The queen's heir husband

Chapter 427 My Girlfriend Is Too Angry, You Need to Fix It Like This

Chapter 427 My Girlfriend Is Too Angry, You Need to Fix It Like This
Just because of two words, a person's name made Gong Yue'er go crazy.

If it was normal, she would definitely not be like this. Even though she was brave, she still felt guilty.

The last time he was in the army, he was taught by officer He, and he gave him a hard lesson, leaving him with lingering fears.

She absolutely did not dare to challenge Officer He's majesty.

But after drinking some wine, all his temper was magnified.

No matter what he is, Colonel He or He Si, she is not afraid, she can do whatever she wants.

Originally, Gong Yue'er and Yan Yan drank the kind of wine with a particularly strong stamina, but they didn't feel anything at first.

But at this moment, the alcohol began to volatilize, and when it got on his head, he couldn't think about it.

He Si sat on the island for a while, chatted with the old man for a while, and then rushed back without stopping.

He was supposed to stay for a few more hours.

But as he sat there, he was in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han, and his heart was full of Gong Yueer.

I'm afraid that girl will be bullied again.

The last time he was bullied at the bar and almost got drunk, He Si still had lingering fears.

He has seen the ability of his little girl to incite hatred.

He Si was worried about the fact that there was a friend by his side.

Seeing that He Si was absent-minded, the old man dismissed him after a few words.

"Let's go to the bar"

As soon as he got on the direct plane, He Si had a serious face, with a very gloomy expression.

Yang Quan was by the side when He Si answered the phone at the beginning, and now he didn't need to say the address, he knew where it was.

Flying the helicopter, he went directly to Zhu Yi's bar.

Originally, Zhu Yi's bar was a high-end bar for the second-generation wealthy nobles of Yanjing to have fun, and there was a helicopter landing pad on the top floor.

He Si came earlier than Zhu Yi imagined.

He walked in with a cold face, looking for Gong Yueer's figure.

The moment he saw Gong Yueer, He Si's face suddenly darkened, and his eyes swept towards Gong Yueer sharply.

He laughed angrily.

He only left for a while, and his little girl left him behind.

So courageous that she even danced next to a man.

Originally, this kind of dance had an ambiguous posture, which could make people's blood boil.

He Si stood there, just watched it for a minute, and then became furious.

Yan Yan and Zhu Yi next to him noticed He Si walking in early in the morning. Yan Yan wanted to remind Gong Yue'er, but was frightened by He Si's sweeping eyes and stood there.

How dare you make any small moves.

On weekdays, He Si is not angry but powerful, giving people a strong sense of oppression, which makes people shudder, but now under the rage, the anger is like a surging river, surging and surging.

Even Zhu Yi's hairs stood on end because of this momentum.

If it was in other places, the presence of He Si could not be ignored, and the atmosphere of the audience would definitely be deserted suddenly. However, in a place like a bar where fish and dragons are mixed, no matter how strong a person's aura is, the scope of influence is limited.

Where did Gong Yueer notice He Si's arrival?

Twisting his body, he just wanted to vent freely.

After such a period of time, she has experienced too many changes, and she has been enduring it all the time, and all her reactions are very mature.

Even if she shed tears, it was the kind of silent crying.

Because, because of the alcohol, she vented all her emotions.

He Si stood there for a minute, Gong Yue'er still didn't notice, He Si was so angry that his forehead hurt.

Well done, well done.

His other skills didn't increase, but his skills did rise when he was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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