The queen's heir husband

Chapter 484 Daughter-in-law provokes the evil father-in-law

Chapter 484 Daughter-in-law provokes the evil father-in-law
But after thinking about it, the description of girl is very appropriate.

People are more ferocious than ghosts, and it is not ghosts that scare people the most, but humans who are like demons.

Gong Yue'er left He's Manor in a good mood. This first battle was a phased victory.

She can guarantee that after she leaves, the He Family Manor will definitely be in chaos.

She took out her phone and called her mother-in-law directly: "Mom, you should come home later."

“Sometimes the food outside is quite delicious.”


Wen Wan heard Gong Yue'er's voice full of laughter, and her heart jumped.

This girl actually asked her to go back later, something must have happened, and it was this girl's fault.

A rebellious son was gone, and now there is an extra daughter-in-law who makes the He family go crazy.

I don't know whether she should cry or laugh.

When he spoke, there was no emotion in his tone: "Tell me, what did you do at home?"


There was a bad premonition in Wen Wan's heart. She didn't know the character of this girl very well at first, but since last night, Officer He called and told her that this girl might go home this morning.

And told her, it's best to avoid it, and don't go home for a whole day.

She had a bad premonition that her son, who had remained unchanged for thousands of years, would have such a "highly appraised" daughter-in-law, and what he did would definitely be earth-shattering.

When Gong Yue'er heard this, a guilty conscience flashed in his eyes.

She just kindly reminded her, how could she become a guilty conscience.

Her mother-in-law is not simple.

In just a few sentences, he began to question the teacher, why did he have the perspective of Xiaoguan He.

At this moment, Gong Yue'er was wailing to the extreme. Could it be that a school officer He left, and now there is an extra mother-in-law to take care of her?

When Colonel He was around, she put away her minions and played the role of a good girl all day long.

Now Xiaoguan He has finally been sent away, and she won't come back for a year. This day, the emperor is far away, so she can dance for a long time.

Unexpectedly, there is actually an extra mother-in-law who is on the line.

The corner of Gong Yue'er's mouth curled into a helpless smile, but she still told Wen Wan what happened in the presidential palace.

Wen Wan felt a headache when she heard what Gong Yueer had done.

"Yueyue, you mean, you gave the gift that your Excellency gave you and gave it to Lanyue in a blink of an eye?"

"And forced Lanyue to accept it?"

"Yes, what's the problem, Mom?"

"It's just a present."

When Wen Wan heard Gong Yue'er's decisive answer, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood. She froze for a few seconds, and she lost any emotion when she spoke.

After telling Gong Yueer a few words to let her go home early at night, she hung up the phone.

Is there a problem?

Thanks to Gong Yueer's questioning, God knows that a well-bred person like Wen Wan took a few seconds to digest this fact, which shows what a terrifying thing Gong Yueer did.

Giving gifts to others is actually nothing, this is a common occurrence.

But the crux of the problem is that it was a gift from you, strictly speaking, it should be a change fee from you to your daughter-in-law.

The gift is given away, and the person concerned will soon know that this is not respect for the person who gave the gift, and it is a provocation.

The daughter-in-law in her family is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The first lady, who was so anxious that she had no emotions at any time, made a call to Daxibei.

At that time, He Si was recuperating on a bed in the dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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