Chapter 159

Gong Yue'er frowned slightly, and looked up at the smiling He Si.

That squishy appearance is really annoying to look at, and I want to beat him up.

Gong Yue'er has a very cold temper, and everything is figured out on the spot.

But He Si always made her teeth itch with hatred, and she couldn't attack yet, so she could only endure it.

The voice was low and cold: "What's the matter?"

The smile on the corner of He Si's mouth spread more and more, and he looked at Gong Yue'er meanly.


Gong Yue'er's originally indifferent face became even colder after hearing He Si's words.

She gave He Si a hard look.

But it made him chuckle: "It seems that I'm jealous."

"Don't worry, we are not strangers, we are very close."

"Do you think so, my little fiancee!"

I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen He Si so shameless.

This man is absolutely shameless.

"Officer He, you are so frivolous!"

"Don't worry, I'm only being frivolous to you."


He Si played a scoundrel, but Gong Yue'er had nothing to do with him, she couldn't play tricks, she couldn't be more shameless than anyone else.

She stepped on He Si's shoe hard.

Then he was about to leave, but just after walking a few steps, He Si put his arms around Gong Yue'er's waist.

Stretching out her arms, she returned to his arms.

"You're angry?"

"Hey, don't be angry!"

He Si's tone was very tender, coaxing Gong Yue'er like a child.

In an instant, Gong Yue'er's face turned red.

She still wasn't used to this kind of intimacy in public.

He Si, a monster, likes to catch him by surprise even more.


"Don't let it go, it's only natural to hold a wife."


Gong Yue'er was furious, and called He Si's name word by word, with a look of gnashing teeth, wishing to deal with this thing severely.

Gong Yue'er didn't know at all, but in the dark corner, Gong Luya saw this scene clearly.

There was anger on that pretty face, and she stared at Gong Yue'er fiercely.

She was so angry that she wanted to rush out to question Gong Yue'er, she wanted to slap her.

But, she didn't.

Afraid of seeing more things she shouldn't see, she turned around and left directly.

"What are you doing, let go!"

Gong Yueer struggled in He Si's arms, but He Si's tone became more and more gentle: "Hey, don't move, just hug for a while."

As he spoke, He Si hugged him a little tighter.

He glanced at the leaving figure from the corner of his eye, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

After hugging Gong Yue'er for a while, he really let go.

But it completely annoyed her, and stomped on He Si's foot fiercely again.

"Rogue, crazy."

Immediately, Gong Yueer stepped on her high heels and left.

Seeing Gong Yue'er leaving in a panic, He Si's mouth curled into a wicked smile.

Looking down at the shoes full of footprints, helplessness appeared in his eyes.

This girl didn't know how to be gentle, if she stepped on it, who would accompany her to kiss her husband.

Gong Yue'er returned to the private room, Gong Luya still had a smile on her face, she didn't know what she was talking about with Nangong Kuo.

"Sister, my mother just called, let's go find her."

"You go, I'll go home first."

Gong Yue'er didn't like Li Shanshan, and even more didn't want to contact her.

However, he was no match for Gong Luya's hard work, so he followed her to find Li Shanshan.

Unexpectedly, Gong Luya simply wanted to embarrass her.

(End of this chapter)

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