The queen's heir husband

Chapter 448 Instantly Became a Bandit Leader

Chapter 448 Instantly Became a Bandit Leader
Gong Yueer didn't know anything about the company's business, but she had some experience as a nurse. Seeing Gong Yueer's attitude, Qin Lang couldn't help shaking his head.

Then he took out a prepared document from the briefcase and handed it to Xia Ke.

"Mr. Xia, look at this information, we are here to take over the company."

"This is the corresponding procedure"

Xia Ke took the document with a dazed expression, turned his head and glanced at Gong Yue'er, extremely apprehensive.

I was afraid that Gong Yue'er, the aunt, would be unhappy, so she would hit him again later.

It's a joke to think that he is a tough man, but he is afraid of being beaten by a little girl.

But the truth of the matter is that this little girl is a pervert at all, her tiny fists can make them cry everywhere.

Gong Yue'er naturally knew that Xia Ke's eyes were on her face, so she didn't care at all.

Didn't even bother to look up.

His eyes fell on the ornament in his hand indifferently, but his heart was full of thoughts.

She only has such a small amount of property in her hand, and all of it is at a loss. What can she use to argue with Li Shanshan?

After thinking about it, Officer He of her family is rich, and not ordinary rich, so that's right.

Gong Yue'er lowered her head, and began to count the things that Instructor He gave her, even if they were given to her, they belonged to her.

Gong Yueer was thinking about when to go to He Si to get it. With the money, everything is easy to talk about.

Only later, when Instructor He knew that Gong Yue'er had lost all his property and private money, his eyes were full of helplessness.

What can I do if I raise a prodigal woman at home?
What else can I do, make money.

No matter how prodigal a family is, he chooses it by himself. If he is eager to marry in, whoever's daughter-in-law will be raised
Xia Ke took the documents and looked at them. When he saw that it was a will, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

Now he finally understood who this little girl was, and it turned out to be the eldest lady of the Gong family.

Earlier, he had been notified from above that this venue had already belonged to Miss Gong's family.

And he also gave him a favor. When the young lady of the Gong family comes to take over the factory, she must make her look good, and it is best to go back crying.

At that time, this place will be divided among the brothers.

But at this moment, Xia Ke felt extremely bitter.

Make a trip?Let the little girl leave crying?

I'm afraid they left crying. This eldest lady of the Gong family is not a delicate rich lady at all, but a violent woman.

Open it if you disagree.

Power grows out of the barrel of a gun, and she grows power out of her fists.

But in an instant, Xia Ke made a choice.

He couldn't bear it at all, this young lady of the Gong family was also a ruthless character, and following her, he could eat delicious food and drink spicy food.

Xia Ke stood there petrified for a while, retracted his thoughts, and walked towards Gong Yue'er.

"Boss, so you are our boss."

"Boss, you're here, our company will soon be unable to survive. Boss, why did you come here?"

"It's all right now, our factory is saved."

Charcot's nose snotted, tears burst into tears, and his style of painting suddenly changed, making it difficult for people to get used to it.

Gong Yue'er raised her head, frowned slightly, and paused slightly with the hand playing with the ornaments, obviously displeased.

"To shut up."

"I'm not your boss."

"No, you are my boss"

Saying that whether Gong Yueer is willing or not, Xia Ke left the office, and within a few minutes, a steady stream of people came in.

The huge office seemed extremely crowded.

(End of this chapter)

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