Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1044 A huge hand in the sky

Chapter 1044 A huge hand in the sky

Everyone thought it was over, but it didn't.

The vision in the sky above the horizon did not disappear.

Even the disappearing power is gradually gathering.

Someone noticed.

Especially those cultivators with low cultivation bases feel the most obvious.

They all looked up in astonishment.

it's not finished yet?
Isn't it over?

And this time.

The people closest to the battlefield fell into a dazed state for a long time, and even more quickly circulated the profound energy in their bodies to protect themselves and retreat to the range they thought was safe.

My heart is almost fucked!

Why is it not over yet?

Isn't it over? !
They thought it was over, and they had to relax their vigilance, but you came to this trick!
sky above.

Loud thunder!

Countless purple lightning flashed by.

Filled with an aura crazier than before.


There stood a young man in white.

He never seemed to move a step.

The blue hair flew wildly.

The white clothes rolled.

Ye Yuye raised his eyes to look at the dark sky above, and the bottom of his eyes was dark and unclear: "Old man, if someone violates the order of heaven and earth, I will help you destroy it. After all, you are not at a loss, it is a good deal, isn't it..."

boom -

Half of the sky seemed to have been torn open by a huge hand, revealing a pitch blackness, mixed with purple thunder and lightning.

Be nice.

This is even fiercer than before.

Someone gasped, and their mouth was so open that they wanted to put a fist in it. This was probably the fiercest and most exciting scene they had ever seen.

The few people who were closer were directly torn apart by that terrifying breath!Torn to pieces!He didn't even see a drop of blood, the wind howled past, and even the clothes he was wearing turned into powder.

It's as if he doesn't exist at all.

Someone was so frightened that he fell to the ground, looking completely dull and lifeless.

Just... so dead?
The fellow daoists who were chatting and laughing with me before, can't even see a corpse now...

That terrible breath seemed to be still hitting their bodies.

They seem to feel that they are about to be torn apart!

They are the strong ones!
Don't you have the ability to struggle at all?
Someone wants to escape.

That berserk force had already tore his body apart!
Everyone stopped struggling.

almost fell into despair.

Why is this happening?
They originally just wanted to watch the duel between the strong.

But why did it become like this.

The harder you struggle, the easier it is to die.

Are they going to die here?

There was a person who still didn't believe in this evil, and frantically mobilized all his profound strength, but he didn't even take a step forward. Before dying, that person had scarlet eyes, and struggled to utter a few words: "I'm not willing..."

I am so unwilling...

The body was torn apart and turned into powder.

The brains of the people who are still alive are blank. Is this a last word?

What about them.

Will he die too?

Are you really going to wait here to die?

They regret it.

Why didn't he restrain himself like the others at the beginning, why didn't he realize that there was something wrong with what Venerable Xiuran said before.

Why can't you think about it in depth.

Since Venerable Xiuran did not allow everyone in the academy to leave, it meant that he knew there would be danger, but they, perhaps aware of it, still stubbornly left the academy and chose to come here to watch the battle between the strong.

boom -

In the space that was torn open, a huge palm appeared.

It looks extremely shocking!scary!

In various parts of the star field.

Someone's eyes widened in shock.

I witnessed the whole process of the hand appearing with my own eyes.

what happened!

What happened at the academy? !

They stared in fear at the direction shrouded in the terrifying aura, subconsciously even took a few steps back, their hearts stopped beating in fright for a moment.

Whose hand is this?What a horrible breath!

What kind of existence did the academy offend!
Some people became more and more terrified, became heavy, and could tear apart the space. This is a power that does not belong to this world at all!who is it?A strong man in the superior world?
Is this hand someone from the superior world? !

The entire star field was alarmed.

People from all major forces came out and looked up in the same direction. Even those big figures who practiced in seclusion sensed the power that did not belong to this world, and opened their eyes to look at one place.

In the star field.

Some strong men from the hidden world came out.

An old man leaned on a cane and came out of the herb forest. He looked at the huge palm in the sky with his cloudy old eyes, squinting and couldn't see what was going on.

Even in other star fields, there is turmoil.

The strong ones opened their eyes and connected with Changxuan Tianyu.

They all noticed it.

There is a power that does not belong to this world.

It's the best of the world!

They don't know why those people from the superior world came to the inferior world. Is there something in Changxuan Tianyu that threatens the superior world?

Or did someone provoke someone from the superior world?
These two, no matter which one, are not acceptable to them, and it is undoubtedly a disaster for people in the lower world.

on the street.

Discussions in three heads and two languages ​​are inseparable from the superior world.

"Which idiot provoked people from the superior world! Damn, does he want to take us to death?!"

"My god, the strength of the owner of this hand is definitely above the heavenly ranks. Who is provoking the superior world? I'm going to be crazy!"

"How many years has it been? How many years has it been since the upper-class world and our lower-class world have not interfered with each other? After this thing happened, can we still live in harmony in the future?"

"Brother, are you stupid! What kind of well water doesn't violate the river water? People in the superior world don't want to talk to us at all! Not to mention the ancient times, just now, can our current strong man compare with the Di Cang back then?"

There is no comparison at all.

Although they had never met Di Cang, the annals of history recorded many deeds about Di Cang, and just one incident would make them look up to him for a lifetime.

Even now, Di Cang is an existence they cannot surpass.

When the entire star field was boiling, they didn't know that at the place closest to the battlefield, those people heard the owner of the big hand calling someone's name before they died.

Di Cang.

Emperor, with the surname of the emperor.

Cang, named after the sky.

The word Di Cang is all in their minds, and they can't hear anything else at all.

It's Emperor Cang!
Di Cang in ancient times is not dead!

Looking at the blurred figure in white, all their fear seemed to be swallowed by shock, and their nerves suddenly became less painful.

This person...is Di Cang.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the fall of ancient times, and he is still alive...


This is the last psychological fluctuation before they die.

With shock, die.


"Di Cang," the owner of the palm said in a cold voice, "There is an order of heaven and earth in the inferior world, but do you really think that I dare not kill you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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