The queen's heir husband

Chapter 513 Stepmother wants to destroy her

Chapter 513 Stepmother wants to destroy her
"Yes, yes, go in, everyone, Shanshan will take Yueyue in."

Mrs. Li stretched out her hand to pull Li Shanshan, and quickly let her greet Gong Yueer to go in.

When they came to the living room of Li's family, Gong Yueer also sat there with a face and chatted with them, but when Gong Yueer opened her mouth, she would basically be silent.

Li Shanshan and Mrs. Li have been trying to smooth things over.

However, other members of the Li family are not so easy to talk to.

Second Aunt Li glanced at Gong Yue'er, and said in a strange way: "Young girl this month, she is married to a good marriage, so you don't care about the Li family?"

"If Shanshan hadn't married into the Li family, you might have been tortured to death by some stepmother."

"Where is your current Feihong Tengda, this is really a white-eyed wolf!"

Before Gong Yueer could speak, Lan Yue, who was standing beside her, spoke first: "Madam, are you talking about our young mistress with white eyes?"

"A reprimand to the future first lady?"

Mrs. Li gave her sister-in-law a hard look, and quickly smiled apologetically: "Housekeeper Lanyue has misunderstood, my sister-in-law is not very good at talking, she is outspoken."

"But she has no evil intentions."

Unexpectedly, Second Aunt Li not only didn't appreciate it, but even worsened it.

Even Mrs. Li scolded her in; "I said younger sister, isn't she just a little girl, why are you afraid of her?"

"Besides, so what if you marry the presidential palace, it's not unfavorable."

"This unfavored woman, no matter how good she is married, it's useless. What benefits can a wimp bring to the Li family?"

Immediately, both Li Shanshan and Mrs. Li turned their faces, and both of them were reprimanding Second Aunt Li.

This woman has no brains at all, even if Gong Yue'er is not favored, her status will be more or less beneficial to the Li family.

Besides, it's not necessarily unfavorable.

They were very clear about He Si's feelings for Gong Yue'er, and they would not be easily deceived.

It's hard to invite people in. If Gong Yue'er is willing to come to Li's house, she should burn incense, what more can she ask for?
If you stretch out your minions now, wouldn't that scare others away?

Stupid, short-sighted.

The Li family was in chaos, and Gong Yue'er was drinking tea with a relaxed expression on his face.

It was as if, no matter how the group of people direct and act on their own, she just needs to watch the show and treat herself as an outsider.

Second Aunt Li was unconvinced and out of breath, she stood up from her chair and pointed at Gong Yue'er's nose.

"You, Gong Yueer, tell yourself, will you treat the Li family as your own and give them benefits?"

"Would you consider a thief to be your mother?"

Gong Yue'er raised her eyes, her eyes were extremely indifferent, but her voice was still cold and clear: "Aunt Li, I don't know what you are talking about."

"I'm young, so I don't understand what interests you are talking about."


Second Aunt Li was in a hurry. She didn't expect that the eldest daughter of the Gong family was indeed a wimp. She was bullied by Li Shanshan, the stepmother, in the Gong family. Now she flew to the branch and married the heir, and she was still a wimp.

He didn't even dare to say a hard word, no wonder he was not favored.

Li Shanshan was so angry that her chest heaved up and down, and her face was flushed with blood.

Just when the women were arguing, the head of the Li family came forward and ordered Aunt Li to be invited out of the Li family.

He is a discerning man.

Even if the heir didn't accompany Gong Yueer back home, the president and his wife were busy, but the first housekeeper of the presidential palace came.

How dare you say that the eldest daughter of the Gong family is a wimp if you can let Butler Lanyue do it?
(End of this chapter)

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