The queen's heir husband

Chapter 502 Daughter-in-law is angry, the consequences are serious

Chapter 502 Daughter-in-law is angry, the consequences are serious

What if something goes wrong?
Thinking of Gong Yue'er's accident, He Si became nervous, and the consequences were disastrous.

Gong Yue'er is his lifeline.

Damn girl.

He Si had already expected it when he was thrown to the Northwest. Without him at home, his girl would definitely be a runaway wild horse.

But now it seems that it is not a wild horse, but a tiger returning to the prairie.

A distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles can make him so angry that his forehead hurts.

But it's so far away, he wants to teach her a good lesson, even if he can't teach her the truth.

I can only make phone calls.

But the girl didn't answer the phone, so the only way was cut off.

This is how the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and that girl is not afraid of the sky and the earth.

He Si regretted his decision to come to the Northwest countless times.

He should change his plan, which is better than being in a hurry in this place.

He had calculated everything correctly, but Gong Yue'er miscalculated this move, his girl was just an accident, an accident that he couldn't control.

It was as if she appeared in his life unexpectedly.

Gong Yue'er couldn't get through on the phone, so He Si had no choice but to call the two soldiers under him.

"Hello, Captain."

"What about her?"

The voice full of hostility made the back of the soldier who answered the phone tighten, and his heart rose to his throat.

Knowing that this anger is not directed at them, but still have lingering fears.

Who made the captain's cruelty so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law hasn't come out since she returned to the apartment"


Slap, He Si slammed the phone down.

An hour later, he called again with the same answer.

For three hours, he made countless phone calls.

After Gong Yueer came out of the presidential palace, she went home and fell asleep. At first, she forgot to mute her phone and was woken up once.

She was already angry about getting up, but when she saw that it was He Si's call, she was even more upset.

Their He family is really annoying.

One or two don't make people worry, and now they can't even sleep cleanly.

He Si made several phone calls and angered Gong Yueer himself. He picked up the phone and threw it at the wall.

The phone suddenly fell apart.

So much so that when He Si called later, the phone was turned off.

No one disturbed her, and she slept soundly and darkly.

There is nothing that can't be solved by sleep. After a sleep, the rain will clear up, and all the negative emotions will disappear after a sleep. If you still can't get rid of it, then drink alcohol.

After falling asleep, Gong Yue'er just opened the bedroom door and went downstairs when she saw two people brazenly watching TV in the living room of her house.

Seeing Gong Yueer, she greeted her frankly.

"little sister-in-law"

"sister in law."

Gong Yue'er didn't answer, she was too lazy to answer.

But she regretted it a little after that, she shouldn't have broken it yesterday, and let them continue in the dark.

Now this situation cannot be shaken off at all.

Gong Yueer poured out a glass of water, and Yang Er followed her directly: "Sister-in-law, the captain asked you to call back."


Gong Yue'er glanced at the teammates who blocked her way, and said indifferently, "I won't return."

"Whoever you like to go back, whoever goes back."

With that said, Gong Yueer jumped over Yang Er, and lazily sat down on the sofa holding the cup.

Holding the phone, Yang Er looked embarrassed, glanced at Yang Yi next to him, and winked.

Yang Yi, a bastard, turned his head to the side and ignored it at all.

It's strange to want to pay attention to this kind of hot potato.

(End of this chapter)

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