Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1035 Little guy, don't think that I dare not kill you, I still want you to continue rep

Chapter 1035 Little guy, don't think that I dare not kill you, I still want you to continue reporting

The big man called that young senior.

If the other party is Elder Ye from the academy, no matter in terms of aptitude or strength, the important figures in the Holy Land should not call him senior.

But that's where the problem lies.

The dignitaries of the Holy Land called him Senior.

And they suspected that this person was Elder Ye from the academy.

So, they guessed wrong, this person... isn't he Elder Ye from the academy?
Who is it?
Is there another person next to the boy?
What surprised them was that the person they called senior was a child who looked young, only seventeen or eighteen years old.

The Holy Master of Four Continents didn't care about other people's strange gazes, and always treated Ye Yuye and the people around him in awe.

The Lord of the Four Continents came to plead guilty to her, as Ye Yuye expected, he was just a little impatient, if it wasn't for the birth of Jiuxiao Dao in Jianzhong, she would basically have no intersection with the Holy Land.

Seeing that the others were silent, Nanzhou Shengzhu thought for a long time before he said to Ye Yuye: "Senior, I have a merciless request, and I hope that senior can lend me the Nine Heavens Knife for a day. It will be returned to seniors one day later."

Borrow the Jiuxiaodao?

The other Holy Masters of the Three Continents were a little strange.

Who doesn't know that Jiuxiao Dao is the treasure of Emperor Xiaoyao?The Holy Master of Nanzhou borrowed the fairy artifact, what did he want to do?Not to mention that you borrowed it, even if you haven't been forgiven yet, why do you want to borrow the Jiuxiao Dao from someone?
what's up?

Do not wait until now?
What can be imagined is that the Nanzhou Holy Land is a place that is good at cultivating swords and weapons. Basically, all sword repairs come from the Nanzhou Holy Land.

The Lord of Nanzhou borrowed a knife.

Could it be for comprehension?Want to take this opportunity to break through the path of the knife?
Is it?

Is that true?
Ye Yuye stared at the Holy Master Nanzhou: "Do you want to borrow the Nine Heavens Knife?"

"The old man wanted to snatch the Nine Heavens Knife because this knife can allow him to enter the Dao of the Sword," Nanzhou Holy Master said awkwardly, "

I originally thought that after the old senior snatched the Nine Heavens Knife, I would take this opportunity to break through the Dao of the Knife. "

The Holy Master of Nanzhou didn't say anything about it after that.

Can't it be said that Ye Yuye disrupted his plan, so that he didn't even touch the Nine Heavens Knife?

If it wasn't for the Dao of the Sword to enter Xiao Chengtian, the Holy Master Nanzhou would not have borrowed the Jiuxiao Dao from Ye Yuye here.

"I can't borrow it." Ye Yuye looked at him and said calmly, "Nine Heavens Knife is not mine, I can't make the decision."


The Holy Lord of Nanzhou froze for a moment, what do you mean that Jiuxiaodao is not yours, you can't be the master?Whose Nine Heavens Knife belongs to?Emperor Xiaoyao's?Do you still want me to ask the Emperor Xiaoyao who has fallen for many years?Ask him if he agrees?
What Ye Yuye meant was obviously a rejection.

But the Holy Master Nanzhou didn't want to give up, not to mention, the Nine Heavens Knife could not be on Ye Yuye's body all the time. Thinking of the things about the superior world, the Holy Master Nanzhou's eyes darkened, he gritted his teeth and said: "

Senior, it's not safe for Jiuxiaodao to stay here with you. As far as I know, people from the superior world will send someone to look for you soon, so please let me keep Jiuxiaodao temporarily. "

The three main sages next to him showed strange expressions. For the sake of Jiuxiaodao, the sage master of Nanzhou really can do anything. Is this trying to force Di Cang?
What is Di Cang's identity?How dare you say such a thing?

In the impression of these years, the Holy Master of Nanzhou has always done things vigorously and vigorously, and he is not stupid. How could he become stupid at a critical moment?
Ye Yuye stared at him, not knowing what he was looking at, and squinted his eyes: "Do you think the Nine Heavens Knife is safe in your hands?"

"I can't guarantee it," the Holy Master Nanzhou pursed his lips, "but I will protect it and ask the senior to let the junior keep it temporarily."


Being able to use the word "temporarily" means that he knows that he can only get Jiu Xiao Dao temporarily.

Someone frowned.

The Holy Master of Sanzhou Holy Land always felt strange.

Ye Yuye felt a little displeased when Lord Nanzhou wanted to get the Nine Heavens Knife. The moment he raised his hand and shook his sleeves, Holy Lord Nanzhou retreated suddenly, his complexion quickly turned pale, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Because none of them saw clearly how Ye Yuye made his move, but it was true that the man was injured!

The other people in the Holy Land have already guessed the identity of the young man. If they can make the Holy Master respect their seniors, and make their Holy Master injured but unable to fight back, the evidence is right in front of them. It is difficult not to guess.

The Emperor Cang in ancient times was not only not dead, but also so young!
Ye Yuye looked at the pale Nanzhou Holy Master for a while, she put the fear in the bottom of her eyes, narrowed her eyes and said: "Little guy, don't think that I dare not kill you, I still want you to continue It's a tip-off."


The Holy Master Nanzhou quickly lowered his head to cover up the panic in his eyes, did he know all about it?
There was also something strange in the eyes of the Holy Master of Sanzhou, staring at the Holy Master of Nanzhou, his complexion became more and more strange, what did Di Cang mean by this?

What tipping off?

The number of challengers gradually decreased.

More and more academy disciples came back.

Yin Ding has successfully challenged.

And Qi Xi beside him also succeeded in the challenge. Of course, the disciples from the Holy Land were different, but the result was the same.

Xu Gu succeeded in the challenge, but moved on to challenge the next holy place.

On the other side, Yun Wushuang couldn't hold on anymore.

Perhaps it was because he didn't rest in the middle, which caused his physical strength to keep up, and even the profound strength in his body was running low. It was already very difficult to win the last one.

And Tang Feng has challenged to the end.

From the Nanzhou Holy Land to the Xizhou Holy Land, after this time, the Sizhou Holy Land has been challenged.

This scene fell into Yun Wushuang's eyes, which made him very unwilling, especially when he remembered the previous comments about him, he gritted his teeth and said a few words: "How could I lose to Tang Feng..."

Compared with Tang Feng, he is not bad at all.

Yun Wushuang has always been a genius among the stars, but there is always Tang Feng who overwhelms him, and the Tianzi Bang is an uncomfortable existence.

During the competition period, Yun Wushuang couldn't take any pills, so he finally gritted his teeth and challenged to the next holy place.

Yin Miaoyin's talent is even stronger than Yin Ding's. After the challenge is successful, she doesn't plan to continue the challenge. If Yin Ding didn't stop her, her soul would have flown to Ye Yuye.

Yin Ding knocked on Yin Miaoyin's head, with a slightly warning look in his eyes: "Did I tell you that every girl should know how to be reserved? En?"

Yin Miaoyin stuck out her tongue: "Understood."

After all, Yin Miaoyin is in a good mood. She has already made serious plans for the future, which is to make herself better, enough to be worthy of Elder Ye!

At that time, the family will no longer stop her.

The competition is still going on.

Fat Mao'er sat at Ye Yuye's feet, licking his hair and still ignoring those people, but occasionally moved his ears a few times and meowed a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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