The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 398 understand the applause

Chapter 398 understand the applause
"Huh? Are you kidding me?" Xiaoran only realized at this moment, and asked in surprise.

Now he is completely awakened, this thing is based on a wall!Why should I provoke him?Am I stupid? Me!

"Don't talk nonsense, dump me quickly, the more the better!" Ren Yi didn't care if he was awakened or not, if an ability similar to the Twelve Talismans appeared in front of him, he had to test the opponent's strength so as to make a reservation.

Xiaoran saw that the other party's tone didn't look like he was joking, but this time he understood...that something happened to him.

"Brother..." At this moment, Xiao Qi ran to Xiao Ran from behind the team.

"Xiao Qi, it seems that we are going to overturn this time..." Xiao Ran forced a smile and said.

"When I was beaten back just now, I had already consumed a twelve-scroll... so I was barely eliminated directly."

"Brother..." Xiao Qi supported Xiao Ran, and walked towards Brother Zhou and the others step by step.

"Huh? Why, stop fighting?" Ren Yi asked suspiciously when he saw this.

"I was wrong, it was my eyes that didn't recognize Mount Tai." Xiao Ran stopped, turned around, and said to Ren Yi.

"That can't be done..." How could Renyi easily agree?

"It's okay to leave if you want to. Hand over your belt, so I might be able to let you go."

"Belt?" Brother Zhou and the others looked at each other after hearing it.

"Sure enough, his purpose is the belt?"

Since you don't want to practice with me, let's get straight to the point, I've been greedy for your belt for a long time...

"Heh... I'll give it to you~" Xiao Ran smiled, took out Shi Wang's transformation device from her backpack, and threw it to Ren Yi.

After receiving the transforming device, Ren Yi's eyes lit up.

"Oh? I didn't expect it to be the belt of King Shi..."

After returning to the team, Xiaoran looked at Brother Zhou with a guilty face.

"Brother Zhou, I'm's my fault..."

"No, we can only say that we were unlucky to be targeted by him..." Brother Zhou didn't mean to blame, but laughed and said.

"That's fine, it can be regarded as polishing your mind."

Brother Zhou has already discovered in the last round of battles that although the two brothers are amazingly capable and powerful, but... the younger brother Xiao Qi always thinks of not working hard, and always loves to cover up... and the elder brother Xiaoran , although he usually looks foolish and cowardly, but judging from his two battles... In fact, he is an arrogant person...

Coincidentally, he encountered a stubble, which made him realize the danger of the main god's space, and understand what it means that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky...

With this lesson learned, I believe he should restrain himself a bit... at least he has learned a lesson, to lose his vigor...

In general, although I fell here this time, in the long run, the result is actually not too bad.

"It seems that we..." Brother Zhou was about to say a few more words...

"Hey? What about others?" Master Pang suddenly interrupted Brother Zhou and said.

"Huh?" Everyone looked in the direction Master Pang was pointing at, and Ren Yi who was standing there had already disappeared.

Only a group of people were left huddled together...waiting to be eliminated?

"What... do you mean?" After a long time, Phantom spoke.

"Let us go?"

"Hehe...Maybe, he just wanted the belt? In fact, he didn't want to talk to us at all..." Brother Zhou thought for a while, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

That's right, <Transcendents> are a bunch of eccentric guys. Maybe he wanted the belt at first, but he would leave on his own after getting the belt. It's because he was worrying too much...

actually not……

"Seeing how sensible you are, let's let you go for now..." Ren Yi floated in the air, looking down at the increasingly blurred ground, and said to himself.

"They should be thankful that what they are holding is the Belt of the King of Time, which just helps me complete the task. If it is another belt...then..."

After distanced himself from Brother Zhou and the others, Ren Yi glanced at the belt in his hand.

Although the script of transforming into a Kamen Rider was not completed this time, it is not bad to have gained the belt of King Shi...


"It's strange... I've already got the belt, why does the task show as unfinished?"

After thinking about it, Ren Yi understood.

"It seems that he must be turned into the transformation device of the King of the Demons..."

But...according to the plot of the original book, the Transformation Device of the King of the Devils was synthesized suddenly when the Little King was extremely angry after losing his best friend...I only have a Tier [-] belt here...

"Why don't I yell into the sky to see?" Ren Yi suddenly thought.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, it should be the same as the Jiadou transformation tool, it will automatically become a demon after a while..."

Thinking of this, Ren Yi flew towards the rooftop, wanting to go back to the magic mirror and watch the competition well...

Anyway, my goal has been achieved, and I have already obtained the Shiwang belt... Next, I just need to watch the show, and then wait until the number of people is almost eliminated, and then just abstain when there are only three people left...


On the other side, after a lot of hard work, Zhao Caimao and others finally sneaked into the tall building, and they were still climbing the stairs with difficulty.

"I said, why do we have to go to the rooftop? Isn't it good to hide in the building?" Gang Kong said while panting.

"Only on the rooftop can you see the battle situation at a glance, and you can better observe the situation of other people..." Zhao Caimao explained.

"But... this building is so tall, standing on the roof, are you sure you can see the people on the ground clearly?" Mu Yue also began to protest.

"Huh? It seems to be the reason..." Zhao Caimao stopped walking when he heard this.

"What the hell..." Gang Kong didn't know why, and an unknown fire suddenly rose in his heart.

"Hey? Wait!" At this moment, Zhao Caimao stretched out his right hand and shouted.

"You can't be so irritable..." he said.

"If you want to succeed, you have to go through all kinds of hardships. If you want to succeed, you have to go through wind and rain. As the saying goes, the sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold!"


"I used to have a friend... He betrayed me, and I gave him 100 million backhand..." Zhao Caimao stood up straight and took a step closer.

"Why did I give him 100 million? Do you think I'm stupid? No! Actually, I'm not stupid at all. I gave him 100 million, but later I can earn him 1000 million, 2000 million or even [-] million!"

"Eh? What on earth are you trying to say..." Gang Kong was completely dumbfounded by his words...

"What I want to say is that if you want to be successful, you must jump out of your habitual thinking, open up new horizons, and learn new knowledge!"

"You see, the normal way of thinking is that I stand too high, and I can't see the things below clearly, and my efforts are not thankful... You are wrong. Standing high means that you can see far. The height of your standing position determines your The height of the future!" Zhao Caimao raised his head and his voice became louder and louder.

"Understand applause~"


(End of this chapter)

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