The queen's heir husband

Chapter 413 The son is so angry that his father vomits blood

Chapter 413 The son is so angry that his father vomits blood
He Siyou accurately caught the smashed mobile phone, with a breezy smile on his face, in stark contrast to the gloomy face of the President at the moment.

"Your Excellency, this mobile phone is very expensive. It is broken, but I feel distressed."

He Si's words made the President even more angry.

But when the Secretary-General Tsui Hark came in, the expression on his face disappeared completely.

There was no expression on his face, and no emotions could be seen.

He stared indifferently at He Si who was standing in the middle of the room, and said indifferently, "Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

Originally, He Si gave the mobile phone to the chief secretary, and the chief secretary put it back on the table next to you.

At this moment, because of He Si's words, the phone suffered a disaster.

However, with He Si, the Lian family, no matter what greeted him, it would be intact.

"Knowingly asking."

"What kind of daughter-in-law did you find for me? Where do you find the awareness to be a daughter-in-law?"

"Putting it out in front of me."

He Si stood there, with a posture of letting the President preach, and his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

In fact, my heart was bitter to the extreme.

That girl's ability is really great, he has grown so big, he has never seen Your Excellency get angry like today.

He is a face at all times.

But now, she was completely outraged by that girl Gong Yue'er, completely disregarding her face.

He has nothing to do with this prospective daughter-in-law.

He was overwhelmed with anger, that was a common occurrence, and he had already understood that feeling.

Now, Your Excellency the President finally knows how powerful that girl is, who told him to dig such a big hole for that girl quietly.

Don't show off, treat her as a sick cat.

When she fights back, it will definitely drive the enemy crazy.

He Si knew that the girl must have said something that shouldn't have been said, but even so, he couldn't bear to blame her.

His girls are all bad, they are all his girls.

He was reluctant to say a word, so how could he allow others to say that she was not good?
He Si spoke with a somewhat careless tone.

"Your Excellency, this is not the daughter-in-law I'm looking for, it's my grandparents looking for it for me."

"Why don't you ask your grandparents?"


"Roll as far as you can."

Originally, your Excellency called He Si to come in to discuss how to deal with this matter, but who knows that one or two have such an attitude.

One anger is not enough for him, two more.

Who knew that He Si stood there without moving, waiting for your Excellency to calm down.

He didn't come here to show off his tongue, but to solve the problem. The matter between him and Yueyue should also be put on the agenda.

But He Si's words really made Your Excellency very angry.

The implication is that there is nothing you can do if you are dissatisfied with his daughter-in-law. This marriage was arranged for him by his grandparents since he was a child.

It is impossible to repent.

If your Excellency disagrees, then he can only go to the old man who is recuperating in the manor.

Gong Yueer threatened you, and He Si threatened you again.

Even if you are in a good state of self-cultivation, you will be so angry that you vomit blood.

Fortunately, there is a big secretary beside you to share your worries. Seeing that your face changed, he hurriedly reminded you.

"Your Excellency, there is a cabinet meeting this afternoon."

As soon as the Secretary-General opened his mouth, your Excellency was shocked by his gaffe. He came here to solve this matter, not to talk to this brat.

Looking up, he looked at He Si with indifferent eyes: "You posted the post on the Internet?"

(End of this chapter)

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