The queen's heir husband

Chapter 485 A son with a strict wife, a mother has to stand aside

Chapter 485 A son with a strict wife, a mother has to stand aside

Originally, he didn't take this kind of injury seriously at all. His skin was torn apart and he looked very invasive, but he didn't hurt his muscles or bones.

Before, even with a more serious injury than this, he still trained the next day.

His current status is achieved by his own hard work, not by connections.

However, this time Colonel He changed his routine.

He directly recovered from his injuries in the army, and he could get up, but he didn't get out of bed.

Just to let some people see how cruel he is, and directly put his son in bed for several months.

He was also extremely depressed.

Originally, he was newly married, which was supposed to be his honeymoon day, but he was thrown into this kind of place full of yellow sand to suffer.

He can't pretend.

Some people have to feel sorry for him so that he can shorten his time in the Northwest and go back to have sex with his little girl.

But we haven't seen each other for 24 hours, it seems like a century has passed.

In my mind, there are all the eyes and smiles of that girl.

He's poisoned, and doesn't want to take the antidote yet.

At this time, a soldier hurriedly pushed open the door of He Si's bedroom.

"Officer He, your family is calling, you go to the communication room to answer the phone."

He Si glanced at the teammate, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Look at me, look at me like this, can you get up?"

"Please tell that man, my little brother, I am seriously injured and can't get up"

The person who can know the phone number of the Northwest Communication Room, besides your Excellency, is the First Lady of his family.

No matter who it is, he has to let them know that they eat hot food and drink spicy food in the presidential palace, and their son is exiled and recuperating in the Northwest, a place that doesn't shit.

The teammate carefully looked at He Si who was crawling on the bed, and nodded: "Okay, I'll go back."

He Si didn't intend to answer the call at all.

Unless, the call was made by his girl.

Not to mention the injury, even if it is a fatal injury, as long as he has the breath, he will scramble to answer the phone.

Unfortunately, that heartless girl might not know where to celebrate her escape from the clutches of the clutches.

She must be having a good time and forget about his husband.

After 5 minutes, the little soldier came again and said out of breath, "Officer He, the person on the phone said that something happened to your wife."

"It seems to be quite urgent, I asked you to call back."

"It's too late, I'm afraid your wife will be gone"


When He Si heard these two words, his brows furrowed instantly. What does it mean to be gone?
Seeing that He Si was stunned, the little soldier walked over and patted He Si on the shoulder: "My condolences!"

After finishing speaking, the little soldier left. It is fine to let him be alone at such a time, to vent his emotions, to cry and so on.

If He Si knew what the little soldier was thinking, he would probably jump up in anger.

This imagination, this IQ, can compete with that idiot Bai Nachuan.

After the little soldier left, He Si quickly took out the phone from under the pillow and pressed the power button.

Hurry up and call his first lady.

"Hey, mom, what's wrong with Yueyue?"

He Si's tone was extremely urgent, without the slightest trace of his usual poise.

Hearing her son's anxious tone, Wen Wan's mouth curled up into a smile. After all these years, someone was finally able to take care of her son.

What Wen Wan dislikes the most is He Si's maturity and that iceberg face that never changes all year round.

Let her mother's love overflow, and there is no place to display it.

(End of this chapter)

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