
Chapter 43 Three Treasures

Chapter 43 Three Treasures

Auspicious clouds floated across the sky, flying across the sky.

Houchi stood on it with a slightly anxious expression. She spent too long in the human world. Even if she arrived at the demon world now, she might have missed the New Year's Eve, so she could only take one step at a time.

The demon world was right in front of her eyes, and Optimus Prime was faintly visible not far away. She breathed a sigh of relief and flew forward.

Immortal Heavenly Palace.

Because of the turmoil of Shangjun Qingmu on the Qinglongtai, the life experience of God Houchi was revealed, the Queen of Heaven lost face, Princess Jing Zhao was imprisoned in the Immortal Lock Tower by the Emperor of Heaven, and she would not be released for a hundred years. Tiangong has been lifeless in recent months.

In order to revive the majesty of Tiangong, and to let Tianhou forget the previous unhappiness, the Emperor of Heaven has sent out invitations for Tianhou's birthday half a month ago, and even some old masters who were not born were invited into Jiuchongtian Palace by him. No one dared to shirk the invitation of the Emperor of Heaven. For a moment, the birthday banquet was extremely grand, and all the immortals were present, knowing all three realms.

On the day of Tianhou's birthday banquet, all the immortals gathered, which was much more lively than the birthday banquet held by Old Shangjun Donghua on Daze Mountain.Holding the invitation card in hand, Qing Mu entered the Tianmen with ease.Hearing that he came, Jing Jian, who was practicing, was startled, showing a bit of surprise, but he still came to greet him in person.

Qing Mu, who has withstood the nine-day profound thunder, is no longer what it used to be. He is dressed in a navy blue robe, with a wooden hairpin hanging loosely on his head. He is slender and has a tall and handsome face. There is a bit of nobility and mystery around him that ordinary immortals can't match. As soon as he appeared, he caught the admiring eyes of most female immortals in the Heavenly Palace.

But everyone knew about the earth-shattering marriage proposal on Qinglong Stage a few months ago, so although they admired her, there were very few people who dared to step forward.

After all, Qingmu Shangjun has made it clear that he likes the little god of Qingchi Palace, and even Jing Zhao, the majestic princess of Tiangong, has returned home. They should stop and save some face for themselves.

Qing Mu was cold and a little impatient under the greetings of the immortals, but after thinking about it, he still didn't leave directly.Judging from the current time, Houchi should have taken the Soul-Suppressing Tower and rushed to the Demon Realm. I hope Fengran can succeed.They made an appointment to meet at Optimus Prime, which was the time they planned to go to Houchi.

When Jing Jian arrived, he saw exactly such a scene. Feeling Qing Mu's powerful aura and dignity all over his body unconsciously, he was really taken aback, but it was only a month ago. The changes are too great.

"Shangjun Qingmu, if you can come here in person, Father will be happy." Jing Jian took a step forward, passed the immortals, and approached Qingmu without saluting. No matter whether Qingmu's spiritual power is high or low, After all, he is the prince of Tiangong, as long as Qingmu is not a god for a day, there is no need for him to salute.

"Your Highness is serious." Seeing that Qing Mu nodded slightly and his expression relaxed, Jing Jian also showed a little smile on his brows, leading him to walk aside.

Seeing the Second Highness Jing Jian coming to greet them in person, all the immortals sighed for Qing Mu's respect for the throne, and silently made way for the two of them.

Jingjian likes to be quiet, and the servants of Tiangong know his preference, so the surroundings of his palace are generally extremely quiet.On the path, the two walked together, feeling the faint gloomy look between Qing Mu's brows, Jing Jian hesitated for a moment before saying: " she okay?"

Knowing that Jing Jian has always regarded Houchi as his younger sister since the battle in Yuanling Swamp, Qing Mu's face softened a little, but thinking that now that he wants to get the Ju Lingzhu, he will inevitably have troubles with Tiangong again, the corners of his lips curled up, and said: " She's fine, fine."

Before Jing Jian could ask again, Qing Mu quickly added another sentence: "Fengran is also very good, alive and well, and can eat three bowls of rice every meal."

Jing Jian's face was stunned, as if something had been punctured, his ears were suddenly stained red, and his voice became stuttering: "Qingmu Shangjun..."

"Your Highness Jingjian, you and Fengran..." Qing Mu paused, and said bluntly, "It's not suitable."

Jing Jian's face turned pale, his footsteps froze, and his eyes drooped slightly.After a long time, he said: "I know."

It's one thing for Fengran not to like him, but judging by the feud between his brother and Fengran... and the entanglement between the empress mother and Qingchi's impossible for the two of them.

The atmosphere became tense for a while, but after all Qing Mu was not an ordinary person, and he returned to normal in a short while.

He cupped his hands towards Qing Mu: "The birthday banquet will only be held in Xuantian Palace in the afternoon, why don't you come to my palace to rest first?"

Xuantian Palace?Hearing Jing Jian's words, Qing Mu's eyes twitched slightly, and he said calmly, "Xuantian Palace always only discusses business matters, why did Your Majesty hold the banquet here this time?"

Jing Jian was a little embarrassed, hesitated for a moment, and sighed: "This is what the queen mother meant."

Qing Mu nodded, expressing his understanding.The Queen of Heaven lost her face, so she naturally wanted to find her place again, nothing could show her dignity better than her majesty visiting Xuantian Palace.

Qing Mu looked around and said casually: "I see that the palace is full of aura now, even more than before, it must be due to the Juling Orb. I heard that the Juling Orb was placed in the Xuantian Palace to guard the fairy world, but it is true ?”

Jing Jian was a little puzzled when he saw Qingmu mentioning the Juling Orb suddenly, but he shook his head: "The overflow of spiritual energy in the palace has nothing to do with the Juling Orb. Ever since you experienced the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder a month ago, the Heavenly Palace has always been That's it. Actually, as long as the Father God sits in the Heavenly Palace, nothing will happen to the Immortal Realm, and the Spirit Gathering Orb is just exaggerated by the Three Realms."

"Then... is it safe to put the Juling Orb in the Xuantian Palace?"

"Naturally." A little doubt appeared in Jing Jian's eyes, but he quickly covered it up. After thinking for a while, he said in a low voice, "Shangjun Qingmu, Xuantian Palace is protected by the original power of Father God. Possess the power of the gods, otherwise you will not be able to get close even a step, and you will be injured by the spiritual power of the temple, you... think twice before acting."

He didn't know what Qingmu's plan was, but Qingmu wouldn't just ask about Julingzhu for no reason and guess that his visit to Tiangong this time was unusual.The Xuantian Palace is protected by the Heavenly Emperor's original power, he is not worried about the safety of the Juling Orb, but he also does not want Qingmu to anger the Heavenly Emperor, so he made it clear.

Hearing this, Qing Mu was obviously taken aback, smiled and didn't say much, he breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Zisongyuan was close in front of him, he waved his hand at Jingjian: "Second Highness, thank you, Zisongyuan is here. "

Seeing his indifferent expression, Jing Jian thought he was too careful, so he also smiled, cupped his hands and left.

Qing Mu narrowed his eyes to see him traveling far away, turned around and entered Zisong Courtyard, disappeared, and headed towards Xuantian Palace.

It was close to noon at this time, and the birthday banquet was held in the afternoon, so there was no time, so it was better to start at this time than to wait for the Emperor and Empress to gather in Xuantian Hall.

The Xuantian Hall is suspended in the air in the center of the Tiangong, and it has always been opened only when the Emperor of Heaven handles political affairs. This time, the birthday banquet of the Queen of Heaven was arranged here, which surprised many immortals.But when he thought of the Emperor's feelings for the Empress, he was relieved.

At this time, there were only a few guards outside the Xuantian Palace, and there was no figure of Shangjun who came to congratulate him. Before Qing Mu approached, he felt a strong white spiritual power filling the surroundings of the suspended palace, and his eyes sank slightly , the approaching figure stopped.

It seems that what Jing Jian said is true, it's not that the guards of Xuantian Palace are weak, and because of the spiritual power surrounding it, very few people can get close to it.

You can't force yourself into the position of God...?Thinking of what Jing Jian had said, Qing Mu regained his composure slightly, a golden spiritual power shot out from his body and surrounded him, almost immediately, the white spiritual power outside the Xuantian Hall actually appeared in this golden soft There were fluctuations under the light, and he receded towards Xuantian Temple invisibly, as if he was avoiding.

Qing Mu was taken aback when he saw this, raised his handsome brows, and swirled the golden spiritual power from his fingertips, deepening it a little.Since the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder on the Azure Dragon Platform, this golden spiritual power has slowly appeared in the body, it is unexpected to have such an effect today.

The golden light around him rose sharply, Qing Mu pursed his lips, looked at the guarding immortal general not far away, and walked towards Xuantian Palace.

The Suoxian Pagoda was pitch black, and the aura was weak, with only a glimmer of light reflected from the small window on the pagoda.

Jing Zhao was dressed in plain white robes, sitting cross-legged in the pagoda with an indifferent face, his eyes slightly closed, a little more indifferent than the embarrassment on Qinglongtai.

One day outside, one month in Suoxian Pagoda, so although only one month has passed outside, nearly a year has passed in the pagoda.

There was a sound of kicking outside the small window, Jing Zhao's eyebrows remained unchanged, as if he didn't feel anything.

"Your Highness, Qing Li came to visit, how can you ignore it?"

A charming laugh sounded outside the window, Jing Zhao frowned, opened his eyes and looked out, Qing Lixuan in a long green dress was floating outside the tower, laughing at Yan Yan, she turned her head and did not answer.

"Princess Jing Zhao, we are old friends after all. Although we are not going to greet each other, you should say hello. Could it be that Princess Tiangong, who was imprisoned in the Immortal Suo Tower, doesn't even have this bit of tolerance?"

Jing Zhao raised his head, his eyes were transparent, and said lightly: "Qing Li, although I don't know your purpose, I also know that you have no good intentions. This is the fairy world, you'd better leave quickly."

Her words were indifferent, and she didn't care about Qingli's provocation at all.

Qing Li raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Suoxian Pagoda really deserves its reputation, it's really a good place to hone your temper, Your Highness the Princess doesn't want to know why I came here?"

"I don't want to." He spit out two words coldly, Jing Zhao didn't lift his eyes, and flicked his hand on the sleeve.

"Tian Hou's birthday, banquet for all the gods, if Shang Jun Qing Mu messes up the banquet, and without Gu Jun Shang God to protect him, I don't know if he will be as lucky as last time!" A charming laugh sounded, Clear eyes rolled, and he covered his mouth and smiled.

Jing Zhao's expression was shocked, his eyes were burning, and he said, "Qing Li, what do you want to say? What's the matter with Guan Qingmu at the mother's birthday banquet?"

"As long as he doesn't want to curry favor with the little god of Qingchi Palace,'s none of his business." Qing Li narrowed her eyes slightly, and sighed: "Mr. Qingmu is really a seed of infatuation. God Chishang is willing to accept the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder, this time it is also for her to break into the Xuantian Palace and seize the Gathering Spirit Orb..."

Jing Zhao suddenly raised his head, his voice paled: "Ju could he go to grab Ju Lingzhu!"

"Then I don't know, Princess Jing Zhao, I've already said what I need to say. As for whether Shangjun Qingmu will perish in the Heavenly Palace, I...will wait and see, but...his time is running out. !" Qing Li shrugged, blinked her eyes, and disappeared outside the Immortal Suo Pagoda.

Jing Zhao stood up and raised his head with an unpredictable expression. Outside the small window, all the faint light shone down, and he felt a stinging pain immediately.

Jing Zhao, it doesn't matter if you go out, so it doesn't matter if you save him, he will always only have Houchi in his eyes, and it's good that he can't see you at all!
At the same time, the Heavenly Emperor, who was discussing the birthday banquet with the Queen of Heaven in Yuyu Palace, suddenly paused, and looked in the direction of Xuantian Palace, with a slightly uneasy expression on his face.

"Twilight, what happened?" The Empress Dowager was wearing a golden phoenix brocade dress, with a pure purple neckline opened at her neck, auspicious clouds fluttering, and the colorful phoenix on the brocade robe that slanted down from her waist was lifelike, like flying into the sky, and it was extremely luxurious. .

"Nothing." The Heavenly Emperor turned his head and said in a low voice, "There is my original power in the Xuantian Temple, and no one should be able to break in."

The latter sentence was too light, so Tianhou didn't hear it, but seeing that the Emperor of Heaven was in a good mood recently, she said, "Twilight, let Jing Zhao come out for my birthday party today, she is also a princess of the Heaven Realm after all, it would be great if the hundred-year ban was waived... "

Tianhou's expression was mellow, Tiandi paused, feeling a little unbearable in his heart, he also loves his daughter, but if Jing Zhao's temperament is not tempered, he will definitely cause disaster in the future.

Seeing the pleading behind Tian, ​​the Emperor of Heaven hesitated for a moment, but then he let go: "Let Jing Zhao attend your birthday banquet today, and return to the Suoxian Pagoda after the birthday banquet, and the prohibition period will be changed to ten years."

Hearing this, although Tianhou was not particularly satisfied, she also knew that the Emperor of Heaven had made a concession, so she nodded, as if she agreed.

Thinking of the invitations sent to Qingchi Palace and Lookout Mountain, the Emperor of Heaven was not sure whether Gu Jun, Houchi and Qingmu would come, but he had to tell Wu Huan in advance, and was about to speak, but felt A strong fluctuation of spiritual power came from Xuantian Temple, shaking the entire Tiangong.

He paused, his face sank, and he stood up abruptly and looked outside Yuyu Hall.

"Twilight, what happened?" She also felt the change in Xuantian Palace, but Tianhou didn't know as clearly as Tiandi, so she got up and asked.

"Wu Huan, someone broke into the Xuantian Palace." The Heavenly Emperor said softly, the golden eyes flashed quickly, and then slowly fell silent.

The Empress Dowager's eyebrows tightened. Twilight's body was a five-clawed golden dragon. Although her pupils were black, they would change when she was extremely angry. She lowered her eyes and said, "Twilight, the Xuantian Temple is your original power. So, if it wasn't for the power of the gods, it would be difficult to enter, but... the ancient king is here? What is he asking for?"

The Emperor of Heaven took a meaningful look at the Queen of Heaven and shook his head: "It's not the ancient king... what can there be in the Xuantian Palace, that person is just for gathering spirit beads." After darkening, he said: "I just didn't expect that he could actually break into Xuantian Palace, I really underestimated him!"

"Twilight, what you're talking about..." Tianhou heard the meaning of the Heavenly Emperor's words, and her face turned cold, as if she couldn't believe it: "How is it possible, didn't you say that he has at least a hundred years before he can be promoted to the Supreme God! "

"Hundred years..." The Emperor of Heaven spit out two words lightly, looking at the Xuantian Temple where the golden and white lights intersect, his eyes narrowed slightly, full of murderous intent: "He must have that time!"

"Ju Lingzhu is the seal of my control of the Three Realms, and he dares to covet it! This emperor has been aloof from the world for tens of thousands of years. Does everyone in the Three Realms think that my Tiangong can't be bullied!"

The Heavenly Emperor suddenly turned his head, his eyes were full of light, and the supreme aura of looking down on the world stood out. The gilded dragon robe was gently stretched out, and the imperial palace was condensed.

The Queen of Heaven stared blankly at the Emperor of Heaven who had an indifferent face but no smile on her face, her heart trembled a little. He hadn't called him 'the Emperor' in front of her for... tens of thousands of years...

"This time, even if the ancient king comes, this emperor will not give up. This world should know... Who is the ruler of the three realms and controls all living beings!"

The cold voice echoed in Yuyu Palace for a long time, the Emperor of Heaven stood upright with his hands behind his back, looking at the clouds and clouds in the sky, his lips curled up slightly, without any emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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