The queen's heir husband

Chapter 311 Her Identity

Chapter 311 Her Identity
Originally thought that his little girl would at least express something.

Who knows, she didn't even give him a look.

He Si felt a bitterness in his heart. After this incident, it may take how long it will take to coax it over.

His little girl is definitely a difficult woman to coax.

The love manual says that a woman can just be coaxed, buy a few lipsticks, a few brand-name bags, a meal, or take her on a trip, and all diseases will be cured.

But it doesn't work on his girl at all.

If his girl was so easy to coax, he would wake up laughing when he fell asleep, and left and right are just things that money can solve.

Things that money can't solve are even more difficult and require sincerity.

The heart of his girl is like a stone, and it is a stone that is particularly hard to warm.

He Si felt more and more that he was cheated by the President this time.

Have you ever seen such an old man cheating on his own son? There is one in his family. His parents can't wait to hug their grandson, and his parents can't wait for him to be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Gong Yue'er was the only one who enjoyed the meal.

It was all in line with her appetite, and eating half a bowl more was a way of saving face.

Everyone else has their own concerns.

Even entertainment is a little absent-minded.

Seeing that You Yi had finished eating, Gong Yue'er slowly put down her chopsticks and got up.

"Have you eaten? Then let's go."

You Yi also got up quickly and left with Gong Yueer.

The attitude of the two of them is the kind that refuses to admit it.

He didn't even give the pair of people a look.

It's like going to a restaurant to eat, the money and the goods are paid, and there is no debt to each other.

It is a matter of course.

Youyi is a little uncomfortable, this is a little too thick-skinned.

Originally, she wanted to say thank you, but she couldn't embarrass Gong Yueer, so she left without saying a word.

There is a kind of boldness of eating a king's meal.

Coming out of the cafeteria, Youyi's deserted face was full of smiles.

"Yueyue, have you seen the expression on that white lotus?"

"Very white, very white."

The corner of Gong Yue'er's mouth also twitched slightly, of course she knew that the white lotus in Youyi's mouth was Jin Yili.

Jin Yili originally wanted to show off in front of Gong Yueer, but because she choked on Gong Yueer, she was unhappy with her.

I don't know that I am making myself unhappy.

He didn't take a bite of the food she put in He Si's bowl.

His face fell apart the whole time.

He didn't take a few mouthfuls of rice, and the bowl didn't even move.

Others don't know it, but Gong Yueer knows it very well, that bastard He Si has a serious obsession with cleanliness.

Jin Yili was simply embarrassing herself by picking up food for him with her saliva-stained chopsticks.

He Si didn't lose his temper, everything was fine.

Jin Yili is still He Si's little fan girl, and has liked him since she was a child, but she doesn't even know this.

But before, Gong Yueer was very skeptical.

What cleanliness, go to the ghost's cleanliness.

I didn't see him feeling sick when I was there, and I didn't feel sick when I was eating her leftovers, with that charming smile on his face.

Very satisfied.

Looking at it makes people get goosebumps, as if the leftovers are delicacies from mountains and seas.

Later, Gong Yueer understood that she was special, the only one special.

Even if she is sloppy, he doesn't dislike her.

"Yueyue, you."

After holding back for a long time, You Yi still asked.

Gong Yueer looked at You Yi and nodded: "Well, that's what you think."

"I am the daughter of the Gong family."

When Gong Yue'er said this, her face was full of disdain.

Jin Yili is proud of being the daughter of the Jin family, but she has no such awareness, and even disdains the Gong family.

(End of this chapter)

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