The queen's heir husband

Chapter 428 Boyfriend Dances Too Magically

Chapter 428 Boyfriend Dances Too Magically

I saw He Si's brows twitching, his face was stern, as if a cloud of black air was entrenched on top of his head, and the deep black pupils condensed a sinister air.

His lowered hands were clenched into fists, his veins bulging.

He tried his best to hold back the urge to go up and beat Gong Yue'er.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the corner of He Si's mouth suddenly evoked a charming smile.

The smile was cold and didn't reach the eyes at all.

Anyone who is familiar with He Si knows, don't mess with him at this time, and hide as far away as possible.

This sleeping lion is about to explode and his enemies will be torn to pieces.

You like dancing, don't you?

You also like body dancing, don't you?
All right, jump, dance to your heart's content, he dances with you.

He Si walked directly towards Gong Yueer, without saying a word, clamped Gong Yueer's hand, and led her into a roundabout.

Gong Yue'er changed her partner, but she didn't care.

But when she saw clearly who the man in front of her was, she almost screamed.

"Colonel He He."

Gong Yue'er was startled by He Si's meaningful smile, and was more than half sober from the wine.

She wanted to escape, her eyes were full of horror.

But why is He Si willing to let Gong Yueer go at this time?

Dancing, don't you like to dance awkwardly, then dance enough, dance to your heart's content.

Immediately, He Si pulled Gong Yueer's wrist, and Gong Yueer returned to his arms.

He leaned over Gong Yue'er's head, whispering seductively.

"Girl, don't you like dancing?"

"Jump, you've danced for me tonight, you're exhausted, don't even think about leaving."


Just as He Si's words fell, a dance song was changed, which was more explosive and ambiguous.

He Si didn't care whether Gong Yueer was willing or not, and led Gong Yueer to dance on the dance floor.

Gong Yue'er wanted to stop, but how could the domineering officer He let her run away.

He danced on the dance floor with Gong Yueer's incomparable passion. The dance was beautiful and ambiguous, which made the blood of everyone watching excited.

There was a different kind of cha-cha feeling.

Gong Yue'er's dancing posture is full of charm, and He Si's dancing posture is handsome, free and easy, and aggressive, which aroused the kind of pangs in the hearts of countless men present.

A pair of amazing CP.

When He Si started to perform, everyone stopped and their eyes fell on them involuntarily.

He Si's monstrous face, coupled with his flirtatious dancing posture, made the women in the bar scream again and again.

"Ah, male god."

"Handsome, when did the bar have such a handsome male god, and that dancing pose really makes people's blood boil."

"God, he's so coquettish and handsome, I want to give him a golden pig."

"Who is that woman, she is so happy, she was challenged by the dancing posture of the male god all the way."

"It would be fine if I were that girl."


In the audience, all the women screamed and became nympho because of He Xiaoguan's sassy dancing posture, and the men were all excited because of He Xiaoguan's movements.

Colonel He is such a person, wherever he goes, what he does is the focus.

But off the court, Zhu Yi and Yan Yan were petrified.

The two stood there unable to move, the world was noisy, but they were alone.

Yan Yan was very surprised, when did this bastard He Si know how to dance, his dancing posture was so flamboyant and beautiful, he was so handsome to the extreme, he was so handsome.

Having known each other for so many years, how could they not know what kind of character and kind of person He Si is.

He has a cold personality, has an iceberg face all day long, and has cunning methods, and he must be retribution, but he also has a unique personality charm, which has attracted countless people to follow him.

 The update is finished on the 7th... remember to sign in

(End of this chapter)

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