The queen's heir husband

Chapter 312 Appraisal is coming

Chapter 312 Appraisal is coming
If she had a choice, she would rather be born ordinary.

You Yi naturally noticed Gong Yueer's emotions. Although he still had many questions and was surprised by Gong Yueer's identity, he stopped.

If you don't like it, if you resist it, then don't mention it.

No matter what her status is, she is still Gong Yue'er.

That night, the announcement of the group was posted.

It indicates that the field survival skills training will start tomorrow.

Everyone is excited, looking forward to but also scared.

This time, along with the assessment, those who did not complete the task will be sent back to the original unit.

Gong Yue'er didn't care at all who was assigned to the group, in her opinion, everyone was the same.

When You Yi went to see the group, she couldn't help but swear.


This is clearly to punish the two of them.

Their group included Chen Xia, Jin Jinxin and some people who didn't get along with Gong Yueer, and there was Jin Yili.

What the hell is this.

What is Jin Yili, the daughter of Jin Yili, doing to join in the fun? This is a field survival training, and if she fails to do so, she will lose her life.

Her existence is simply a piece of mouse shit.

A group of those people is already enough to worry about, and the young lady Jin Yili is here, is the head of the person above showing off, or is it caught by the door.

You Yi couldn't calm down anymore, and found Gong Yue'er directly in the school grounds.

But Gong Yue'er was not surprised at all, she just glanced at Youyi lightly.

"Why panic, just pretend she doesn't exist."

"But this is a team achievement."

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Gong Yue'er's mouth. It was indeed because of the team's performance, but when the individual's performance surpassed the rest of the team.

She didn't believe it, and the army was willing to send her back to the original army.

Besides, she didn't have her original unit either.

"She will be protected."


Only then did You Yi suddenly realize that Jin Yili is the eldest lady of the Jin family, and field survival training is inherently dangerous. If the higher-ups dare to put Jin Yili in the team like this, there must be measures.

After being dialed by Gong Yue'er, You Yi became much calmer.

If something goes wrong, Jin Yili will not be able to die regardless of whether she lives or dies.

The next day, at dawn, the assembly whistle blew.

Everyone packed up and set off.

Truck after truck of military vehicles transported troops to the deep mountains and old forests.

Several squads travel in one vehicle.

Jin Yili was naturally in Gong Yueer's team, wearing a camouflage uniform and riding in a car with them.

This time, she asked to follow the training.

In her opinion, the deep mountains and old forests are their training base, and there is no danger.

She followed the training, just to let some people see that she can endure hardships and is the most suitable candidate for that position.

He Si didn't stop him either.

Some people want to die, why is he stopping them.

As long as he didn't lose his breath, he would be giving the Jin family an explanation.

Along the way, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was tense.

Holding a handkerchief, Gong Yueer slowly wiped the assault rifle in his hand.

She was thinking about something in her heart, and she always felt that something was wrong.

Originally, it was just survival training in the wild. Just give them some compressed biscuits and water. At worst, give them a dagger. Self-sufficiency is fine.

But they were given guns. Although they were blank guns, the intention behind this is worth thinking about.

When they arrived at the destination, one of their teams was assigned a map.

Each team's map is different.

In the huge primeval forest, it is impossible for their team to meet each other in the next two days, so they will not go together.

(End of this chapter)

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