Zhou Brother started.

"But the real <Transcendence> is hard to see, I didn't expect to meet one here, Xiaoqi, you should also look at it..."

"What? Am I a rare animal?" Ren Yi naturally heard their words.

After all, he is no longer a human being, and his eyesight and hearing have already far exceeded the standards of ordinary people.

Although standing on the roof can't see the scene below clearly, it's just because the stand is too high, and within a distance of several tens of meters, you can still hear it clearly...

"And that big guy over there, why is he staring at me all the time? I can see the bloodshot eyes in your eyes!" Ren Yi said and pointed at Master Pang.

Master Pang seemed to be frightened, he took a step back and touched his chest.

"Eh? Am I that scary?" Seeing the other party's reaction, Ren Yi said a little speechlessly.

"Hey~ are you ignoring me?" Xiao Ran felt uncomfortable seeing Ren Yi's relaxed look.

"Ah~ Absolutely not. After all, in this situation, respecting the opponent is what I should do." Ren Yi quickly waved his hand and explained.

"I just treat you as a little ant, and I never mean to ignore you."

"You..." Xiaoran looked at the other party's plain and smiling face, and the anger in her heart was not in one place.

"You forced me!"

As he said that, Xiao Ran waved his hands twice, and saw two glittering scrolls appear out of thin air, one with dazzling electric light and the other with dazzling fire.

"Chen Scroll! Hai Scroll!"

Immediately afterwards, the scroll disappeared again, replaced by a bolt of lightning and a fireball the size of his body.


"Shut your mouth!" Ren Yi suddenly roared, and directly scattered the formed fireball and lightning.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, Xiao Ran and Xiao Qi opened their mouths in surprise.

Although the others didn't quite understand it, it seemed that Xiaoran's ability was scattered with a single voice, and they all felt that it was powerful.

Only Xiao Ran and Xiao Qi understand best... When the scroll disappears and the power of the spell sealed inside becomes concrete, it is judged to be released successfully. If you want to break it up, you must use a power equal to or higher than its power. ...but with a roar...

And that is the precious "Twelve" scroll...

"Do you still have these scrolls?" Ren Yi asked.

Xiao Ran, who was still immersed in astonishment, went blank and looked at Ren Yi bewilderedly.

"I'll say a number now, and you'll dump it right away!" Ren Yi continued, regardless of whether he agreed or not.

Now I know that what is sealed in these scrolls is the power of the spell, but the power... so small...

Could it be that this guy didn't try his best at all?No, you have to stimulate it.

"In three seconds..."

"Drop 258 cards!"


(End of this chapter)

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