Chapter 552
Really enough.

That day, he thought that his appearance was already an oath of sovereignty, but he found an excuse and made an appointment in the blink of an eye.

In 5 minutes, Officer He checked Qin Lang's information clearly.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle.

But when Xiaoguan He saw Qin Lang's information, he was even more intrigued. This man is very good, he is already a gold medal lawyer at a young age, and he is even likely to enter the Yanjing Royal Lawyers team.

The truth is, it's passable, but not as handsome as him, a little bit worse.

However, almost is also very good.

After all, a handsome man like him is not mass-produced.

Officer He kept complaining about Qin Lang in his heart, but he had to admit that this man was indeed a threat, and Officer He was not so nervous when dealing with Zuo Wei before.

But the appearance of Qin Lang gave him a sense of crisis.

I have to admit that such a man is the pride of heaven in any field.

In the entire circle of Yanjing, those rich and wealthy daughters are scrambling to marry him.

Seeing this, Officer He became more and more restless.

No, you can't let his little girl be alone with this man.

Soon, He Si received the address where Qin Lang and Gong Yueer had dinner.

Sakura Hotel.

It is a western restaurant, the most famous is their signature sirloin steak.

It's delicious and has rave reviews, but it's not cheap.

A single steak is dozens of times that of other restaurants. Even so, the rich and nobles of Yanjing have followed suit.

What you eat is fame, what you eat is grade.

Officer He complained about this restaurant for a long time.

Shameless, going to this kind of place for the first time to eat, is simply a master at picking up girls.

His girl can't be bought over a meal.

He had just driven back to Yanjing with the little girl for the Chinese New Year, but he had tried his best, how could this Qin Lang invite his little girl to dinner with just one phone call?
Is he special in the little girl's mind?
It is said that women like to think wildly, but this man's wild thinking can be a script.

Colonel He is also very jealous.

The most important thing is that he still wants to save face and is very arrogant.

If you want to go, just one word, Gong Yue'er will definitely take him out.

But the crux of the problem was that this awkward man, who obviously wanted to go but didn't open his mouth, obviously cared, and pretended to be generous.

If I really don't take him, I will be so angry that my seven orifices will smoke.

He Si called Nan Gongkuo and asked him to have dinner.

This morning, Nangong Kuozai discovered that a sum of money in his account was missing. It is not necessary to think that the person who can break through the layers of fire protection of his computer, destroy the anti-tracking system, and successfully transfer a sum of money from him, the world There are not many.

But his eldest brother is definitely one of them.

When Nangong Kuo received the call, his whole body was petrified. He regretted it.

Last night, I was so cheap, I thought that I was getting revenge in front of He Si with a proud face.

He didn't know that the retribution would come quickly, but it was only one night, so he couldn't laugh and cried very rhythmically.

He hurriedly called to ask Zhu Yi about their situation.

As a result, Nangong Kuo felt balanced. They were more miserable than the other. He just lost a sum of money.

Jin Mu, and Zhu Yi are the worst, and now they are arranged by the family on blind dates in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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