Chapter 684
Seeing that Jack was unmoved, He Si evoked a wicked smile on his handsome face.

That smile made Jack shudder instantly.

Did he provoke this tiger?
He Si's hand that was originally on the table moved slowly on the table.

That is their code word.

In an instant, Jack finally understood what was going on.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

No way, he came all the way to the country of Yan to find him in Shenyang, a place where no shit is like, and he has to pay for every meal.

But under the gaze of He Si's sharp nighthawk-like eyes, Jack had to pay the bill.

He was afraid that if he didn't follow his wishes, he would turn around and sue Alice in front of Alice.

You know, He Si is shameless, it's like the anger of man and god.

Just when Gong Yue'er took out her mobile phone to scan the code to pay, she almost had to enter the password.

Jack suddenly realized something, and quickly took out his phone.

"I'll buy it, I'll buy it"

"I made an appointment with you, so naturally I will pay the bill."


Sure enough, the next moment Gong Yueer stopped entering the password, and glanced at Jack indifferently.

Then silently put away the phone.

The meaning is obvious, since you have to pay the bill, then you buy it.

You are welcome, this opportunity is given to you.

Jack felt wronged to the extreme.

Scanning the payment code with his mobile phone, he almost jumped up when he saw the amount.

What the hell, it's just a western meal, and it's so expensive.

This steak is studded with gold.

A steak costs seven figures.

My flesh hurts, my purse hurts
Someone paid the bill, Gong Yue'er was obviously extremely happy, that's great, that's great.

Her purse needn't be thinner.

In fact, after receiving He Si's message, Jack reluctantly took out his mobile phone to pay the bill, deliberately dawdling.

Seeing that Gong Yueer was about to pay, he took out his mobile phone to grab the order.

In this case, it is naturally not his turn to pay the bill, Gong Yueer will definitely enter the password quickly.

The country of Yan is a state of etiquette, and this is definitely the etiquette of eating.

I don't know, it's not like this.

Gong Yue'er actually put away the phone as if Jack had picked up a big deal.

It's just shameless and thick-skinned.

Jack found that He Si and Gong Yue'er were really the same kind of people, they simply didn't belong to the same family, and they didn't belong to the same family.

They are all equally thick-skinned.

When He Si saw the little girl's actions, there was a smile on the corners of his eyes and brows.

This little fox, this little money fanatic.

Why is it so lovable.

Gong Yue'er's stingy behavior was cute in He Si's eyes.

Unfortunately, today is the weekend.

We will send the little girl back to school in the afternoon.

Jack paid the payment with a sad face, and the eyes staring at He Si's smile almost wanted to poke a hole in him.

Damn, shameless smelly man.

His money.

His little Kuo Ai, just left him like this.

Jack's heart and lungs ached.

Anyone who is familiar with Jack knows that he is the most skilled hacker in the industry. As long as he moves his fingers, the zeros on the bank card will multiply.

Definitely a rich man.

But such a person is a money fanatic.

His money was simply boiled by potion, he could only get in and out.

Those who know him well call him Iron Cock.

Calling him an iron rooster is flattering him, and the iron cock still loses its rust. It should be called a stainless steel cock, and nothing will fall off.

After a good meal, He Si took Gong Yue'er to the nearby supermarket to buy some daily necessities. Of course, Jack paid the money.

Who made him ask for something.

(End of this chapter)

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