The queen's heir husband

Chapter 551 The Girlfriend Is Embarrassed

Chapter 551 The Girlfriend Is Embarrassed

There is also Jian Feng, who dragged Dongfang Yun into the water, and Dongfang Yun would definitely let him go back to the stove and rebuild.

Anyway, on the second day, her garment factory started a big change.

Later, Gong Yue'er found out that Officer He was jealous because of this.

The people below all thought that Gong Yue'er was Dongfang Yun's little lover, so Dongfang Yun transferred an elite team from his company to the garment factory, which was simply overkill.

Gong Yue'er was labeled as Dongfang Yun's woman.

Officer He was jealous, and the consequences were serious.

In a fit of anger, all Dongfang Yun's people were fired by Officer He.

In Yanjing, the He family is the most powerful, and even opened up a business empire. Although He Si doesn't care about business, it doesn't mean he has no one in his hands.

Officer He made a big move as soon as he made a move. The most elite team of the Empire Group moved to Gong Yueer's garment factory overnight.

This place is almost becoming the headquarters of the Imperial Group.

From the general manager to the elite below, all moved to this garment factory.

So much so that the office building of the garment factory couldn't accommodate so many people, so it began to purchase surrounding small factories and expand them.

All this requires money.

Gong Yue'er didn't care about the business, but was in charge of the accounts. She spread a few huge sums of money, and her purse lost weight.

The working capital that Officer He gave her was all invested, and she didn't touch the real estate, so she pitted Nangong against them.

The company needs money, and the little girl becomes a miser.

As long as you see money, your eyes shine.

He Si ignored Gong Yueer, but the little girl's phone rang, but he listened with his ears closed.

Qin Lang?

It was the man who looked like a boy.

Treat the little girl to dinner?

The weasel greets the chicken with New Year's greetings, uneasy and kind.

Apologizes?Obviously just wanting to find an excuse to invite the little girl to dinner, is this blatantly prying his corner?
He hasn't developed a sense of presence for a long time. Does any cat or dog dare to demonstrate against him?

Before, there was a little girl from his family who was inexplicably labeled as Dongfang Yun, and later, there was lawyer Qin Lan.

This is worrying about not getting married, and worrying about getting married.

Officer He was very angry because he was kicked out to sleep on the sofa last night, and he didn't want to pay attention to the little girl at all. It can be seen that the little girl was uncomfortable when she went to the appointment.

He wanted the little girl to take him there, but he couldn't open his mouth.

After all, he is a man, how can he cling to women all the time.

But in fact, he just wanted to watch his little girl all the time, and if he didn't pay attention, he would be stared at.

That feeling is really bad.

He Si sat on the sofa, holding a laptop, pretending to be busy.

He saw the little girl ding ding dong dong go upstairs to change a dress, and then ding ding dong dong run down again.


He was ignored?
She was so nakedly ignored by the little girl, without a word or even a look.

The moment the door was closed, He Si was so angry that his expression changed.

The whole body exudes a cold air.

Is this a long face?
No one was angry when he was rushed to the sofa, so he still had the face to shake him.

At this moment, being ignored by Gong Yue'er, Officer He was so angry that his liver and lungs hurt.

He threw the phone in his arms on the table, and he was extremely irritable.

Immediately, he took out his phone and began to check Gong Yue'er's whereabouts.

without him?It’s okay not to take him, he will go by himself.

It's not bad to have a chance encounter
When he saw Qin Lang for the first time, He Si felt threatened. The man looked at his little girl with such gentle eyes that he could drip water.

(End of this chapter)

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