The queen's heir husband

Chapter 544 Deduce the funny force to the end

Chapter 544 Deduce the funny force to the end

But Yang Er crawled on the ground at this moment, holding his head in his hands, still thinking in his mouth.

"Can't see me, can't see me"

Gong Yueer greeted Yang Yi again, the two of them held the same posture.

Gong Yue'er almost laughed angrily, the two of them were stupid for one night, and they still couldn't see him.

My brain is flooded or something.

Gong Yueer squatted down and slapped Yang Er on the head.

"What, come again"

"It doesn't work anymore?"

The two looked at each other, and they could see the bitterness in each other's eyes.

Why are they two again, why can't they be replaced by others.

Gong Yue'er's patience was completely exhausted: "Are you two sure you want to crawl on the ground to answer my question?"

"You can't get up, can you?"

"If you don't get up, you will crawl forever"

Yang Er quickly realized that it was already the next day, and the little sister-in-law was already sober.

Not that strong fighting power.

Yang Yi and Yang Er got up from the ground, and under Gong Yue'er's torture to extract a confession, they described everything that happened last night in detail.

Hearing this, Gong Yueer was taken aback for a while.


"Are you sure you're not making up a story?"

"Are you tired of being a soldier and are planning to change your career to become a TV screenwriter?"

Yang Yi and Yang Er looked at each other, and they could see disbelief in each other's eyes.

Is this a drink break?Can't remember anything?
I can't remember how she turned into a demon, like a killing god wrapped in thousands of ghosts, that posture, even the special forces who are used to the wind and rain are dumbfounded.

Yang Er: "Sister-in-law, don't you remember what happened last night?"

"Can't remember anything?"

Gong Yue'er was even more puzzled. She remembered what happened in the private room last night, and she knew it when she hid in the bathroom.

Didn't Colonel He take her home then?
Did something happen along the way?
As Gong Yue'er shook his head, Yang Er, a bastard, started to exclaim.

"Sister-in-law, I think you have the right to know about this matter"

"You are so good, even the captain is not your opponent, and you fell to the ground with your palm."

Gong Yue'er's face turned stern in an instant, did she hurt He Si?

"Go, go back!"

Hearing that He Si was injured, Gong Yue'er's heart was raised in her throat, and she didn't know whether the injury was serious or not. Why didn't she have the slightest impression?
Gong Yue'er turned around to find He Si after speaking.

"Little sister-in-law, the captain went to the military area early in the morning and will come back at night."

Gong Yueer stopped in her tracks, with a complicated expression on her face.

But he breathed a sigh of relief for an instant, it didn't seem very serious.

Thinking about it, she was drunk, how could Ho Si be hurt if she got drunk.

On weekdays, she is not Captain He's opponent at all, and she is like scratching an itch when she is drunk, and it is impossible to hurt her.

Gong Yue'er became more and more sure of this.

She was able to hurt He Si because her school officer He Si let her go, otherwise she would be knocked down by the school officer He Si with her three-legged kung fu.

Later, Gong Yueer took Yang Er and Yang Yi to the traffic police team.

There should be panic in that place, she really didn't believe the fragments dictated by Yang Yi and Yang Er.

After all, the characters of these two people are a bit second-hand, which must be exaggerated.

No one on the mobile phone recorded it, and the traffic police team's camera should have recorded the whole process.

In the past, even if Gong Yue'er was the daughter of the Gong family of the eight major families, she still had no right to check the camera.

But now, she is the wife of He Si's Ming Media, so she can be regarded as the He family.

(End of this chapter)

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