The queen's heir husband

Chapter 545 The Man Was Injured by His Girlfriend and Sent to the Hospital

Chapter 545 The Man Was Injured by His Girlfriend and Sent to the Hospital

Gong Yue'er was also the best at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Once she showed off her identity, she entered the monitoring room smoothly.

Gong Yueer was dumbfounded when she was about to call out the surveillance.

Obviously it was handled by someone, and there are no records of that time.

This made Gong Yue'er even more confused.

who is it?Why would it destroy the monitoring during that time.

But in the blink of an eye, she was sure that this was probably written by Officer He.

Only he is so alert.

Why did Colonel He go to great lengths to destroy these surveillance videos?Is that really the case?
Taking out her mobile phone, Gong Yueer sent a text message to He Si.

"You destroyed the surveillance video?"

Colonel He: "Yes."

Gong Yueer: "Why?"

One minute later, He Si still didn't come back, which made Gong Yue'er even more irritable.

At this moment, Xiaoguan He was holding the mobile phone, his face was stern, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

He is hesitating.

I don't know whether to let his little girl know about it, after all, she can't remember what happened after she got drunk.

Then, he took a deep breath and made up his mind.

The video extracted by the traffic police team was sent directly to Gong Yue'er.

The little girl in his family is not a flower in the greenhouse, but a dogtail grass that is still tenacious in the cold wind, so let's face it.

Gong Yueer received the video, clicked on it and watched it.

Standing there without moving for a long time, that little face was extremely indifferent, but his eyes were full of shock.

Is that really her in the video?
Is she drunk with such explosive power?
It's not Zuiquan, but more than a dozen people combined are not her opponent's strength.

All of a sudden, Gong Yue'er smiled, that kind of smile was a smirk.

She actually has such a strong ability, is this ability devastating?

From now on, she will turn over and be the master, and she will never be afraid of Officer He again, no matter whether she is practicing or sleeping on top of each other, as long as she is not happy, Officer He can't force her anymore.

Gong Yue'er's smile was a little scary, especially Yang Yi and Yang Er who were standing beside her, their hairs stood on end.

Such a little sister-in-law is too scary, which makes them have an urge to run away.

The main reason is that Gong Yue'er's strength has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and now her every small move has a deterrent effect.

But after a burst of complacency, she finally remembered something belatedly.

Colonel He, the corner of his mouth
With that slap, Officer He vomited blood. From the video, he should have been seriously injured.

Gong Yue'er's hand holding the phone was trembling, so she quickly called Xiaoguan He.

As soon as the phone was connected, she asked anxiously, "Are you injured?"

"What, does it hurt? You don't want to die. If you don't go to the hospital in this situation, why not go to the military region?"

"I'll come to you, you wait."

"No, I'm going to register at the hospital. I have to take X-rays for this injury, otherwise I don't feel relieved."

As soon as He Si got on the phone, there was the voice of his little girl thinking about it. She was very anxious and incoherent.

The more I listen to him, the more elated I become.

This feeling of being cared for by his little girl is really good, like winning the lottery.

From this point of view, being injured is a good thing, at least you can see his little girl is nervous for him.

On weekdays, the little girl always looks deserted, and she is not enthusiastic at any time. Being able to take the initiative is already an amnesty for the world.

Although I know that the little girl has always had him in her heart, the little girl loves him.

Otherwise, she would not marry him without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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