
Chapter 42 The Three Treasures

Chapter 42 Three Treasures

The dragon's veins are naturally guarded, but human forces are nothing to Xianjun. Houchi hides his body, uses the fairy law to restrain the guards, and goes deep into the ground veins along the passage.

A faint spiritual light escaped from the ground, peaceful and peaceful, but the soaring wailing, resentment and anger were faintly intertwined in the spiritual light, almost breaking through the ground, bringing a strong sense of evil and wantonness to this most sunny place in the world.A thick shout came, and numerous incantations suppressed the violent aura, bringing the ground back to tranquility.

Houchi was not surprised. The Soul Rescue Pagoda was passed down in ancient times, and it is the treasure of the Three Realms. Where it is located, it will be guarded by immortals with profound spiritual power.Therefore, since she entered the underground, she has walked forward in an upright manner, and did not deliberately hide her tracks.

Half an hour later, a majestic underground palace appeared in front of Houchi. A zhang-tall green tower stood in the center of the underground palace. Ancient Sanskrit characters were engraved on it, solemn and majestic. The light green halo shone on the entire underground palace, turning into A round halo formed, suppressing the roaring ghosts in the ground.

The Zhenhun Pagoda is right in front of you, but Houchi has not moved forward.

On the quaint cushion in the middle of the pagoda, an ancient and rare old man in a white robe looked at her quietly, his eyes carried the thoroughness and understanding of the world.

"Sentient beings from the Three Realms stop at the Soul-suppressing Pagoda, why did the God come here?" An old voice sounded from the pagoda, and with a thick echo, it fell into Houchi's ears.His expression was peaceful, and he was not moved by Houchi's identity in the slightest.

Houchi was not surprised at all that the immortal who guarded the tower could see his identity. According to legend, the guardian immortal tourmaline was born with the tower in the soul-suppressing tower. His control over the Soul Tower.

"Sir Tourmaline." Houchi bent down to perform the salute, without any impatience, and said in a deep voice, "Houchi has a private matter and wants to borrow the Soul-Suppressing Pagoda for a hundred years, and I hope Xianjun will agree."

This person and the tower have long lived together, if Tourmaline doesn't want to, even if the Soul Suppressing Tower is destroyed, she won't be able to move at all.

Hearing this, Immortal Bixi's eyes fluctuated a little, but her voice was still calm and unwavering: "God Houchi, the Soul Relief Tower is related to the safety of the human world. Without it guarding the world, evil spirits will ravage the world, and there will be no more peace. know?"

"Houchi knows,'s a last resort." Houchi took a step forward with a solemn expression.

"The upper god is the supreme being of the extreme heaven and earth. He is supposed to protect the world. How can he forget the foundation of the Three Realms because of personal affection?" Immortal Bixi looked at the back pool and said in a deep voice, his eyes were full of disappointment and disapproval.

"Your Majesty Tourmaline, Houchi will never ignore the common people." Houchi said softly, seeing Tourmaline's eyebrows twitch slightly, and put his hands behind his back: "It is recorded in the ancient book that the Soul Rescue Pagoda was built by the ancient god Qingtian. Stay, it is not the power of chaos that cannot be broken, it needs to be infused with the original spiritual power of the gods to have the power to suppress ghosts, otherwise it will eventually be overthrown, right?"

In the past half a month, Qingmu has searched all kinds of ancient books, and she has not stopped. The records about the Soul Rescue Pagoda in Qingchi Palace are clear. will crash.If she hadn't found a way to persuade Tourmaline, she would never have come here.

Houchi's voice was very clear and firm in the empty underground palace. Tourmaline bowed her head in silence for a moment, reached out to touch her gray beard, and after a long time, she looked at Houchi with burning eyes: "The collection of books in Qingchi Palace is really extraordinary. What the little god said is right, without the infusion of the original power of the god, the Soul Suppressing Pagoda would not last for a hundred years. Since the little god knows this, what will happen if you come here today?"

It is not a secret in the Three Realms that the soul suppression tower needs the original power of the gods, but the spiritual power of the gods is not as good as the power of chaos. If you want to activate the soul tower, you must consume at least half of the original power of a god, But no matter which god, how could he be willing to sacrifice so in vain?After all, if you lose half of your original power, you will be reduced to a demigod immediately, and the pattern of the Three Realms will change drastically.

"Xianjun, in the past hundred years, Houchi will seal all his spiritual power here, and replace the soul tower to guard the demons in the world. After a hundred years, he is willing to use half of the original power to help the soul tower guard the world forever." Hou Chi raised his head, with a sincere and earnest expression, and said slowly word by word.

Tourmaline's calm face changed, and her eyes twitched: "Little God, half of the original power, are you serious?"

"Hou Chi will never speak in vain." A clear voice sounded, and Hou Chi looked at Tourmaline, his eyes shining brightly.

"Okay!" After a while, Tourmaline let out a long laugh, vigorous and powerful: "You can only gain if you give up, little god, I promise you, if you are willing to use half of your original power to help the Soul Resilience Tower to keep the world forever in a hundred years, then in this hundred years , I will stay here for you."

"Immortal Tourmaline, you..." Houchi was taken aback, as if he couldn't believe it. Without the Soul Suppression Tower, with the power of Immortal Tourmaline, could it be possible to guard this most evil place in the world?
Tourmaline didn't miss the surprise in Houchi's eyes. He smiled slightly, floated cross-legged in the air, formed a semicircle with his hands, and chanted the spell softly. The tower that was ten feet tall slowly shrank and fell on his palm the size of a fist.

With the disappearance of the Soul Suppressing Tower, the mournful and violent roars in the depths of the underground palace suddenly became louder, and there was a faint tendency to break through the ground.

Tourmaline Shangjun let out a soft 'hum', a green light emanated from his body, rose into the air, transformed into a smaller Soul Suppression Tower, and landed on the main hall of the underground palace. After resting, he even fled to the depths of the ground with a faint fear.

Houchi raised his eyebrows, and he was filled with admiration from the bottom of his heart.The world only knows that Lord Tourmaline possesses the power to control the Soul-Suppressing Tower, but they don't know that the two have already merged into one, and his own strength is not weaker than the Soul-Suppressing Tower.If he ascended to the nine heavens, he might not be able to become a god, no wonder he can brazenly say that he will guard the world for a hundred years on her behalf!

"Little God, your spiritual power should be used for other purposes. I won't leave you here anymore. You can go." When he finished speaking, the small green pagoda in his palm flew from mid-air and stopped in the back pool. before.

It seemed that what she was about to do couldn't be hidden from the Immortal Tourmaline, Hou Chi's expression moved slightly, he took the small tower, and bowed solemnly to the old man in midair.

"Sir Tourmaline, after a hundred years, Houchi will definitely come to repay your favor."

"Go, the Soul Suppressing Pagoda is lost, the Emperor and Empress of Heaven will realize sooner or later, if you can't save the person you want to save, half of the original power of the gods will be really wasted."

A laughing voice sounded in mid-air, Houchi paused, narrowed his eyes, took a deep look at Tourmaline, turned around and walked out of the underground palace.

"Tourma, after a hundred years, God Chishang will send back the Soul-Suppressing Tower. Do you really want to take half of her original power?" A clear and crisp voice suddenly sounded in the underground palace. The little green fairy beast has a fat body, four short legs, crystal clear wings on the back, moist eyes, it is really cute, and it has no respect for Lord Tourmaline.

"Bibo, in a hundred years, nothing can be done right. If the power of chaos is present, the Tower of Soul Relief will be safe in the future." Immortal Bixi stroked his beard with a deep meaning in his eyes.

"The power of chaos, isn't it only the ancestor god Qingtian?" Bibo waved his little wings, pouted his mouth, and blinked his big eyes.

"The power of chaos, in addition to the ancestor god Qingtian, also has the ancient true god who inherited his blood."

Bibo shook her head and shook her head for a long time, but she didn't want to understand the meaning of Xianjun Bixi's words.

Tourmaline stretched out her hand, and the little fairy beast jumped and landed on his hand.

"Bibo, go to Houchi and stay with her. You are a water condensate beast with healing powers. If she is in danger in the future, you can help her." Tourmaline nodded Bibo's head and said.

"No, no, Bibo isn't going anywhere." Bibo twisted her body, her transparent wings closed quickly, her face full of displeasure.

"She has the aura of a young God. If you can sign a contract with that unborn little God, you won't have to practice every day in the future." Seeing that Bibo was too lazy to move, Tourma stroked her beard and said seductively.

"Really?" Bibo turned his head quickly, spread his wings, saw Tourmaline's serious face, hesitated for a moment, stood up from his palm, and flew out of the underground palace crookedly with his chubby body.

Compared with the tens of thousands of years of cultivation in the future, it should be more diligent now, listen to Tourmaline's words and help that little god.

"Tourma, you are not allowed to lie to me, or you will pull out your beard when I come back."

A clear voice came from far away, the old fairy who was stroking his beard shook his hand, and inadvertently tore off a few, his eyebrows frowned in pain.

While Houchi was rushing to the demon world, Fengran changed his appearance and mixed in with the congratulatory demon kings, and tiptoed into the demon emperor's apse.

The festival of the demon world is extremely grand every year, and the third heaven is even more crowded on this day. The demon emperor and his two highnesses have left the Chongzi Hall since early in the morning, and only some demon kings are left to guard here.

The demon gathering banner is the treasure of the demon emperor, so naturally it will not be placed in one place casually. After searching for half a day, Fengran could faintly sense a powerful aura in the stone chamber deep in the Chongzi Hall, but when she walked carefully At the stone chamber, it was difficult to go any further.

Looking at the complex formations with thick monster power outside the stone chamber, Feng Ran frowned slightly, rubbing her chin and meditating.

Forcibly breaking the formation will definitely alarm the Demon Emperor, and there will be no way to take the Demon Gathering Banner away from the Demon Realm...

"Why, Mr. Feng Ranshang, who is not afraid of anything, is also worried sometimes?"

A playful voice sounded behind her, Feng Ran was startled, she turned her head with calm eyes, and saw Chang Qin not far away, who was dressed in Tsing Yi, leaning against the railing, her expression relaxed, and she returned to her own appearance.

"Chang Qin, why are you here?" After the last farewell, the two never met again, Feng Ran raised her eyebrows, with a puzzled look on her face: "You still recognize me, I have clearly changed .”

Chang Qin smiled and said: "I represent the demon fox clan to the third heaven to congratulate. I saw you at the entrance of the main hall, and saw you acting sneakily, so I followed all the way. Fortunately, the demon emperor is not in the Chongzi hall, otherwise you would be so flamboyant. , I'm afraid I can't even walk in the back hall." Fengran had a bit of evil in her body, so she was able to enter the third heaven unimpeded all the way, but when she met the Demon Emperor, she might be recognized at a glance .

"Really?" Feng Ran rubbed her nose, a little embarrassed, and she still felt that she was quite low-key.

"Fengran, this is the important place of the Chongzi Palace, what are you doing here?" Chang Qin glanced behind Fengran, his eyebrows straightened: "Are you here to gather demon banners?"

Feng Ran nodded, and said: "Houchi needs to gather demon banners to save people, that's why I came to the demon world today, but I didn't expect that the demon emperor would set up a formation here, it's really troublesome."

"The Juyao Banner is the most precious treasure in the demon world, so naturally it will not neglect to guard it." Chang Qin looked solemn, stood up straight and said, "Do you want me to help you?"

"Chang Qin..." Feng Ran was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "No need, I don't want to involve you, the gathering of demon banners is too important to the demon world..."

"It's nothing. Ever since the demon king Jingyuan was born, the effectiveness of gathering demon banners has long been greatly reduced. Besides, as long as my demon fox clan does not compete with the demon emperor, no one can shake his position. Even if he finds out, It's just a few reprimands, I owe you a favor, and I just pay it back to you now."

After Chang Qin finished speaking, he smiled and muttered a few words silently. The formation spread out, and the door of the stone room was slowly pushed open. Light.

She stretched out her hand, and the monster-gathering banner flew out of the stone room and landed in his hand.

"Fengran, hurry up, the demon emperor will definitely notice the theft of the Yaoju banner. You must hand it over to Houchi as soon as possible, otherwise there will be changes."

Feng Ran took over the Juyao banner in a daze, and was speechless for a while. She and Hou Chi were just doing a little effort at the beginning, and Lu saw the injustice. Now Chang Qin actually helped them to this extent...

A sharp roar came from the stone room, which woke her up suddenly, and she looked up to see Chang Qin with a resolute expression on his face, and without saying much, he dragged her and ran towards the outside of Chongzi Hall.

"Feng Ran, what are you doing?" Chang Qin was taken aback, and said anxiously, without her to stop the Demon Emperor, it would not be easy for Chang Qin to figure out the third heaven.

"I, Fengran, am not a person who doesn't show loyalty. How can I leave you here alone to bear the wrath of the Demon Emperor? Chang Qin, are you interested in running away with me? The mountains and rivers outside the demon world are not bad!" The sound of the sound resounded in the air, Fengran put the Juyao banner into the Qiankun bag, walked with the whip, turned his head, and smiled at Chang Qin with raised eyebrows.

Fengran was dressed in black, with long blood-red hair flying in the air, wanton and unrestrained, Chang Qin was taken aback for a moment, then let out a long laugh, with bright eyebrows and eyes: "Why don't you dare, when this demon king dominates the demon world, you may still be a baby .”

The two laughed for a moment and fled outside.

The demon-gathering flag was lost, and the formation was touched. The demon emperor who was presiding over the New Year's Festival sank, his eyes gleamed, and he left the demon clan people in the square and flew straight to the entrance of the third heaven.

In the Chongzi Hall, two figures appeared above the stone chamber.

"My lord, although the demon gathering banner is not very useful now, it is the token of the demon emperors of all ages. If you ask the demon king Changqin to help Fengran seize the demon gathering banner, wouldn't it make the demon emperor lose face? You have the vengeance of killing your son, this time you have caught her, and you will not let her go easily." Zihan looked at the man beside him and said doubtfully.

"With Chang Qin's temperament, even if I don't speak up, once she finds out about it, she will definitely help Fengran. I'm just being a favor." With a full smile: "Besides, it's better if he doesn't let Fengran go. I really want to know how Houchi will end up if he angers the masters of the fairy and demon realms at the same time!"

The voice was charming and lingering, it didn't sound like a question, but instead had a hint of gentle expectation.

The corners of Zihan's brows were slightly frowned, and his expression was startled. He raised his head to look at the young man in white in front of him, and seemed to hear an invisible murmur.

"Houchi, you...don't let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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