Chapter 685
Jack should be thankful that Officer He didn't take him to buy jewelry for the little girl.

Just buy some cheap household items.

It's just that, Jack is in pain.

I really don't know whether He Si married a daughter-in-law or found an ancestor to pay her tribute.

The things she uses, even a toothpaste is sky-high.

This is too extravagant.

It's just outrageously pampered.

Jack didn't know at all that what He Si gave Gong Yueer was absolutely the best, and he pursued quality in everything.

He is a scheming man.

With the little girl's current standard of living, ordinary men dare not get involved or provoke her.

Because of what?
Can't afford it?

He Si also has a black-bellied plan, which is to spoil the little girl into lawlessness, and then make her very fat.

In this way, all men may not be able to stand her.

Only he can tolerate all her petty tempers, and tolerate her being fat like a pig, so that she won't run away.

Isn't there a song like this?

"If you get fat, don't run away. If you run again, no one will want you."

"It's fine if no one wants it."

In the afternoon, most of the students of the School of Art return to school at this time.

The gate of the school is definitely a place with beautiful scenery.

Beauty is like a cloud.

There are a lot of luxury cars and handsome guys.

Originally, in order not to affect the little girl's studies, He Si had been sending the little girl to study, and the car was always parked at the back door.

It is also the most low-key and cheapest Mercedes-Benz in the garage.

But today, when he went out, he deliberately made a high profile.

The car is a bright red color, a limited edition of the Mercedes-Benz series.

Even if it is a Mercedes-Benz custom car, you can't buy a single wheel of this car.

Show off your wealth?
Yes, show off your wealth.

In order to show his financial power.

The little girl in his family has such a rich boyfriend, so she still has to find some old man.

When Gong Yue'er saw He Si driving the car towards the main entrance, the corner of Gong Yue'er's mouth twitched.

Facts have proved that once a man cares about everything, he really cares about everything.

It is even more retribution.

I have to say that Colonel He is a stingy man.

No wonder I drive this car today.

She remembers this car clearly. There are only two in the world. Just one wheel is worth ten figures, let alone the whole car.

It was the suzerain country, in order to keep the friendship forever, specially made it for the successor of Yan country.

But He Si had never driven this car.

The garage parked in He's Manor was covered with a layer of dust.

Why did they drive from Yanjing to Shenyang without making any noise?

Gong Yue'er didn't know that when the first lady saw the news, she was very angry.

The head mother of the He family, the daughter-in-law of the heir of the Yan Kingdom, was slandered like this.

Even if the identity is concealed, so what?

The temperament exuding from the whole body is comparable to that of ordinary people?
Simply blind.

Isn't it just to show off your wealth, then show off your wealth for everyone to see.

Let's see if their Yueyue really needs a Mediterranean Sea.

It is enough for a mother-in-law to spoil her daughter-in-law to the point of being gentle.

On the same day, he called He Si and reprimanded him. If Officer He doesn't know how to spoil his wife, she, the mother, will teach him
That night, the car appeared in his garage.

Wen Wan even gave the order to die. Officer He must drive this car when he goes to school to pick up the little girl from school.

She wants to see who else dares to despise her daughter-in-law.

I also have to let those men who plotted against the law see if they have the qualifications to plot against the law.

As soon as He Si's car appeared, those luxury cars automatically moved out of the way for him.

(End of this chapter)

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