The queen's heir husband

Chapter 836 That's How KO Comes

Chapter 836 That's How KO Comes
"That's right, that's right, the thing I can't stand the most is the bed sheets and duvet covers in the hotel."

"Wherever I go to stay in a hotel, my assistant will bring my bed sheet and quilt cover."

"So I can rest well."

Those female stars sat on the sofa in the hotel and began to discuss this issue.

It seems that this can reflect their sense of superiority.

Gong Luya stood up and spoke for Gong Yue'er.

"Yueyue just doesn't pay attention to these things, besides, it's quite clean."

"My room is also the hotel's bedding."

But at this moment, Xu Wei started to feel sour again, and directly pointed out Gong Luya's lies.

"Xiaoya, stop talking for her."

"The bedding in your room is indeed the bedding of the hotel, but is it the same?"

"That's because the manager of the hotel knew that you were coming to stay, so he specially customized it according to your habits."

"It's the same brand as the bedding in your home."

Gong Luya was a little embarrassed, and called Xu Wei's name in a low voice.

Her face was a bit ugly, she didn't expect Xu Wei to expose her lies in public.

Originally, she just wanted to smooth things over for Gong Yueer.

Seeing Gong Luya's aggrieved appearance, Xu Wei also knew that she was impulsive, so she quickly explained.

"Xiaoya, you are just too kind."

"I also know that you want to help her, but she doesn't appreciate it, why put your hot face on her cold ass!"


Gong Luya didn't speak, her face turned blood red.

Seeing this, several other actresses hurriedly comforted Gong Luya.

Gong Yue'er is fine, they compare if they like, whatever they want.

She really didn't pay attention to these things. What happened to the sheets and quilts in the hotel? When she was in the battle group, she was still rolling in the mud and lurking in the stinky dung pile.

There is even a record of not taking a bath for half a month.

At that time, getting a good night's sleep was a luxury.

Now, the crew lives in the presidential suite, and the conditions are good in all aspects.

Why change it?

Very good, very comfortable, you can fall asleep in seconds after sleeping.

Besides, filming is inherently tough, and it's not for catwalks.

When one or two were not well-known, they were eating boxed lunches in the crew and renting out a house, and they were not too delicate.

Now it's a little stinky money, so I'm putting on airs.

It's disgusting enough.

In fact, this group of people didn't know at all that their self-righteous presence was so ridiculous in front of Gong Yueer.

Childish and ignorant.

It seems to confirm that sentence, the full pot does not ring, and the half pot rings.

Just like those top rich people, they are actually very low-key, wearing street stalls, using daily necessities from two-dollar stores, and eating roadside stalls.

That is enjoying life.

That is also a style. When I could afford noodles, I wanted to eat delicacies from mountains and seas, live in a big villa, and live a luxurious life.

But when I really have it all, what I miss the most is that bowl of noodles.

This is emotion.

On the contrary, those who are not very rich, nouveau riche, show off everywhere.

That appearance is the same as the few of them now.

One of the actresses, who didn't think it was a big deal, began to try to communicate with Gong Yueer.

"Yueyue, I heard that your family is from the countryside. Are you very poor? You haven't bathed for several months?"

"You can only eat meat during the Chinese New Year?"

"The vehicle is a bullock cart?"

The corner of Gong Yue'er's mouth twitched, what the hell is wrong with her.

But she replied calmly; "Are you talking about before the reform or after the reform?"

(End of this chapter)

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