
Chapter 9 Accident

Chapter 9 Accident
It takes a lot of spiritual power to forcibly cross the barrier between the two worlds, not to mention bringing people together like this. After standing still in the demon world to block the violent demon power that swept swiftly, Qing Mu breathed a sigh of relief. It's just that he suddenly sensed that something was wrong, so he lowered his head and looked at the person who was being dragged in his arms with celestial power.

The strange girl was hugged alone in his arms, in a small ball, there was a sense of softness and familiarity, after Qingmu took a breath and knew that it was the same person, her handsome eyebrows raised.

Houchi, who was still a girl under Optimus Prime just now, is only seven or eight years old now. Although the blue linen clothes also change with the body shape, but it is printed on the delicate white and rosy skin, which feels a bit nondescript .

Xu Shi, the girl who was being carried, was also a little surprised. She lowered her head and looked at her little arms and legs, and muttered 'what's going on' and jumped out of Qing Mu's hand.

Xiaoxiao's soft body jumped out of her arms, and even kicked hard on the ground twice before she calmed down, which was quite different from the calm and indifferent appearance just now.

Qing Mu rubbed his nose, aroused by this unexpected incident, and looked at the girl who had kept her head down with great interest. This look made even if she saw Houchi suddenly become smaller just now, she did not change. His indifferent expression suddenly froze.

In the past, Houchi had an ordinary appearance, Qing Mu would never have imagined that she would look like this when she transformed into a child. Although her round face carried the childishness of a child, she could vaguely see the peerless beauty in the future, and her black eyes It glowed with pitch-black light, and swirled like a vortex like a secluded pool. When staring at people, it could absorb people's whole mind. He obviously looks like a seven or eight-year-old child, yet there is a detached feeling of grasping the three realms in every gesture.

But it was only for a moment, the aura that seemed to be similar to Houchi standing under Optimus Prime slowly disappeared from her expression, leaving behind an extraordinary face that could move the Three Realms even if it was a child's posture.

Rao Qingmu has never been distracted for thousands of years, but at this moment he was shocked by this huge gap. No wonder all the immortals of the three worlds have passed on the youthful youth of the Chishang God... Eh, no... Qingmu narrowed his eyes, He carefully looked at the girl standing on the ground with her head up and her face full of astonishment.

Although a fairy can transform at will, her appearance as an adult is mostly determined by her childhood appearance. Houchi's change is obviously because her spiritual power is too low to gather the spiritual power for her transformation in the demon world full of evil spirits. Only then will it automatically transform into a childhood appearance that consumes the least spiritual power, but if Houchi had such an appearance when he was young, how can he be so ordinary when he is an adult?
Could it be that someone deliberately suppressed her appearance change?But if she suppressed her appearance, it would be tantamount to sealing her foundation of cultivating immortal power. Who would do that?

Qing Mu touched his nose suspiciously, and for the first time, he became a little curious about this Houchi Shangshen who didn't care much. She is the daughter of the ancient emperor and lived in Qingchi Palace for a long time. Who would dare to do such a thing? Kind of thing?

Hou Chi lowered his head to look left and right, and understood that this was the embarrassment caused by his weak spiritual power, he snorted and looked at Qing Mu, cleared his throat and said: "It seems that the demon spirit of the demon world is coming again. After a few minutes, Qing Mu Shangjun, I can only walk like this in the demon world, and everything is in trouble."

She has a domineering appearance, with untimely embarrassment on her delicate little face, her voice is clear and crisp, but it has a bit of a child's unique softness, and her black eyes are very cute and clear. Mu stared down at her, a strange smile flashed in his eyes, and he nodded with a raised eyebrow.

Houchi with this appearance is much more interesting than the indifferent appearance before.It seems that the suppression of the seal made her have such a strange change after she became smaller.

"Hey, why hasn't Fengran come here yet?" Due to the small situation caused by the sudden shrinkage, the two of them realized that Fengran hadn't been seen for a long time.

Qing Mu looked at the unpredictable enchantment of the demon world behind him, pondered for a moment and said: "Forcibly passing through the enchantment is inherently risky, and you often can't appear in the same place. It seems that Feng Ranshang is not with us. same place."

Houchi nodded, glanced at the border and sighed: "Since that's the case, let's go to the imperial city first. Fengran knows that we will go to the Yaohuang, so he should be waiting for us in the imperial city."

"That's good." Qing Mu restrained the celestial power that was sweeping around him, and slowly changed his aura. After a while, an extraordinarily cold and deep aura lingered around him, and unexpectedly, a chilling and chilling aura appeared slowly. The meaning of nothingness comes.

Houchi raised his eyebrows, crossed his arms around his chest, raised his head and squinted at Qingmu without making a sound.

Hey, such a height really embarrasses her!

He was obviously about seven or eight years old, but his eyes were cold and cold. When Qing Mu lowered his head, he saw Houchi's nondescript expression. He coughed amusedly, stepped forward and put Houchi's hands on his chest. He took it off, put it neatly on his waist, and patted her on the head, with a bit of helplessness in his voice: "Although the demon world has ceased fighting with the fairy world for several years, the immortals and demons can challenge freely. It can save a lot of trouble, and when the Demon Emperor is found, maybe there will be a big battle."

Seeing Houchi nodding, Qingmu turned around and left. After taking two steps, he seemed to have thought of something. Turning around, he saw the child behind him staggering and stumbling in the strong demonic aura. He sighed, walked back, knelt down and held his hand. Reaching out to her: "here, sit on it."

After all, Houchi is just a child, and in the fairy world, people like to use fairy power to calculate age. Looking at Houchi like this, Qingmu couldn't help but regard her as a junior.

Looking at the silent Houchi, the corners of his mouth turned up and he didn't make a sound. This little god doesn't have the strength of a god, and his temper is really not small at all. People have always had a violent temperament, and they will never have any good looks towards people in the fairy world. If they meet, she will have nothing good to eat.

Houchi's solemn face darkened, seeing Qingmu's helpless face, he didn't say much, grabbed his sleeve and stepped on his right hand with a stride, hugged his neck and sat down, pointing his little hand forward, Quite a bit heroic in pointing the country: "Let's go."

Standing up and walking towards the middle of the demon world, Qing Mu firmly held the little one on his arm, not realizing that his endurance was unexpectedly good.

"Sit still, the imperial city is not far away."

"Qingmu Shangjun, I am a god, and I often sit on the cloud of Fengran."

The corners of Qing Mu's eyebrows twitched invisibly, but he didn't make a sound, but the ball on his arm began to mutter something.

"Once you meet the Demon Emperor, don't worry, I've found a lot of Father God's treasures, no matter how bad it is, I can top one or two..."

"When Fengran arrives at the imperial city, the two of you join forces, and the Demon Emperor will have no choice..."

"Hey, you're driving quite steadily, the low point, the high point is too thick..."

Hearing soft and waxy picky voices beside his ears, Qingmu's hands trembled, and he accelerated his speed and flew forward without looking sideways. Although his face was expressionless, his height was lowered a little calmly, and he lowered slightly Looking at Houchi's round bun and slightly raised lips, he touched his nose with a smile, and a gentle smile stained his indifferent eyes.

He can guarantee that this Houchishangshen, who is already tens of thousands of years old, must not only have become smaller in appearance, but this child-like disposition is really overwhelming, but he still can't refuse.

Forget it, as long as he can figure out his origin, all these sufferings are worth it... He comforted himself in this way, and kept flying towards the dense forest cautiously under hypnosis.

Half a day later, in the huge dense forest outside the demon world, Houchi with a small dark face stared at the blue figures circling around with his phoenix eyes, his hands behind his back, muffled, but his round eyes seemed to be ignited. Angry like a tiny flame.

It seemed that being stared at was really intrusive, Qing Mu let out a few long breaths, turned around a few times indiscriminately, and walked back awkwardly, looking at the dark complexion of the girl who was not as tall as his waist, said: "I am in this demon world. I came here 1000 years ago, I didn't expect the Demon Emperor to change all the phantom formations in the forest, this road... I am a little unclear."

Houchi clenched his clenched hands, slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and waved his face: "Shangjun Qingmu, with your ability, let alone this small phantom formation, even it is the most terrifying in the demon world." I'm afraid killing the battle will hurt you a little bit, it's just that you are not good at it, and it is not something to be ashamed of... It seems that the rumors that Qingmu Shangjun has profound spiritual power, and that he is a rare talent in the fairy world for tens of thousands of years, are also lies."

The clear and crisp child's voice carried a particularly obvious disdain, and even the raised eyes were slightly raised, very much like Qingmu's expression when he coldly complained about Houchi in Daze Mountain.

Qing Mu coughed lightly, his face flushed a little rarely, he touched Hou Chi Yuan's hair bun with a smile, and said: "Children, why are you holding grudges like this, isn't it just Did you say that your mana is not deep, but you actually remember it so clearly!"

Xu felt that the small bag with her hair in a bun was very smooth, so Qing Mu put her hand on the back of the pool and fiddled with it a few times, but she still refused to take it away.

Houchi squinted his eyes, wrinkled his delicate face, knocked down Qingmu's hand suddenly, and hummed uncomfortably: "Master Qingmu, you have surpassed."

Qing Mu looked at Hou Chi, who was exuding a faint majesty unconsciously, startled, raised his eyebrows, and suddenly showed some lightness unique to young people on his gentle face, he moved towards Hou Chi He took two steps closer, squatted down, hugged her small body in his arms under her astonished eyes, and strode forward with meteoric strides.

This time, he didn't even bother to look at the direction, and just walked straight in one direction.

"Qingmu, what are you doing, let me go, I can walk by myself."

"Do you have the power to resist the miasma in the dense forest?" The young man didn't even bother to lower his head. This time, he didn't even bother to address him as a polite "God of the Houchi" and just said indifferently.

Houchi's struggling movements paused and slowed down a lot.

"Do you know the way to the imperial city?" The young man raised his eyebrows and continued to provoke.

Hou Chi stopped kicking his calves hanging in the air, and hummed.

"You don't want to ask about Bai Xuan's whereabouts from the Demon Emperor's mouth?" The young man raised the corner of his mouth, lowered his head, his eyes were burning, and a flash of light flashed across his dark eyes.

Among the three realms, under such circumstances, the Demon King, the master of one realm, could tell the whereabouts of Bai Xuan... only him.

As soon as the sound settled down, Hou Chi completely lowered his head, frowned and remained silent, and put his two little hands on his calves listlessly, looking somewhat pitiful for some reason.

It has been thousands of years since Father God disappeared, it is impossible for her to ask the Emperor and Empress of the Nine Heavens...

"Hou Chi, as long as you make an agreement with me for three chapters, I promise you that no matter what, I will get the answer you want from the Demon Emperor."

Strike while the iron is hot, Qing Mu found that the shrunken version of Hou Chi's heart is obviously much more childish, and he hurriedly spoke softly while being novel. Still very fresh, steaming and alive...

In the final analysis, he is only a few thousand years old, and he can barely be considered an adult among the gods.

"What do you want?" Hou Chi raised his face vigilantly, his dark eyes suddenly widened, and his small hands were clenched into a circle.

"There are many demon kings in the demon world, they are extremely aggressive, and they are full of hostility to the people in the fairy world. After leaving the dense forest, if I fly with fairy power, I will definitely attract a large number of demon kings, so I can only walk to the imperial city. We must live in peace at all times, and we must not call each other by their first names."

Hou Chi reluctantly nodded. Although she didn't like this way of hiding her head and shrinking her tail, she had to admit that Qing Mu's proposal was obviously the most trouble-free.

She glanced at Qingmu suspiciously, and began to doubt the authenticity of Fengran's words to Qingmu. Qingmu, the mighty Shangjun of the Three Realms, has such a little guts?
"Don't look at me like that, I hate trouble, so it's best to save these troubles." Qing Mu glanced at Houchi in his hand, touched his chin, and said with a very serious face: "Now you look It's just the age of Ganghua, call me 'Master' during this time!"

Houchi suddenly raised his eyes, his expression was full of absurdity, she is the Supreme God, although she lacks spiritual power, she has also learned many small fairy arts from Gu Jun Shangshen...

Apparently seeing the meaning behind Houchi's eyes, Qing Mu raised the corner of his mouth, and said to the little child in his arms: "Houchi, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, hasn't Gu Jun Shangshen taught you... ...Whenever you are willing to call me master, I will teach you how to gather immortal power, how about it?"

Hearing these gentle words, Hou Chi Wu, who was originally calm, raised his head, and his eyes flashed with unbelievable surprise.

He could actually see that it was difficult for this body to condense the immortal power, but... even God Father couldn't do it for her to condense the immortal power, how could he...

Hou Chi looked at the faint smile on the corner of Qing Mu's mouth, put his small hand on his chin, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

What is the origin of this Qingmu?
(End of this chapter)

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