
Chapter 8

Chapter 8
With a dark face, Fengran looked at Houchi who was standing in the open space with her thin arms and legs shaking, and kept mocking her. She hummed silently, but she was a little curious about the person coming, and immediately opened her eyes and looked forward. go.

Outside the weeds that reached his waist, the immortal gentleman in green clothes stood tall, obviously seeing the two people standing in the fence, he was also obviously taken aback, and walked over with a bit of surprise and understanding in his eyes, and said lightly : "I don't know who can enter the Lookout Mountain. It turns out that it is Feng Ran Shangjun..."

The warm and deep voice made Hou Chi Wu pause, and also dispelled the indifference in his mouth. She raised her eyes to look at the young man outside the bamboo house, squinted her eyes, and couldn't help admiring, this man's temperament is natural , the whole body is full of fairy spirit, the outline is deep, and there is a mysterious and distant breath in the black eyes. When it comes to appearance and demeanor, it is not inferior to Jingjian, the son of the emperor of heaven.

Staring at those pitch-black eyes, Houchi suddenly felt absurdly familiar. She might have seen this person before, but obviously... she has never left Qingchi Palace for tens of thousands of years.

Feng Ran was also surprised by the appearance and demeanor of the visitor, seeing that he was able to reveal her identity as soon as he opened his mouth, and then said: "How do you know..."

"Now in the three worlds, it is said that Fengran Shangjun and Houchishangshen came out of Qingchi Palace. Looking at the mountain, the spiritual energy is strong and the formations are all over the place. Others think it is impossible to get in."

"You like to praise yourself in a disguised form." Obviously satisfied with the cold words, Feng Ran squinted her eyes and smiled, cast a smug look at Houchi, and cupped her hands at the visitor: "Friend Xian Immortal power is not inferior to mine, so I don't know if my immortal friends are..." It would be a pity if this person is a member of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Qing Mu."

Feng Ran was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes showed some surprise.Unexpectedly, the most famous person in the Three Realms in the past thousand years would have such a handsome appearance. The rumors are indeed true.

Shangjun Qingmu, the only Shangjun who has successfully crossed the catastrophe in the past few thousand years, no one knows his origin, but it is said that on the second day after his Shangjun's name was printed on Optimus Prime, he walked alone in the North Sea , killing the Hydra that dominates the end of the North Sea. This thing lives in groups and is cruel by nature. Even the Dragon King of the North Sea dare not easily invade its lair, but he doesn't want such a ferocious thing to be lost to him alone. Hand, when the news came, it shocked the Three Realms.

It is precisely because of this that the imperial edict of the Heavenly Emperor did not come down to Qingmu. Since the opening of the Three Realms in the later ancient times, there has been an unwritten rule that the Heavenly Emperor should not intervene too much with the immortal monarchs who have the peak strength of the Shangjun. of.

This is also the reason why Feng Ran dared to stroll outside and trouble Ziyuan when the ancient emperor Shangshen disappeared. When she first entered the position of Shangjun, she was ordered to be killed by the emperor of heaven. Few of them can take her life.

But Qing Mu had already possessed the strength of the peak of Shangjun when his name was printed on Optimus Prime, which made Qing Mu an odd number in the Three Realms from the very beginning, with a transcendent status.In terms of danger and mystery, he is far superior to Fengran back then, and even Jiaolong Wuheng, who dared to go to Qingchi Palace to provoke him ten thousand years ago, may not be as far behind him.

If there are people in the Three Realms that Feng Ran is afraid of, apart from the three gods who don't know the depth, the demon king of the demon world, and Donghua Shangjun, it is the Qingmu Shangjun.She looked at the handsome Xianjun with a cold face in front of her, and suppressed the surprise in her heart.

No wonder he can come and go freely in Lookout Mountain, it's just... what is he doing here?
Qingmu looked at Fengran for a while, nodded, and then looked at the commoner girl who had been staring at him from the beginning, and said unceremoniously: "All the immortals in the three worlds have recently passed on that Hou Chishang is young and has great spiritual power. Look, it’s better not to believe all the rumors. However, it seems that the gods can come and go freely in the Wangwang Mountain, and it must be blessed by the gift from the ancient king, the god.”

Houchi was stunned for a moment, surprised at the straightforwardness of Qingmu Shangjun, but he felt a bit of appreciation, after all, not everyone can ignore the effects of Gujun Shangshen and her own status as Shangshen. There are too few gods who dare to say such a deterrent.

"Why, Qingmu Shangjun thinks that I have wasted the name of the god and is disappointed?" Houchi looked at Qingmu like a broken smile, and stared at him with interest.

"Status are nothing more than external objects. No matter whether you are a lord or a god, you can't escape the destiny. Why should you care about the God of Houchi?" Qing Mu replied indifferently, his eyes swept across Houchi indifferently When she passed the inkstone bracelet on Houchi's wrist, she paused invisibly, and there was a little surprise and surprise in her expression.

"I don't know why Shangjun Qingmu came to look at the mountain?" Fengran knew that Houchi must not know Qingmu's identity, so she hurriedly whispered Qingmu's origin in her ear, and took over the topic.

Hearing this, Qing Mu obviously raised his eyebrows, and said strangely: "Three days ago, the immortal spirit of Mount Wangang leaked out, and the spiritual power was in chaos. There was a faint golden light shining directly into the sky, which shocked the fairy world. It is rumored in the three worlds that this is the portable artifact of the true god Bai Jue It’s a sign of Sunburn Spear’s appearance, and now all the immortals are going to look for treasures in Mount Wangwang, isn’t Lord Feng Ranshang here for this?”

The sun-burning gun is now in the world?This is probably the biggest event in the Three Realms for tens of thousands of years. No wonder Qing Mu, who has always been elusive, also came here.

Fengran and Houchi glanced at each other, then shook their heads, they have been rushing to lookout mountain on the cloud for the past three days, how could they have time to inquire about these things.

"I have an old friend who practiced here, and I came here today to look for him. If Shangjun Qingmu is here for the sun-burning gun, just go ahead." Houchi thought about the fan full of monsters in the bamboo house, and casually said.

"Don't worry, with the spiritual energy overflowing, Sunburn Spear will take at least three months to appear in the world. I have something to ask God, and please ask God to explain." Qing Mu waved his hand casually, and suddenly the conversation changed Turned around to Houchi.

"What's the matter?" Houchi felt an unexplained scrutiny on him, slightly dissatisfied.When meeting Qing Mu for the first time just now, he was obviously not moved by her identity, and was more interested in Feng Ran, who has advanced spiritual power, but why suddenly...

"I don't know where the stone chain worn on Shangshen's wrist came from?" Qing Mu asked in a deep voice, placing his gaze on Houchi's wrist.

"It was a gift from a friend when I was young, and I don't know its origin." Seeing the disappointment flashing across Qingmu's face, Houchi added a sentence in a strange way: "The person who came to look for the mountain today is him."

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Qingmu's eyes lit up, and his expression showed a more eager look than when he talked about Sunburn Spear: "I don't know if the old friend of God is still there?"

Houchi shrugged, and pointed behind him: "You also saw that this place has not been lived in for at least several thousand years, and I don't know where he went. But... Why would Shangjun Qingmu treat this person?" Are you so interested in the origin of the stone chain?"

"I'm looking for the person who left this chain of stones, he may be able to solve my confusion." He replied lightly, rubbed the corners of his brows, and looked at Houchi: "I don't know if God can still find him? "

"Do you know Bai Xuan?" Hou Chi raised his eyebrows, Feng Ran hurriedly said: "This is impossible, Bai Xuan has not appeared for 8000 years, Qing Mu Shangjun is only a few thousand years old."

Based on this calculation, Qing Mu is indeed extremely young among the gods, even Feng Ran is thousands of years older than him, not to mention Hou Chi who has been tossing around in eggs for an unknown amount of time.

Seeing suspicion flashing in the eyes of the two, Qing Mu said: "I also have such a stone chain." He rolled up his long sleeves, and a black black stone chain hung on his wrist: "Someone once told me that as long as If I can find the owner of this stone chain, I will be able to solve my confusion."

The dark green bracelet has a dark luster, mysterious and distant, except for a slight difference in the ancient inscriptions engraved on it, it is almost exactly the same as the one worn on Houchi's wrist.

Feng Ran rolled her eyes, saw the similar stone chain between the two wrists, and clicked twice. If someone didn't know it, they would probably think it was a token of love...

Houchi also paused, and sighed, why did this Bo Xuan make promises that could not be fulfilled, leaving a lot of problems, and ran away without a trace, thinking of the fan with a demonic aura, Houchi's eyes flickered A little bit of worry.

Bai Xuan has never been such a person who does not keep promises.

"I don't know how to find him, but..."

Hou Chi walked into the bamboo house and came out with a fan in his hand. Qing Mu frowned when he saw the fan, and said: "There is a monster on it, this person's disappearance is related to this fan?"

Houchi glanced at him approvingly, nodded, and handed him the fan: "Yes, this bamboo house is where he practiced, and now there is only such a fan left, it should have something to do with his disappearance, if you, can you?" Can you find the mark from this fan and find the person who left the evil spirit?"

Qing Mu took the fan, looked it over carefully, and let out a light snort: "This fan has the imprint of the Demon Emperor's family." He pointed to the very evil white tiger carved on the back of the fan bone, and said to Houchi: "The demon world and the demon world are imprinted." The emperor is from the White Tiger Clan, ordinary monsters would not dare to engrave it on it without authorization, as long as you go to the demon world to ask, you will know the cause and effect."

ask?how to ask?Although the Demon Emperor lost to several upper gods, he has been in charge of the demon world for many years, and his spiritual power is unfathomable. Does he want to chase after him to ask?
"Master Qingmu, do you think..." Feng Ran rubbed her chin, a dark red flame ignited in her eyes, she hadn't moved her muscles for a long time.

"Go to Xuanjing Palace in the demon world. The Demon Emperor must know. If you want to know the truth, you might as well go together." Qing Mu casually said an invitation, then turned and walked out. Except for a little emotional fluctuation when wearing the ink stone bracelet between the hands, the rest of the time he looks indifferent and quiet.

Hou Chi raised his eyebrows and followed behind him. Feng Ran narrowed her eyes cheerfully when she heard it, and followed him wrapped in a fairy mask. After walking a few steps, she shook her head, feeling as if she forgot to tell Hou Chi pool as well.

Forget it, don’t think about it, I’ll talk about it when I remember it.

The three of them went together in the clouds. Along the way, they saw many immortals rushing to Mount Wangwang. They all talked about the Houchi Shangshen who appeared in Daze Mountain and the Sunburn Spear who was about to appear in the world. The three of them were covered by Qingmu. In the fairy hood, no one found their traces.

But within a few days, Feng Ran was amazed at Qing Mu, very amazed.After all, Houchi is also the Supreme God, this guy didn't make any false accusations to him, and even sneered at Houchi's weak spiritual power and lame immortal technique over and over again. It's rare for Houchi to sit behind the two of them. There is no general controversy when the Tathagata comes.Fengran watched happily from the sidelines, and it's incomparable to watch from the wall.

When they arrived at Optimus Prime at the fairy-monster boundary, the morning light gradually revealed, and Fengran couldn't bear to look at the pale but stubborn Houchi. She knew that Houchi was the strongest in front of outsiders, so even if she couldn't hold on, she wouldn't Made a sound, paused and was about to speak, but heard a clear and faint voice.

"Go to the demon world after resting for half an hour."

Feng Ran secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Qing Mu, seeing that the alienation on his face had eased a lot, she also felt relieved.

Going to the demon world, her ability is not enough to protect Houchi Wanquan, but with her clear spiritual power, she can fight even against the demon emperor.

The three of them stopped silently and quietly at the intersection of the two worlds.

"Is this Optimus Prime?"

Hearing a voice behind him that seemed to be a little sad, Qing Mu turned his head and looked towards Houchi, Gu Jing Wubo's eyes also flashed a touch of surprise.

The girl sitting cross-legged on the cloud did not know when she stood up, and looked up at Optimus Prime, who was high into the sky in front of her, her black eyes were deep and deep, and there was a little bit of confusion.

Qing Muwu was taken aback for a moment, turned his eyes and looked at Houchi again, only to find that she had turned into a teenage girl again, completely without the aura just now, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

what on earth is it?Could it be that he was dazzled?

"Yes, this is Optimus Prime. It is said that after the disappearance of the gods in the calamity of chaos, it was transformed into the consciousness of the ancestor god Qingtian who was with the Three Realms. It will automatically display the name on it..." Feng Ran pointed to the name engraved on Optimus Prime, suddenly stopped speaking, and looked awkwardly at Houchi.

Optimus Prime is divided into three parts, the bottom of which is engraved with the map of Kyushu and the Eight Wastelands, on which are listed the names of the lords and demon lords of the two worlds of fairy and demon, silvery white, especially eye-catching and gorgeous.

The middle part is engraved with the famous Dongtian Huafu in the Three Realms. The majestic five-clawed dragon and the golden phoenix are hovering in the heavenly palace. Holding a majestic white tiger... This is obviously the place listed by the three gods. As for the demon emperor, although he is not the supreme god, he is in the place between the two places of Optimus Prime because he controls one realm.

It is said in the world that Optimus Prime in the Three Realms is the most spiritual thing, and what he says is the principle of the Three Realms. For 6 years, although Houchi has been in the position of the Supreme God because of the ancient emperor, he has never received the immortals. Convinced, it is because of this - there is no place for the back pool on the Optimus Prime at the junction of the fairy and the demon.

Feng Ran looked at the names of the emperor's highnesses and princesses engraved on the bottom of Optimus Prime, her eyes darkened, and she sighed softly.

How could it be a coincidence to talk about this?

"Where is that place?" Hou Chi's expression did not change at all because of Feng Ran's hesitation, but pointed to the topmost place on Optimus Prime with great interest.

Seeing her calm face, Qing Mu showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and the indifference between his brows dissipated a little.Regardless of Houchi's spiritual power, this open-mindedness is enough to surpass many immortals above.

The back pool refers to a blank space, covered with extremely deep ink color, a whole piece of blackness, with a feeling of thickness that presses directly on the sky, it is the topmost place of Optimus Prime.

"I don't know either. Ever since Optimus Prime appeared, there has been a blank space. No one knows what it represents." Feng Ran shook her head.

On the contrary, it was clear and murky, looking at the thick black top with deep eyes, without making a sound.

Hou Chi rubbed his shoulders and greeted the two of them: "It's getting late, you have to get to the Demon Realm as soon as possible."

"The enchantment in the demon world is weird and extremely destructive. Your spiritual power is too weak, so it's better to follow me." Seeing Hou Chi, Qing Mu turned around and prepared to leave, and also turned around and ordered lightly.

For some reason, he didn't want Houchi to stay under Optimus Prime for too long, so he made a decision extremely quickly.

Fengran looked at Houchi who had been drawn by Qing Mu, and could only curl her lips: "That's the truth, Houchi's spiritual power is weak, I don't know what the consequences will be if I break through the enchantment of the demon world so recklessly , it would be better to go with you..."

Before Fengran finished speaking, Houchi was still looking at the Optimus Prime, Qingmu frowned, dragging her to rush directly to the enchantment of the demon world.

Seeing that the two of them had passed through the barrier first, Fengran let out a 'yo ha', touched his nose, and was doing the warm-up exercise for breaking through the barrier in a leisurely manner. He suddenly froze when he lifted his feet halfway, and his eyes showed some meaning Unknown look came.

She finally remembered what she forgot to tell Houchi—it was rumored in the Three Realms that Princess Jingzhao in that day's palace had always thought highly of herself for tens of thousands of years, and had never had a good impression of any fairy, but she only had a crush on this cold, hard Qing Mu Shangjun is very fond of it.

This rumor can be heard even in the Qingchi Palace who doesn't care about worldly affairs, which is enough to prove how deep this favor is.

Feng Ran looked at the two people who had disappeared into the barrier, blinked wanting to cry but rushed towards the barrier quickly.

A quarter of an hour later, she looked at the open space [-] meters away from the foggy demon barrier, where even a bird could not be seen. Only then did she remember that breaking through the demon barrier might not appear in the same place. She was silent for a while and suddenly squinted her eyes hehe laughed.

Houchi, this is God's will, you have to seize the opportunity... Maybe you don't have to go to the Nine Heavens to get back all the grievances of the ancient king and God!
(End of this chapter)

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