The queen's heir husband

Chapter 838 Being ridiculed by everyone for not being a woman

Chapter 838 Being ridiculed by everyone for not being a woman
The actress has been studying the cosmetic bottle in her hand, and the bottle is indeed shining like a diamond.

But can this kind of cosmetics without any trademark be inlaid with diamonds?
It can also be glass, or various diamond-like products, anyway, it reveals all kinds of cheapness.

There was a cold light in her eyes.

What is the relationship between Gong Luya and Gong Yue'er, they all know clearly today.

Definitely not good sisters.

It's kind of like home.

Since Gong Luya wanted this little rookie to make a fool of herself, she might as well be a favor, so that she could make a good impression by then.

It can be regarded as giving Gong Luya a favor. If there are any good resources in the future, don't forget her for good things.

So the actress cried out in surprise, her voice was exaggerated, and she couldn't believe it.

"My God, Yueyue, you actually use this brand of cosmetics."

"It doesn't even have a trademark, it's a three-no product."

"Do you dare to use this kind of cosmetics? Aren't you afraid of bad face?"


Gong Yueer stood there without saying a word, as if she was indifferent to how these actresses acted.

But she knew that these actresses were just more refined, they had never seen the world at all.

Looking at the way they acted, I felt very silly and idiotic.

Not even in the mood to explain and justify.

She doesn't move in the world of sand sculptures, and they don't understand her life in the upper class.

Because the actress took the cosmetics to the living room, many actresses saw it.

They began to teach Gong Yue'er how to take care of her with one voice.

Also, how can a woman live a delicate life, first of all, she must treat herself better.

At the very least, buy the best cosmetics within your ability.

A woman's face is a man's face.

If you don't pay attention to nurturing so much, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get married in the future.

The little assistant beside Gong Yue'er's eyes turned red instantly: "How can it be possible that Sister Yueyue won't be able to get married?"

"Sister Yueyue has a boyfriend, don't talk nonsense"

"My aunt, she is very nice."

A little assistant who has no sense of presence at all, everyone ignores her, and they don't even want to say a word to her.

She turned her head and looked at Gong Yue'er aggrieved.

Gong Yue'er, who was originally deserted and careless, felt a fit of anger in her heart.

Walked over and pulled the little assistant over: "Don't talk, just watch the show."

Then Gong Yue'er leaned over and whispered a few words next to the little assistant's head.

The little assistant nodded and went to the bathroom.

When he came to the bathroom, the little assistant turned on the phone that was turned off, and sent a text message to Jijie.

"Boss, Sister Yueyue asked you to check the information about the cosmetics."


The little assistant didn't understand why Gong Yueer would act like this, but everything the idol said was correct, just do it.

Who knows, there is no need for Jijie to operate it.

Those people from Shenyang Academy of Art have already exploded.

He directly posted a post on Weibo, posting the price of the set of cosmetics and all the information on it.

Gong Yueer's fans also started to like that Weibo post.

Different voices also began to appear on the barrage.

[Quick, go check out that Weibo! 】

[This is called a three-no product, a cosmetic that college students don't know how to use, it's funny. 】

Then the group of actresses, who didn't know what happened, chatted self-righteously about their own skin care experience, and began to impress each other, which cosmetics are easy to use, and which brand is okay.

(End of this chapter)

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