The queen's heir husband

Chapter 839 Yue Gong is so big that she has an unprecedented cloakroom

Chapter 839 Yue Gong is so big that she has an unprecedented cloakroom

However, Gong Luya, who was there, kept silent.

The smile on his face was also extremely awkward.

When those people taunted and laughed at Gong Yueer, she wished she could slap her.

What the hell, where is this idiot.

Is this mocking Gong Yue'er or just praising her?
Gong Luya has been praying, please, please don't let anyone recognize that set of cosmetics.

She grew up with Gong Yueer, so she naturally knew some of Gong Yueer's preferences.

Now they actually laughed at Gong Yue'er for not caring for herself and treating herself badly.

This is absolutely fucking bullshit.

Gong Yue'er, that little bitch, cared about her face the most, and tossed about it every day.

Every night when I go out to the bar or something, I will dress up beautifully.

The money she spent on her face was simply sky-high.

How could she not know that set of cosmetics? That brand is Gong Yue'er's usual brand, and she has been using that company's advanced customization.

Their customized products are all such cosmetic bottles.

When Gong Luya saw the bottle, she immediately saw the diamond on the bottle.

Those are real diamonds.

In other words, this set of cosmetics is top-level customization.

A daughter is hard to buy.

Gong Luya didn't speak, and didn't dare to speak, because she was afraid that if she was exposed, she would be laughed at.

At this moment, those netizens who watched the live broadcast all went to that Weibo.

The whole Weibo exploded.

Is this cosmetic inlaid with gold rims? It's so valuable, it's simply sky-high.

Can't afford it, can't afford it.

Even if I have been working for 20 years, I can't afford a bottle of lotion, let alone a whole set.

Who said my aunt was poor?

My aunt is a cow, and the cosmetics she uses are all top-level customization.

But there are still many different voices below, and those professional hackers started to discuss Gong Yueer with great fanfare.

[He's obviously a college student, but he's just an [-]th grader. Where did he get the money to buy such expensive cosmetics? 】

[Even those queens and actresses probably don't have this strength, where did Gong Yueer get the money? 】

【Fake, find out.】

Because it was a live broadcast, those female stars didn't know what happened outside the scene, and they were still talking about it.

Knowing the price of the set of cosmetics, the netizens immediately felt extremely funny when they heard those remarks.

Poverty can really limit a person's imagination.

You don't understand the world of the top rich.

Seeing that everyone was condemning Gong Yueer, Xu Wei was even more excited, and directly took the clothes from Gong Yueer's closet and made gestures on her body.

Then I took it to the mirror and looked back and forth.

There was disgust in his eyes.

It's not good-looking, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, and it turns out that this kind of street stall can't wear her temperament.

The scene of Xu Wei gesticulating on her body with her clothes caught the eyes of netizens extremely glaringly.

I really don't know how to respect people, just this quality.

But from the beginning to the end, Gong Yue'er was not emotional, and stood there watching the play.

Let a group of them rummage through her room.

One or two don't put her in the eye at all, so it's very casual.

Xu Wei put Gong Yue'er's clothes back into the closet without much interest, but accidentally touched a mechanism of the closet.

Suddenly, there was a sound.

Xu Wei was so scared that she took a few steps back.

The wardrobe in front of her was separated automatically, revealing a two-meter-wide door.

Through that door, she was dumbfounded when she saw the scene inside.

It was a cloakroom of about 100 square meters.

(End of this chapter)

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