The queen's heir husband

Chapter 512 After Feihong flourished, the Zhang family was treated like a guest

Chapter 512

"Young Mistress, Madam just fell asleep."

Gong Yue'er turned her head and looked at the housekeeper Lan Yue indifferently. Under the gaze of those cold eyes, Lan Yue shuddered.

Her eyes dodged, she knew that this sentence made Gong Yue'er unhappy again.

"Then, please trouble the housekeeper to accompany me."

"He Si is not at home. Your Excellency and Madam are busy. It is reasonable for the housekeeper to accompany her back to her mother's house."

"young grandma"

For the latter, because of Gong Yue'er's sharp eyes like nighthawks, Lan Yue never had the chance to speak.


After the words fell, Gong Yue'er got up and went outside.

Isn't it the Li family? It's enough for her to go alone.

Why bother Madam to go with her? If the first lady goes there in person, wouldn't she be embarrassing the Li family again?

Go, I want to go, but I can't let the Li family get what they want.

She, Gong Yueer, is not so easy to bully.

At Gong Yueer's insistence, Lan Yue, the first housekeeper of the Presidential Palace, followed her back home three times.

Gong Yueer and Lan Yue sat in a car, followed by a car carrying gifts.

Ever since she got in the car, Gong Yue'er had been resting her mind with her eyes closed. She seemed to be in a calm mood, but her heart was extremely annoyed.

It's just that the housekeeper accompanied her back to her mother's house. Don't think about it, the whole Yanjing might be boiling again.

Gong Yueer is not favored, even if she marries Officer He, so what?

On the first day of marriage, she was reduced to a concubine, and there was no He family member when she returned home, so she followed a housekeeper.

It can be seen that this new young mistress is a very unfavored person and has no status in the He family.

This was Gong Yueer's purpose.

She just wants to let the world think that she is not favored, and Xiaoguan He doesn't have her in his heart.

If the Li family wanted to take advantage of her, it would be a dream. She didn't mind ruining her reputation at all.

She is not favored, how can the Li family behind her be attracted by outsiders?
Li Shanshan, this game is well calculated.

But Gong Yue'er was a variable, she would rather spoil herself than let her get what she wanted.

When they arrived at the door of Li's house, Lan Yue sat in the co-pilot and called her softly.

"Young Mistress, the Li family is here."

"The old man of the Li family, Mrs. Gong, and the head of the Li family are waiting at the door."

Gong Yue'er opened her eyes, a cold light flashed in her pupils, and then disappeared in an instant.

Those brutality and sadism were cleaned up in an instant.

"Well, let's go, get out of the car"

Lan Yue hurriedly got out of the car and opened the door for Gong Yueer. When the Li family saw the car in the presidential palace, they rushed up to meet it.

Gong Yue'er glanced at the group of people lightly, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, but she also greeted them one by one.

"Aunt Li, Uncle Li, old man."

The moment Gong Yue'er opened her mouth, the group's illusions were instantly shattered, without giving them any chance to breathe.


It's like calling a stranger, aunt, uncle, old man, well-behaved, but indifferent and alienated.

The smile on Li Shanshan's face was a little stiff.

"Yueyue, are you back alone?"

Gong Yue'er raised her head, glanced at the crowd who couldn't hold back their smiles, and sneered in her heart.

"Well, alone."

"Auntie, are you disappointed?"

Li Shanshan quickly collected her emotions and waved her hands to explain: "Not disappointed, not disappointed."

"It's a good thing Yueyue can come back, I'm too happy to be happy, how can I be disappointed."

Li Shanshan was still putting on airs, but the Patriarch of the Li family and Mr. Li couldn't hold back their faces, and they all cooled down.

The head of the Li family said lightly: "Let's go, go in, don't stand at the door"

(End of this chapter)

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