Chapter 501
"My parents have passed away, so I can only visit the cemetery if I want to visit them."

"When you go to the cemetery, you must prepare things for sacrifice. For ordinary people, it's not appropriate to put them in our house."

"Never mind."

Your Excellency's eyes were deep, and he took a deep look at Gong Yue'er, without saying a word, he got up and left the restaurant directly.

On the contrary, she was gentle, seeing Your Excellency leave, her eyes were full of pity, and she opened her mouth to comfort Gong Yue'er.

"Yueyue, don't take your father's words to heart. If you don't want to, then forget it."

"Then the Li family, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize it."

"People from our He family, where do we need to curry favor with the Li family?"

In the past, Wen Wan would definitely be on your side. Li Shanshan was originally Gong Yue'er's stepmother, and the Li family could be considered her natal family.

It is definitely beneficial to recognize this natal family.

In order for her to gain a firm foothold in the He family in the future and sit in the position of the head of the house, she has to compromise.

But now, Wen Wan loves the house and hates her, and she doesn't want Gong Yue'er to be wronged.

Such a move moved Gong Yueer very much.

"Mom, thank you!"

"Silly boy"

Gong Yue'er had breakfast and left the presidential palace, and was in a bad mood all day.

So much so that Officer He called, but she didn't answer.

After calling several times, it shut down immediately.

This is a typical fish pond.

Just now at He's house, she was just pretending to be stupid, how could she not understand what your Excellency means.

In the end, she still had to force her to recognize the Li family.

If it's just that Li Shanshan treats her badly, that's fine.

There are not many stepmothers in the world who can treat other people's children as if they were their own.

She is understandable, for Colonel He, for the sake of a more stable future, she is willing to compromise, at worst, she will gain a firm foothold in the future and kick the Li family directly.

If you don't recognize anyone, you can clean it up.

Anyway, she doesn't know what morality is, and she's used to being shameless.

But now, she and the Li family are sworn vengeance against her father, and even her mother's death may not be related to Li Shanshan, otherwise her mother's suicide note would not mention this matter.

Those who can take it to heart and write it in the suicide note must have threatened the relationship between her parents.

She will never admit that a thief is her mother.

She is a soldier, and she has the soul of a soldier in her body. A soldier is upright and will never bow to evil forces.

Now, the President is an evil force in Gong Yueer's eyes.

Now that the whole country is cracking down on gangsters and evil, you should review yourself.

He Si called Gong Yue'er several times but no one answered. After a few minutes, he called again, this time the phone was turned off directly.

Hearing the sweet voice on the phone, he was so angry that his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Hello, the phone you said is off, please try again later."

very good.

He Si almost laughed angrily.

He hasn't settled the score after autumn, but the little girl got angry first.

Something passing by, something brave, she happened to pass by there.

That is simply coaxing ghosts.

Others believe Gong Yueer's nonsense, but he doesn't believe it.

It's not that he didn't know the girl's ability to open her eyes and tell nonsense, when he called the two soldiers under him and heard the ins and outs of the incident, He Si was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The person he sent to protect her was actually pulled by this girl directly as a thug.

Before that, she did it herself.

The most unforgivable thing is that she was racing on the road.

At that time, it was the beginning of nightlife in Yanjing. There were many people on the road, and she dared to go racing.

(End of this chapter)

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