The queen's heir husband

Chapter 449 He is here

Chapter 449 He is here

"Quick, quick, this is our boss, Boss Gong"

"Hi Boss Gong."

"Hello, boss."

Gong Yue'er almost laughed angrily, she just came to take over the company, why did she look like she was messing around on the road.

But Xia Ke made it clear that if Gong Yueer didn't accept it, he wouldn't let them go out.

This is what sets her rhythm.

Gong Yue'er was extremely upset. She was a soldier, but now she became a bandit leader.

If Officer He finds out, then her good life will be over.

Thinking of Officer He, Gong Yueer's eyes flashed with guilt.

Colonel He is the boss in the army and heir to the Yan Kingdom.

She was the boss in private and became a bandit leader.

Thinking of this, there is a sense of disobedience.

But no matter how Gong Yueer refused or what she said, Xia Ke and his group recognized Gong Yueer.

Qin Lang has been a lawyer for many years, has seen all kinds of people, and was shocked by the scene at this moment.

Looking at such a group of people, Gong Yue'er had a headache.

He stretched out his hand and waved it with great pride: "Okay, hurry down." "

"What to do, what to do, don't get in the way."

"Yes, boss"

Gong Yue'er was obviously just perfunctory, who would have thought that the group of people would be deafening as if they had been spat with chicken blood.

At this moment, the phone in Gong Yue'er's pocket rang.

When she looked at the caller ID, a guilty conscience flashed in her eyes, and she quickly picked it up.

"Hello, Colonel He"

The cautious appearance made the people present dumbfounded.

Gong Yue'er is a female devil, who can make this female devil submissive, I'm afraid that the person on the phone will be unhappy.

"Well, I'm doing something here and I'll be right back."


On the other side of the phone, He Si's voice was low, and he cherished words like gold. He could say one word, but he definitely couldn't say two words.

Gong Yueer was speechless for a while, so she could only tell He Si the address.

According to Colonel He's temperament, even if she didn't tell him, he would still be able to know her whereabouts within a few minutes.

This man is very domineering.

If he found it by himself, the effect would be different.

I don't know why, after being severely repaired by He Xiaoguan all night, that fearless Gong Yueer was actually afraid of He Xiaoguan.

Fearing that this man would be unhappy, he dragged her to practice for another night.

No wonder people say that when men conquer the world and women conquer men, they conquer the whole world.

She has no ability to conquer a man like He Si, she can only coax, pamper, and obey.

Unknowingly, Gong Yue'er's original indifferent and cold personality has changed in a short period of time, especially in front of Officer He.

Definitely a well-behaved, obedient little girl.

Hearing Gong Yue'er's coquettish voice, everyone present was shocked.

Only Qin Lang knew that the man on the phone was probably the heir of Yan Kingdom.

That's right, only such a proud son of heaven can control and conquer a woman like Miss Gong's family.

This woman is full of banditry, and the heir has the spirit of a soldier.

A very appropriate combination.

Gong Yue'er hung up the phone and glanced at the room.

Seeing everyone's expressions, the whole person was stunned.

How could she have forgotten that there were other people in the room, how could she be so cruel to Xiaoguan He?
He coughed a few times to remind everyone.

Qin Lang reacted the fastest, then continued with the work at hand, and handed over work with Xia Ke in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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