
Chapter 40 The North Sea

Chapter 40 The North Sea
After a few days of flying through the clouds, the North Sea was close in front of us. Hou Chi drove the fairy cloud around the North Sea, and stopped in the astonishment of the three people.

She turned to look at Gu Jun Shangshen with a solemn expression: "Father God, do you know the origin of Boxuan?"

This question was extremely abrupt, Gu Jun Shangshen was obviously taken aback, then waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Girl, when he threw himself into Qingchi Palace, I went out every day to find elixir for you, so I don't have time to take care of you, see He has profound spiritual power, so I kept him, and I made an appointment with him that he could leave at any time, so after Bai Xuan left Qingchi Palace, I didn't look for him either."

Gujun Shangshen's words were flickering, ghosts didn't believe his words, Hou Chi squinted his eyes, stopped asking any more questions, turned around and drove down the fairy cloud.

When she found Bai Xuan, she would naturally be able to find out what happened.

The four of them stopped on the North Sea, and Houchi casually threw the exquisite water-proof beads into the sea. The calm sea suddenly parted, creating waves of several feet. An old turtle emerged from the deep sea, took the shape of a human, and kowtowed.

"Congratulations to God Houchi, Lord Qingmu, Lord Fengran."

"Prime Minister Turtle, don't be too polite, how is the old Dragon King?" Hou Chi has always been reluctant to socialize, Feng Ran looked at the expressions of the three of them, and resigned themselves to chatting.

"Thank you, Feng Ranshang, for your concern. The Dragon King is in good health."

Prime Minister Gui raised his head after kowtowing, seeing the handsome man and the extraordinary demeanor of the three people in front of him.Before he finished feeling, he turned his head and saw a sneaky old man standing crookedly behind the three of them. Thinking of the rumors that had been raging in the past half a month, his legs softened, and then he fell to the ground with a big gift.

"Little Immortal has poor eyesight, I have seen Gujun Shangshen." The old prime minister's voice trembled, and his hands on the ground trembled.Gujun Shangshen disappeared for thousands of years, and appeared on the Qinglong Terrace of Tiangong half a month ago. Not only did he force the Heavenly Emperor back, but also made the Queen of Heaven lose face, and finally left wantonly. Tianyuan, offending God now...

"It's all right, Prime Minister Turtle, you lead the way." Gu Jun waved his hands casually, and led the three of them towards the waterway separated by the water drops.

Prime Minister Gui responded loudly, showing high-speed foot strength that was completely inconsistent with his old-fashioned appearance, and moved to the side of Gujun Shangshen, and carefully bent over to lead the way: "Shangshen, please slow down, don't slap your feet .”

"Don't worry, I'm old and my eyes are still sharp, Prime Minister Gui, please slow down."

"Hey, God is sympathetic, Xiaoxian is really lucky in three lives."

The three people who were left out looked at each other with black lines all over their heads, then they all took a step back and slowed down silently.

They didn't know that Prime Minister Turtle of Beihai Dragon Palace was such a wonderful person!

The split road went deep into the North Sea, and the four of them walked slowly all the way. The aquariums outside the water curtain were crowded along this road, and the few people inside were extremely rare. There were many beautiful aquariums with human bodies and fish tails. Even not far away, he secretly gave Qing Mu a glance.

Hou Chi's expression was serious, he put his hands behind his back, and snorted.Qing Mu touched his nose and whispered a few words to Houchi, which made her look better.Fengran smiled and clicked her tongue secretly. Immortals are so reserved, but only the underwater aquariums are unrestrained by nature. Now it seems true, but she somehow remembered the sentence of Pingyao in Tiangong, "The princesses in the Dragon Palace once After fighting for a painting of my Second Highness's calligraphy, I suddenly lost the interest to make fun of the two of them.

With different minds, the Dragon Palace is close at hand.The resplendent Amethyst Palace is extraordinarily dazzling. Four silver-white transparent pillars are engraved with ancient Sanskrit characters, surrounding the palace and scattered in all directions, reflecting a hazy aura, covering the Amethyst Dragon Palace, forming a perfect circle, standing in the deep sea. Like the brightest jewels.

The Dragon King of Beihai, who was wearing a purple and gold dragon robe, stood on top of the palace and saw everyone from a distance. He was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed, and he quickly walked down the stand, bowing to the approaching God, the ancient king, and saluted: "Dragon King!" Frightened and terrified, I don’t know that the ancient king, the God, came to Beihai in person.”

It's no wonder that the Dragon King of Beihai was shocked, and a vision suddenly appeared in Beihai. Although he was thinking of borrowing from Qingchi Palace, he never expected to go there in person the first time he encountered the ancient king, Shangshen. It seems that the name of this beloved daughter is indeed worthy.

"Longxu, we haven't seen each other for tens of thousands of years after the Kunlun Mountains. This time, Houchi's willfulness has disturbed the world. I'm sorry to bother you." Gu Jun was still smiling, and raised his hand towards the Dragon King.

Although Qing Mu asked the Dragon King of the Four Seas, in the final analysis, he was looking at Qingchi Palace's face, otherwise there would be no news so soon.

When the Dragon King heard this, he quickly waved his hands: "God's words are too serious..."

"Dragon King, can you take us to the frozen place?" Before the two of them had finished exchanging greetings, a faint voice broke in. Gu Jun Shangshen immediately closed his mouth, and looked eagerly at the impatient girl behind him.

The Dragon King raised his head and saw the eagerness in Houchi's eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said: "The little god has been waiting for a long time, we will go now, but the little god is tired, just wait a moment."

The Dragon King said, and then he waved his long sleeves, and a pocket boat appeared not far away. In an instant, the captain was about ten feet high, made of red lacquered nanmu, and a dozen or so head-sized night pearls were inlaid on the body of the boat, and the purple It is as luxurious and bright as the Crystal Dragon Palace.

The corner of Houchi's mouth curled up slightly, and he began to understand the preferences of the Dragon King of the North Sea.

Thinking of the rare and rare treasures piled up in Qingchi Palace, she looked at Gujun Shangshen, who had obviously squinted her eyes, and sighed.

Dragons are indeed the most profitable species in the world.

It's just that, fortunately, she didn't inherit this kind of embarrassing good quality.

"God, the frozen place is extremely cold, and it's unbearable for ordinary aquariums. This king will take you there." After the Dragon King summoned the red boat, he stepped forward alone.

Houchi nodded, greeted several people, and boarded the red boat.

The speed of the red boat in the sea was not slower than that of driving the clouds. After traveling in the North Sea for an hour, it finally entered the deep area.

In such a short period of time, the Dragon King, who has lived for an unknown number of years, has naturally seen who is in charge of this group of people. Looking at the bluer deep sea, he said to Houchi: "Little God, Lord Qingmu once asked me to search the North Sea. Nothing was found, half a month ago when the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder came into the world, this frozen place churned out from the bottom of the sea and floated on the surface of the sea, completely freezing the sea area thousands of miles around, not even the aquarium living here was spared , this king tried to enter, but returned without success. I wanted to play the Emperor of Heaven, but I thought of the entrustment of the Qing Mu Shangjun, so I will inform you first."

Houchi nodded and cupped his hands: "Thank you, Dragon King." By saying this, it is considered to be an acknowledgment of his affection.

The Dragon King touched his beard, his face became more gentle, and he continued: "Although it is difficult for me to get close, I can sense a strong immortal power in the center of the frozen place. The little god will be careful."

After speaking, he pointed to a place not far away, and stepped aside. He had suffered enough from the frozen place.

The azure blue sea in front of it gradually became frozen. At a glance, it was vast and thousands of miles away, and the icy cold air came from the sea. Looking down, it was crystal clear, forming a world of ice and snow. Many aquariums looked like they were before being frozen.

The red boat docked not far from the ice block, Houchi probed it with spiritual power, and said lightly, "These aquariums are still alive?"

Gu Jun Shangshen stepped forward and said: "The ice cube is full of fairy energy, and it has only been half a month, which is enough to keep these aquatic people alive." After speaking, he flew off the boat first and headed towards the ice.

The moment Gu Jun Shangshen touched the ice, the bone-piercing cold turned into thousands of ice arrows that came out from under the ice and hit him.

The Dragon King exclaimed, and stretched out his hand to stop it. Seeing the ice arrows covering the sky and covering the sun turned into snow water and scattered on the ice with the wave of Gujun Shangshen, he put down his hand embarrassingly, and put away his worried expression.

The most powerful person in the Three Realms is here, is there any place he can't go?
Gujun Shangshen stood on the snow-white ice, and a phantom of a long sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards the ice lightly. The ice shattered in response, and the long sword opened a way in front of him, and soon he went straight to the bottom of the sea. The round passage was dug out, and feeling the breath inside, Gujun Shangshen raised his eyebrows and walked in.

The four people in Houchi followed behind him. The deeper they went, the stronger the immortal energy became. Sensing the familiar spiritual power, Houchi was uncharacteristically calm, his eyes filled with surprise.

After a while, walking to the depths of the seabed, the light suddenly appeared, and seeing the figure leading the way slowly slowing down, Houchi suddenly felt a little uneasy, she took a quick step and ran forward, and Qing Mula was too late, but only Can barely touch the corner of her sleeve.

Seeing that Hou Chi seemed to have completely forgotten his existence, Qing Mu's eyes dimmed, his figure paused, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a wry smile.

Feng Ran glanced at him sympathetically, patted Qing Mu on the shoulder and said, "Look at it, Bai Xuan is her closest relative besides the old man."

Qing Mu nodded, his expression lifted, he straightened his back, and walked forward.

The old dragon king on the side watched his nose, nose and heart, completely treating himself as an invisible person.

The phantom's long sword only opened up to the light and then stopped. Gu Jun waved his hand casually, and the long sword disappeared, and the world at the end of the passage was visible.

A group of people stopped in their tracks, except Gu Jun Shangshen, everyone was stunned.

No one could have imagined that the depths of the frozen sea would be like this.

At the end of the passage, an ice valley several feet wide came into view. Ice trees made of ice and snow covered the entire valley from top to bottom, which was crystal clear and magnificent. An ice coffin lay on the ice stone at the bottom of the valley, and a black figure lay faintly inside.

There is a strong immortal energy there, and it is the source of life for the entire ice valley and this thousand-mile frozen place.

After staring fixedly at the ice coffin for a moment, Houchi's pupils constricted, he bit his lip suddenly and flew down without looking.

Feng Ran also let out a little surprise, and her complexion changed slightly. Looking at their expressions, Qing Mu knew that the person lying in the coffin was probably the Bai Xuan that Houchi said, and flew down with her.

The face of the person in the coffin was ordinary, but the black robe on his body gave him a calm and dignified appearance. His long black hair rested quietly on his shoulders, his hands were folded on his chest, and his expression was serene.

When the four of them approached the ice coffin, Houchi had already stood there with her eyes closed without saying a word. After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Gujun Shangshen with a dignified expression.

"Old man, what's going on? The aquatic people frozen here have life, but Bai Xuan is full of immortal energy, how can he not even have any soul power?"

The implication is that this is just a body with celestial power, and the souls of the people in the coffin are all scattered, and they have long since passed away.

Seeing Houchi, whose hands were trembling slightly, and the real anger on her body, the old Dragon King retreated a few steps wisely.He originally thought that the immortal power in this frozen place is so strong that the person the little god is looking for must be Wuyou, but now...

"Don't worry, girl, Bai Xuan's body is still there, but his soul has dissipated. There is only one possibility." Gujun Shangshen pondered slightly, and said under Houchi's increasingly dark face: "His soul entered the six realms of the underworld, and reincarnated. gone."

"What do you mean?" If it wasn't for the body still overflowing with immortal energy and showing no signs of decay, Hou Chi would have thought that Bo Xuan was gone long ago. Hearing Gujun Shangshen's words, she raised her brows slightly.

"Houchi, you also know that immortals have a long lifespan, and sometimes they like to have fun after a long time. Since Bai Xuan put his body frozen here, it proves that no one forced him, so He must have gone to the world to experience the world."

There are not uncommon examples of immortal kings reincarnating to the world, and Hou Chi accepted the statement of Gu Jun Shangshen, and then thought it was wrong, and said: "Old man, the human life span is only a hundred years, even if you reincarnate all six realms once It doesn’t take ten thousand years, why hasn’t he woke up yet?”

Hearing Hou Chi's questioning voice, Gu Jun Shangshen wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and said: "If the soul has not returned by now, it means..." He paused, and continued: "His Now the soul has been severely injured, shattered into powder and floating in the Three Realms, and it is impossible to possess the body with its own strength."

"Why was he severely injured? With his immortal power, there are very few people in the Three Realms who can surpass him."

"Girl, the power of the soul is already weak, and it's even more so after leaving the body. If he encounters a catastrophe when he is reincarnated, no one can tell what the consequences will be."

"Gu Jun Shangshen, how can we save him?" Looking at the person in the coffin, Qing Mu felt a little familiar and inexplicable.Could this be the person who left the stone chain for him back then?

Gu Jun Shangshen paused, but did not speak.The atmosphere suddenly sank, Qingmu looked at Houchi with his head down in a daze, stretched out his hand, and then retracted it.

Houchi's expression was gloomy, his hands were tightly supported on the cold coffin lid, and his eyes slowly turned red as he watched Bai Xuan sleeping in the coffin as if he had died.

In order to make her live longer, the old man searched for medicine everywhere. In the empty Qingchi Palace, there will always be only her and the fairies who turned into flowers and trees.

Before Bai Xuan appeared, there was only loneliness and darkness in Qingchi Palace.In the thousands of years after the shell was broken, if Bai Xuan hadn't been by her side... At this moment, Houchi didn't even dare to recall the loneliness at that time.

"This king has heard that if someone's soul is scattered in the Three Realms, as long as the person's body is thrown into the Soul Suppressing Pagoda together with the spirit gathering beads and demon banners, and the spiritual energy of the world is collected and refined for a hundred years, the soul can be reunited and belong to the Body." The old Dragon King, who had buried his head for a long time, suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said it casually.

Seeing the three people who were stunned, the quick-talking old Dragon King wanted to slap himself twice.Such things, although ancient and secret, Fengran and Qingmu Shangjun may not know about it, but there is absolutely no reason why Gujun Shangshen did not know about it, the reason why he did not say it... is because the relationship between it is too great up.

These three treasures have been handed down from ancient times. The Juling Orb was owned by the Emperor of Heaven. Catastrophe.

The demon-gathering flag is the symbol of the seal of the demon world, and it was held by the demon emperors of all ages. This treasure can gather all the demons in the world, and the demon tiger clan can control the demon world, relying on the power of this thing's call.People in the demon clan are martial artists, if this thing is lost, without the God in charge, the demon world will definitely be in chaos.

And the Soul Suppression Tower... For thousands of years in the world, there are countless resentful souls. All the ghosts that could not be saved were shaken under the tower. The Soul Suppression Tower stood at the bottom of the underworld to protect the peace of the people in the world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these three things are the treasures of the nine states and eight wildernesses. What's more, if they are refined together, the three worlds will inevitably be in chaos in the past hundred years. Gu Jun Shangshen, I'm afraid he can't ignore the dangers of the Three Realms, accept the responsibility of the world, and act recklessly like this.

So, it's not that he doesn't say anything,'s simply impossible.

Thinking he understood how serious the matter was, Houchi was stunned for a while, and looked at Gujun Shangshen, seeing him turn his head, the light in his eyes suddenly disappeared, he let go of his hand on the ice coffin, and drooped powerlessly. When she came down, Qing Mu felt distressed when she saw it, and after a pause, she still put her arms around her shoulders.

Everyone was silent for a while, Fengran looked at the expressions of the few people, rubbed his hands together to enliven the atmosphere: "Houchi, don't be discouraged, there are many ancient books in Qingchi Palace, there must be a way to wake up Baixuan, come here this time It's not like returning without success, at least we found his stinky skin, let's get him back first."

Houchi nodded, and as soon as he turned around, Qingmu had already picked up the ice coffin with one hand. The young man looked gentle and patted her on the head: "Don't worry, we'll take a long-term plan when we go back, and he will be fine."

Hou Chi's expression paused slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he finally showed his first smile of the day.

Everyone turned around and walked out of the passage. Gu Jun Shangshen looked at the ice coffin with a complicated expression, and then looked at the young man carrying the ice coffin, and followed them silently.

Gathering spirit orbs, gathering demon banners, suppressing soul towers... If you lose them, the Three Realms will be in chaos, Bai Xuan, what are you going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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