Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1034 Yun Wushuang is the most beautiful man in the star field, you can't even look down

Chapter 1034 Yun Wushuang is the most beautiful man in the star field, you can't even look down on him, who else can you fancy
For a cute and cute little living thing, it quickly captured the hearts of those women, and they wanted to say hello to it.

Cats are cold creatures.

Even though it received a lot of favors from humans, it still ignored them, either licking its fur, or rubbing against the boy's legs, making a purring sound.


In an instant, many people were spoiled by cuteness.

"This little kitten is so cute. It's rare to see such a pure black cat."

"What's so good about a cat? Can it help you? Heh, if you want me to say, you should catch a monster as a mount, that's awe-inspiring!"

"What's so good about monsters? Cute little creatures like this are more precious. What do you guys know? Get out of the way, you're blocking me from seeing cats!"


Yunhe felt a little frustrated, he is not even as good as a cat?
He was a big shot back then, right?
Why is no one looking for me?
I don't look too bad, do I?
Ignored by others, Yunhe wanted to take out something vulgar like a mirror to look at his face. After thinking about it for a while, he regretted why he didn't pretend to be older?

Like this, it should look majestic enough, right?
It was discussed by everyone, even if the saintess of the Tianmo Sect found it difficult to find out, she only reacted after looking at the figure for a long time.

This person made her feel familiar from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps it was because she firmly believed that he was the one who saved her that day.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess held the handle of the umbrella and turned it around, just staring at the figure with a little distraction, until Gu Ningyue came over, and she suddenly asked, "Do you like Yun Wushuang?"

Gu Ningyue frowned: "He has nothing to do with me."

After squinting her eyes and staring at her for a long time, the Heavenly Demon Saintess said, "I heard that the Yun family has always wanted you to be the future wife in charge of the Yun family, and even Yun Wushuang wants to marry you, how about I see... ..."

"I said, I have nothing to do with him."

Gu Ningyue looked colder at the Heavenly Demon Saintess.

"Don't be angry." Seeing Gu Ningyue's icy eyes, the Heavenly Demon Saintess smiled, "I'm just curious, is there any man in this world who makes your heart flutter?"

Gu Ningyue looked at her indifferently: "No."

The heavenly demon saint raised her eyebrows and glanced into the distance: "That Yun Wushuang is the most beautiful man in the star field, you can't even look down on him, who else can you look up to?"

Gu Ningyue's frowning eyebrows tightened even more, her whole body carried an unapproachable icy aura, as if she was warning the other party: "It has nothing to do with you."

The Heavenly Demon Saintess looked at the cold person in front of her, regretted not being able to see her true face, and sighed and sighed: "

Why has nothing to do with me, anyway, your appearance is above mine, if I find a man in the future, I have to cross your threshold, do you think I should worry about it? "

Gu Ningyue's face under the white gauze was expressionless, until she heard the words of the demon saint, she frowned: "You want me to give it to you."

The corners of the demon maiden's lips curled slightly, as if she had been broken by her innocence, she smiled and said, "I don't need it, there's nothing wrong with being second, Miss Gu?"

"..." Gu Ningyue pursed her lips, turned around and was about to leave.

The demon saint didn't stop her, but just looked at her graceful figure, she frowned, the face under the white gauze became a little sad, and murmured softly: "You don't like Yun Wushuang, but I'm worried, What should my man do if he takes a fancy to you..."

A faint sigh.

The competition between the Academy and the Holy Land is still going on.

Tang Feng defeated the disciples of Nanzhou Holy Land.

But it was not over yet. He continued to challenge the disciples of other holy places. During this period, he did not take any pills, and his body was not seriously injured except for a little skin trauma.

Those who can compete with Tang Feng are all first-class geniuses in the Holy Land, which also happens to prove that Tang Feng's strength as the top of the list is very strong.

If you want to become a disciple of the Holy Land, you can easily obtain it.

And the person who can persist with Tang Feng is Yun Wushuang.

He also completed the first round of the challenge.

Now I am challenging the disciples in another holy place.

These two are totally in the way of catching up.

But who made these two people one is the top of the Tian Zi list, the other is the second.

Apart from these two, the other geniuses who are also in the top [-] of the Tianzi list are not bad, and they are also persevering, but among them, they are not fighting for themselves, but for the honor of the academy.

For a long time, Yun Wushuang would always hear someone calling his name again. At first he just thought it was some fan girl of his own or something, but he gradually heard some voices, some voices that made him feel a little lost.

A competition is not a battlefield.

If you stand still for one second on the battlefield, you are dead.

And the competition.

Yun Wushuang was knocked back by the opponent due to inattention, and when he reacted, his handsome face became distorted, and he raised his hand and punched the opponent's head angrily.


The second challenge is over.

Yun Wushuang smashed the blood in his mouth.

For a moment, a ruthless air flashed across his body.

who is it?

Some people even said that I don't deserve the title of Wushuang.

I do not deserve?Who deserves it?

Tang Feng?
Does Tang Feng look as good as me?
Yun Wushuang gritted his teeth, almost gnashing his teeth, but in the end he chose to forbear, and he still wanted to challenge to prove that he might not lose to Tang Feng!

Therefore, Yun Wushuang quickly went to challenge the next one.

The speed of the challenge was much faster than Tang Feng expected.

Just a random glance, Tang Feng took a step back, and suddenly jumped up, the long sword in his hand flashed coldly, extremely dazzling.


Tang Feng defeated the disciples of Beizhou.

Although the man lost, he didn't feel any annoyance, and said to Tang Feng with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, listen to my advice, your academy is very strong, especially one person, his appearance will disrupt the current situation." situation."

After that, the man changed the subject and said seriously: "Of course, for a genius like you, I welcome you to come to Beizhou Holy Land. You can consider it."

Tang Feng paused, then nodded: "Thank you for reminding me."

The disciple from the Beizhou Holy Land waved away, and Tang Feng still stood there without moving. Who is the person mentioned in this population?

What happened here after he left the academy?
Tang Feng was at a loss for a moment. When he put away his thoughts, his face was still expressionless. He held the long sword in his hand and continued to challenge other people in the Holy Land.

at this time.

Few people paid attention to Yun Wushuang anymore.

Those screaming voices are much less.

The focus is thus elsewhere.

For example, I wonder who the two people next to the big shots in the Sifang Holy Land are.

Some people also guessed that one of these two people was a genius who had stepped up the thousand-step ladder. It was just a guess at first, but then they found it even more strange.


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The 24th and [-]th chapter was released, and it was finally released. Although it was changed and deleted, it was almost gone, but it was still released.

We have a holiday on July 13rd, and we have to stay at school for a few days to save manuscripts (codewords), otherwise I don’t know when I can save 14, and I will go home on the [-]th or [-]th, and then rest for three days, NO. [-] or NO.[-], ready to update the dandy, sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time

(End of this chapter)

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