The queen's heir husband

Chapter 160 The target of public criticism

Chapter 160 The target of public criticism
Gong Luya's every move reflects the demeanor and elegance of a famous nobleman, every behavior is just right, even her smile is just right.

Gong Yue'er even suspected that Gong Luya's crying was probably just right.

Gong Luya obediently allowed Li Shanshan to manipulate her, and directly blended into that lady's circle.

However, Gong Yue'er was left there all the time, no one paid attention to her, no one even felt her existence, and regarded her as a living person like air.

But according to Gong Yue'er's personality, she doesn't like this kind of entertainment the most.

If you come, you will be safe, but you will be at ease.

She found a corner to sit down, and then started to eat some small snacks, feeling very uncomfortable.

Glancing at Li Shanshan from the corner of her eye, a faint sneer curled up at the corner of her mouth.

It was obvious that Li Shanshan called her here to show her off. Because of the old man at home, Li Shanshan didn't dare to target her blatantly.

Now outside, if she doesn't have an attack, she is not Li Shanshan.

Seeing such a group of people talking and laughing there, performing in masks, seemed like a big show.

Gong Yueer felt bored.

After sitting for a while, she was also full and got up to leave.

As soon as she stood up from the sofa, a lady she didn't know attacked Gong Yue'er.

"Shanshan, is that child the eldest girl of your family?"

"It's really rude!"

Gong Yue'er got up slowly, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Seeing that she is about to leave, is it finally unbearable to make trouble?
She was really calm, she had been in for a while before she made an attack.

Li Shanshan's face suddenly became ugly, and her smile was obviously fake.

"Yueyue, come here, this is Aunt Gu."

When the two of them sang together, they were planning to make Gong Yueer look bad. Li Shanshan knew Gong Yueer's character very well, and Gong Yueer would never cooperate at such a time.

Anyway, Gong Yue'er's reputation in Yanjing is very bad, domineering, disrespectful, rebellious and unfilial.

These reputations cannot do without the participation of Li Shanshan, the stepmother.

Gong Yue'er sat there without moving, and glanced at Li Shanshan indifferently.

The whole person is very indifferent and alienated.

Just when everyone thought that Gong Yue'er would never let Li Shanshan manipulate her, let alone be polite.

She actually stood up from the sofa and walked towards the wife of the Gu family.

A warm smile rose on his face: "Hello, Aunt Gu!"

"Hello, aunts, I'm Gong Yueer. I saw that you were chatting happily just now, so I didn't bother you."

"I hope all the elders will be tolerant."

Gong Yue'er smiled brightly, advancing and retreating with restraint.

There is nothing inappropriate in what he says or does, and he is not as domineering as the rumors say.

On the contrary, she was extremely cute.

On weekdays, I had a bit of a festive relationship with Li Shanshan, and a noble lady who was wrong spoke first: "Hey, this big girl is also very slim."

"Shanshan, you are so lucky to have two such wonderful daughters."

The smile on Li Shanshan's face was a bit stiff, how could she not tell that the noble lady was taunting and making fun of her.

But I can only pretend that I don't understand anything and go along with it.

"Yes, the two daughters are very well-behaved, I am very pleased."

The lady beckoned to Gong Yueer: "Yueyue, come here and sit by Auntie's side."

Gong Yue'er was very puzzled in her heart, she didn't know this woman, how could she rescue her at this time.

But she walked over generously.

(End of this chapter)

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