The queen's heir husband

Chapter 835 Yue Gong Was Laughed By Female Stars

Chapter 835 Yue Gong Was Laughed By Female Stars

A female celebrity suddenly realized her conscience and helped Gong Yueer speak.

However, at this time, Gong Luya, the white lotus, was online again.

"That's right, let's sit in Sister Yueyue's room."

"She is very nice, but she doesn't talk much, you will know after getting along for a long time"

Among them, the female star Xu Wei who had a good relationship with Gong Luya was her little follower on weekdays, and this notice was obtained because of Gong Luya's relationship.

Now she is simply adoring Gong Luya.

It is her food and clothing parents.

Originally, according to her compliment to Gong Luya, she should help Gong Luya speak at this time, but she became sour.

"Sister Xiaoya, you are the only one who is kind."

"Have you forgotten how they treated you last time?"

"I don't appreciate it at all. You are just a white-eyed wolf. You are still speaking for her now."

". '

The decent smile on Gong Luya's face suddenly stiffened.

"That's really just a show effect."

"Privately, Yueyue and I have a very good relationship."

Xu Wei didn't believe that Gong Luya and this poor girl would be good friends at all, and looked at Gong Yue'er with unfriendly eyes.

Instantly turned into lemon essence.

"Really? Are you friends?"

Gong Yue'er stood there without saying a word, watching them act.

If it wasn't colluded in advance, she wouldn't believe it.

Gong Luya do it, do it hard.

At that time, she would like to see how she died.

Gong Luya, who was being questioned, turned a little pale, and looked up at Gong Yue'er hopefully, hoping that she would stand up and speak.

Those eyes were full of begging.

It's a pity that Gong Yue'er doesn't have the leisure to accompany her to act.

Besides, if she said that they were friends, Gong Luya would not be able to continue acting.

In full view of everyone, Gong Yueer turned around and left the room.

One of the photographers carried the camera and followed behind Gong Yueer.

Seeing Gong Yueer leave, Gong Luya's face paled instantly.

"Probably so"

"Yueyue has been sick for the past two days, she may be in a bad mood!"

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Gong Luya was telling lies. Those netizens who watched the live broadcast on the computer screen or on TV couldn't calm down when they saw their idols being so wronged.

On the bullet screen, they began to accuse Gong Yueer of being hard-hearted.

It should be her honor that Xiaoya from her family is willing to be friends with her.

You are poor, and you are so righteously poor.

Now, Gong Yueer also has fans, and she is a diehard fan of many games.

It's okay to see Gong Luya's fans blackmailing her aunt.

My aunt and Nashaya have never been friends.

She really puts gold on her face, when did our aunt ever pay attention to her.

The fan war between the two sides is imminent.

The live broadcast is still going on.

At this moment, under Gong Luya's persuasion, those actresses came to Gong Yue'er's room without much interest.

As soon as I walked to the door, I didn't want to go in.

Because there is really nothing to see.

It is really as imagined, it is the original decoration of the hotel, even the bedding is from the hotel.

It's so poor.

Many stars in the entertainment industry, who are filming in other places, will bring their own sheets and quilts if they want to live for a few months.

After all, if you have to live for so long, you will give yourself the greatest comfort.

"So poor, can't even afford to change the sheets?"

"The bed in the hotel is so dirty. I don't know how many people have slept on the sheets, and I don't know if there are any germs. Isn't it uncomfortable to sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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