Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1033 They are much prettier than Master Wushuang, do you think so too

Chapter 1033 They are much prettier than Master Wushuang, do you think so too

Uncle Shi didn't recognize anyone as a master in the academy, he was just an ordinary student in the academy, not only they took advantage of it, even his father took advantage of it.

I just don't know if my father knows the identity of the uncle.


Everyone is still speculating on the identities of the two men.

And now even the geniuses of those other forces have seen it.

"Why are there so many people around? Who are these two people?"

Some people felt puzzled, until they got closer, their eyes widened: "I'm going, who are these two? This looks absolutely beats Yun Wushuang! Where are Yun Wushuang! Damn it! It's so exciting! Let him see it quickly Look! Look at the gap between him and these two!"

"We must let our Mr. Wushuang take a good look! Oh yes, and the fans of Mr. Wushuang? What is it that there are people beyond others and others beyond the sky? This is a living example! Hahaha!"

"Come on, don't overdo it."

"Damn, I'm too much of a fart, don't you look at that Yun Wushuang's shyness all day long, swaying around in front of us, isn't it just comparing yourself with us?

We don't look very good, I admit it, but I have to listen to Yun Wushuang, I am not the most beautiful man in the star field, right?Someone has to prove it to me!I didn't make things difficult for him, it's always true, isn't it?Can this be made up by me? "

Someone is speechless.

But it is true.

You can't open your eyes and say that the looks of these two people are not as good as Yun Wushuang, can you?
Then don't they have to go back and wash their eyes?

Because the voices of those discussions were too loud, Yun Wushuang, who was still competing with the disciples of the Holy Land, heard someone calling his name again, and couldn't help frowning, calling his name at a critical moment?Isn't this just to distract yourself?

He will not be fooled by such a small trick.

Most of the onlookers came here because of their looks, but after staying for a short time, they realized something was wrong. There were people from the Holy Land beside these two!
And they are all strong!
Looking back from memory, they found that these four people were sitting in high positions just now, and they were also sitting with the master of the academy. Isn't this indirect proof that they are big figures in the Holy Land? !

Who are these two people?
Can the important figures in the Holy Land call their predecessors?
This look is really too young.

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, they would never have believed it.

The Holy Lord of Sifang promised the academy not to let Ye Yuye's identity be exposed, but standing in front of Ye Yuye, they really couldn't open their mouths to call Di Cang Elder Ye, or Daoist friend, because they thought they had lived too long Is it?

Senior, I didn't touch a word of emperor.

Shouldn't it be a violation of the academy?
It didn't take long.

Some of the first to challenge are back.

Among nearly 30 people, only eight or nine challenged successfully.

Among these people, only three chose to stay in the academy, while the others chose to become disciples in the Holy Land. It wasn't that they didn't love the academy, but that they wanted to become stronger.

When they came back from the challenge, they overheard someone talking about Yun Wushuang. Yun Wushuang is a hot topic, not only his appearance, but also his strength, which is second only to Tang Feng. Gossip is still possible. of.

And it just so happened that someone was Yun Wushuang's fan girl.

Originally, it was just a coincidence to listen, until the person behind was angry. This was basically slandering Mr. Wushuang. Who can be more beautiful than Mr. Wushuang?

Wushuang, not only in appearance, but also in strength!
That's all about strength, how could someone look better than Wushuang?
Not to mention she didn't believe it, even the group of sisters around her didn't believe it, they didn't believe it!

The title of Young Master Wushuang belongs to Yun Wushuang.

He deserves to be called unparalleled.

Someone saw something, and couldn't help but smiled and said: "Big sister, don't believe it, that person is really more handsome than your Wushuang son, let me tell you, the most beautiful man in the star field may change hands. "

Bai Lingmo snorted coldly, she didn't believe it, who could be more unparalleled than her unparalleled son?There is no such person in the lower world!

"Xiaobai, that man looks..." The woman next to the girl suddenly froze, staring absently at the boy in white and the man beside him, and murmured to herself, "It's so handsome! ..."

"how is this possible."

Bai Lingmo sneered nonchalantly, raised her eyes to look at the crowd's eyes, and then suddenly froze, staring at the two people stupidly.

Bai Lingmo, who was still swearing so much, can't say anything now, and silently suppressed what she wanted to say, because she found that these two people are indeed ruthless and outstanding, and they speak out against their will, and they are worse than Yun Wushuang. Be nice.

If Yun Wushuang was standing in front of him now.

She might be able to keep her face intact.

The woman next to her poked her and whispered: "Hey, Xiaobai, these two are really good-looking, I think...they are much better-looking than Mr. Wushuang, do you think so too?"

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Bai Lingmo's voice suddenly raised a bit, which made the woman beside her tremble. At first she thought it was to make Bai Lingmo unhappy, but her next answer made the woman stunned.

"What do you mean it looks much better? Just imagine what Yun Wushuang looks like, and then look at these two people. There is no comparison between them. Yun Wushuang..."

Bai Lingmo frowned, her voice was extremely serious, "He is ashamed of the name of Wushuang!"

The him she was referring to was Yun Wushuang.

The woman beside her was taken aback, and stroked her chest a few times: "You scared me to death, I thought the person you liked was Yun Wushuang."

Bai Lingmo murmured: "I don't like him, if it's not that his skin suits my taste...Anyway, I would not like his character."

"That's what you said," the woman hesitated and asked, "Then who do you like now?"

Bai Lingmo suddenly narrowed her eyes and smiled: "I like both."

"..." The woman curled her lips, "You are really greedy."

Bai Lingmo didn't pay attention to the strangeness of the woman, her attention was on those two people from the beginning to the end, the more she stared at them, she realized that these two people were not human beings, they were gods from another world.

In the high position, several people felt a little helpless.

It's a good time to watch the competition, why did you go to see the master uncle and the others?

Among the onlookers, especially women are the most.

Of course, there are also men.

They were all waiting for a good show, but unfortunately, the person they were waiting for hadn't appeared yet.

It's just that the Yunhe inside was completely ignored.

Although he didn't care too much, but listening to everyone's discussions and their ignoring gazes, speaking from the bottom of his heart, he felt a little uncomfortable and a little bored.

Fat Mao'er turned around and came back, only to be surrounded by people.


This content is not included in the word count

Discussed with the editor in charge. I originally wanted to ask for three days off. Yes, Qing Xie is going to take the exam, but Enen... So I decided that only one chapter will be updated in these three days, 6.28, 7.1 and 7.3, and only update in these three days chapter one, please forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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