Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1036 I'm right here, waiting for you to come to me

Chapter 1036 I'm Right Here, Waiting For You To Come To Me

The Holy Lord of Nanzhou had a pale face. He looked at Ye Yuye, his voice was a little weaker than before, and he seemed to be pretending to be calm: "Senior, you know everything?"

Ye Yuye raised his head and glanced at the sky, then turned his gaze back to the Holy Master Nanzhou, with an indescribable charm: "What do you think I should know?"

at the same time.

Jiang Yi beside her looked up at a certain place, and that direction happened to be the direction Ye Yuye was looking at before, his eyes darkened slightly.

The Holy Master Beizhou turned cold and stared at the Holy Master Nanzhou questioningly: "Holy Master Nanzhou, you'd better give us an explanation."

From the moment Di Cang uttered the tip, they had already realized that something was wrong, the Holy Master of Nanzhou was abnormal, or had other purposes!

The Lord Nanzhou dodged Ye Yuye's sight, but when he heard other people's doubts, he sneered, pretending not to understand: "What explanation do you want?"

The Holy Master of Xizhou stared at him: "Nan Dihua, do you have connections with people from the Superior World? Did you tell them that those people appeared in the Sword Tomb?"

Together with other people, they also stared at the Lord Nanzhou.

It is undeniable that they do think so.

All kinds of coincidences, if you count this time, wouldn't it be...

Several people's faces changed greatly.

If the Holy Master of Nanzhou told the news about Di Cang's stay in the academy to the people in the superior world, then these people are very likely to be hiding in the dark now!

The Holy Master of Nanzhou did this just to get the Jiuxiaodao? !
Temporary custody?
Could it be that people from the superior world wanted Di Cang's life? !

The Holy Master of Beizhou had a sullen face, and his tone revealed a chill: "Nan Dihua, you have been in contact with people from the superior world? When did this happen?"

Although the Holy Master Dongzhou just took office, he was not ambiguous at all when facing serious matters, and asked coldly: "

Lord Nan, you are the Lord Yizhou of the Lower World, what do you mean by tipping off those people in the Upper World?Do you want to kill the strong man in our inferior world? "

The inferior world is inherently weak. In the ancient times, many strong people had already been annihilated, and the news that Di Cang was not dead was enough to ignite the hope in their hearts.

They would even think that as long as Di Cang is still alive, there will be a day when the lower world will be proud.

But the Lord of Nanzhou can inform the people of the superior world!

It is simply an excuse to use the Nine Heavens Knife to break through the Dao of the Knife!

If it hadn't been for the news from the Holy Master Nanzhou, it would be impossible for the superior world to know that Di Cang was still alive, let alone that Jiuxiaodao would be born in Jianzhong.

Nothing like this would happen.

Ye Yuye listened, but his expression didn't change from the beginning to the end. In fact, the Holy Lord of Nanzhou is not very useful.

Even if he informs the people in the superior world that Jiuxiao Dao was born in Jianzhong, it's okay, because if there is any change in the inferior world, the monitors will sense it immediately and report it to the higher authorities.

Whether he said it or not, the people over there would send people to Jianzhong.

So much so that she had no intention of hiding her identity as Emperor Cang.

Ye Yuye stared at the other place, twitching the corners of her lips thoughtfully, she killed a lot in ancient times, so did these people come here for revenge?

Until her hand was enveloped by warmth, Ye Yuye looked up at him, Jiang Yi didn't care about other people's eyes, and held her hand: "When you're done with your work, come find me, okay?"

Ye Yuye was startled.

Jiang Yi held his hand and did not let go. He looked down at the young man beside him with gentle eyes, "I'm right here, waiting for you to come back and find me."

Yunhe next to him choked, subconsciously moved away from these two people, even looked away from them, stared at somewhere, and muttered: "

If this kid keeps going at this speed, it should be fast, right?And me?Should I find a wife to accompany me? "

Just as Yun He finished muttering, his whole body was suddenly hot as if on fire. He hissed and jumped up quickly, not forgetting to take a look at Ye Yuye.

He must have messed up!
This guy definitely heard it!
Can you hear this?
Is it possible that muttering behind the back can also be heard?

Yunhe's body returned to normal, he took a brief glance at Ye Yuye and the others, then moved a few times to the side to stay away for safety.

Even if Jiang Yi could keep his expression on, Ye Yuye knew that he was waiting for her answer. She used to wonder if this little guy was insecure, but now, she had to have other considerations.

Ye Yuye looked down at the hand holding her, she looked at it for a while, her eyes narrowed slightly, before Jiang Yi didn't react, she held his hand instead: "Be obedient, I will be back."

There seemed to be a smile in that voice, which was reassuring.

After he reacted, the back of his hand felt cold and soft. Jiang Yi raised his lips slightly, and his throat rolled: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

People around couldn't hear what they were saying.

It can only be vaguely seen that there seems to be a conflict between those big figures. As for the relationship between the two, it seems that it is not ordinary?
In the high position, several people looked a little ugly.

It seems that the Holy Master of Nanzhou will inform the people of the superior world. Isn't it true that there are still people from the superior world monitoring them here?
This is not a good sign.

But because they thought that their uncle and uncle had been waiting for this moment, at least they would not be as angry as others. Everything was moving in the direction that uncle and uncle expected, but they didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

If people from the superior world really came, they had to evacuate these people, and they might die if they stayed in the academy. People from the superior world were no joke.

Bai Liu muttered to herself: "Lucky among misfortunes..."

Fortunately, Di Cang was waiting for this moment.

Tang Feng's challenge is over!

All the Holy Lands of the Four Continents have successfully challenged it!
This record was within their expectations.

of course.

There are also unexpected ones.

Just like Yun Wushuang, he might be able to break through four levels in a row like Tang Feng, but because he was too eager to challenge before, his physical strength couldn't keep up, and he failed when he didn't have enough profound strength.

This is the result of doing things too impatiently.

Some people think that Yun Wushuang is an idiot. He still wants to challenge the disciples of the Holy Land under such circumstances. It is clear that he is asking for trouble, and he is lucky not to be beaten to death.

Yun Wushuang still has many fans.

He vigorously waved his hand in the direction of Yun Wushuang.

"Young Master Wu Shuang is already powerful enough, it is impossible for a human being to be perfect in everything, right?"

"That's right, you see that Tang Feng is not as good-looking as Mr. Wushuang, and he is also cold and merciless."

"What's wrong with Tang Feng? Your Wushuang son is good-looking, but is he stronger than Tang Feng? Come on, I know you are jealous that Tang Feng is stronger than Yun Wushuang."

(End of this chapter)

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