Chapter 412

"Officer He, I seem to have messed up something."

"I am angry with the President"

He Si gave Gong Yueer a big hug, but he was much calmer in the face of Gong Yueer's self-blame.

He stretched out his hand to comfort Gong Yue'er's back.

"It's okay, if you screw it up, you screw it up. He is just a father in front of you."

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, you have tried your best."


He Si interrupted Gong Yueer: "Girl, you are already great."

"It's my pride."

The two of them stood in the corridor and talked about each other without any shyness, which made the secretary-general who was standing by the side extremely embarrassed.

This is a wave of dog food that cannot be guarded against.

You must know that His Excellency the President has a lot of things to do every day, he is the chief secretary by his side, and he spends very little time at home with his wife.

This dog food made him sad.

Fortunately, He Si still knew how to measure, so he didn't keep the Secretary-General waiting for a long time and let Gong Yueer go.

He reached out and patted her on the head; "Girl, go upstairs and wait for me in the room?"

"I'll be here in a minute, okay?"

Gong Yue'er really wanted to say no, really wanted to refuse.

At this moment, she felt very insecure. She always felt that this farewell seemed to be a farewell forever, and she didn't want Xiaoguan He to leave her sight.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Colonel He pitifully.

"Can you come with me?"

Instructor He stroked Gong Yue'er's hair to comfort her, feeling a little unbearable, but still refused.

"Hey, go upstairs and wait for me."

"I'll come up in one hour, one hour, okay?"

He Si's eyes were full of tenderness, and he even gave Gong Yue'er an exact time.

Gong Yue'er knew that Xiaoguan He would be very embarrassed, but she just wanted to make things difficult for Xiaoguan He, and she didn't want him to leave, but under such a gentle offensive, she had to nod obediently.

"it is good!"

Immediately, Gong Yueer reluctantly got on the elevator, and He Si watched Gong Yueer leave, and he didn't turn around until the elevator stopped on the floor of her room.

The moment he turned around, the aura of his whole body became indifferent and alienated, and he couldn't tell at all that the man who was so tender just now was him.

Turning his head, he glanced indifferently at the big secretary next to him.

"Do you want to see me?"


"Let's go."

He Si went directly to the meeting room and made preparations before going.

Just now his little girl came out and said that things went wrong, and he also knew that your Excellency might be offended.

After all, the little girl in his family is provoking anger, and she is very good at mobilizing hatred.

Once the temper comes up, it is not impossible to anger His Excellency the President.

He Si stabilized his mind, opened the door and walked in.

Unexpectedly, just when the door was pushed open, a teacup came oncoming.

The sharp wind caused a wry smile on the corner of He Si's mouth, but it was fleeting.

The little girl of his family is very capable, she was able to make the president so angry after only ten minutes of coming in.

He is very clear about your temper.

Even if he gets angry, he won't show it, and he can still have a faint smile on his face, making it hard to see his emotions.

But it was such a person that made the girl jump in anger.

He Si caught the teacup accurately, with a faint smile on his face: "Your Excellency, getting angry is not good for your health."

"You are always worried."

Unexpectedly, after He Si's voice fell, a mobile phone was thrown towards He Si again.

"Your Excellency, there is still some time for the military parade, so there is no need to review it so early."

 Hurry up and submit the ticket if you want to explode the update, I will explode the update as soon as I am happy, la la la
(End of this chapter)

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