Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1045 Di Cang, don't humiliate me again!

Chapter 1045 Di Cang, don't humiliate me again!
There seemed to be a sneer: "You only dare to show your hands? What about your feet, you want to kill me with just one hand? Little guy, you are almost there."


The owner of the palm yelled angrily, mixed with cold killing intent, "You killed my incarnation, if it weren't for the hatred back then, I wouldn't have come to the lowly lower world at all!"

"One hand." Ye Yuye squinted his eyes slightly, and suddenly smiled, "How can you kill me, hand? Why don't you compare who can grab the other party first."

"Di Cang, don't humiliate me again!"

The hand was clenched suddenly, as if holding back his anger, Di Cang did this to force himself out, and he absolutely couldn't fall for his tricks.

The inferior world itself restricts the appearance of the strong in the superior world.

In doing so, he has already surpassed the order of heaven and earth, and he will have to bear the punishment of heaven and earth when he returns. If his real body is critical, he will definitely receive a heavier punishment!
Even if he is a strong man, he cannot disturb the order of the world!

But at this moment.

He really wanted to kill Di Cang with his own hands!
Ye Yuye didn't move.

Just for a split second.

A huge hand also appeared in the sky, darkening the entire star field a lot.

Everyone looked surprised, what's going on?Why is there another one?
The palm that came out didn't stop for a long time, and it quickly pressed down on the hand below. There was a bang, but it didn't come from the sky, but the vibration from the ground to the top.

The terrifying fluctuations set off layers of invisible waves.

Diffusion outward.

It was so shocking that some people bleed from their seven orifices.

Someone passed out directly.

The academy is guarded by the Holy Master Sifang and Venerable Xiuran, so there is no serious problem for the time being, at least no one faints, at most they look pale and are frightened.

On the mountain behind the academy, the lonely bamboo forest shook for a while, and a lot of bamboo leaves fell. Birds flew out of the bamboo forest in groups, and they were frightened.

The baby ginseng jumped out of the soil suddenly, spread its feet and ran to the stone's arms at the fastest speed, and the three thin whiskers were so frightened that they tugged down.

In the bamboo forest, there was a sound like a dragon chant.

Behind the green horse, there is a beautiful monster trembling, looking up at another part of the sky, as if the whole sky is covered by that big hand, it can see very clearly.

Shitou frowned, and looked in the same direction as the others without saying a word. He sensed that the hand had the aura of the master.

The huge hand shrouded it.

The first hand that came out gradually became much smaller, and everyone in the entire star field witnessed that huge hand grabbing the other one from the sky and pulling it hard.

The big hand above the sky suddenly disappeared.

The sky brightened up in an instant.

Lu Shun was still in the superior world one second, and was dragged down the next.

He was forcefully dragged by Di Cang to the lower world.

boom -

A huge thundercloud gathered.

Gathered the remnants of the thunder.

As long as the cultivators who have had a face-to-face encounter with Heaven's Punishment know that it is Heaven's Punishment.

God is about to send down punishment.

This is the punishment for the strong for crossing the line!

Ye Yuye looked at the middle-aged man who was dragged down by her, even though he was in a state of embarrassment, this man was very calm and straightened himself up.

This person is one of the previous four people.

It's just that how could she remember everything that happened tens of thousands of years ago so clearly, and she didn't even have any impression of this person. She watched him think for a while, and said, "Is there any helper? How about bringing your helper along with you?" Call me?"

Lu Shun's anger almost rose to the top of his head. He raised his head and glanced at a huge thundercloud in the sky. The anger he had been suppressing all this time wanted to tear this person into pieces!

"Di Cang!"

Lu Shun stared at the boy with an extremely angry expression!
Once the strong in the superior world step into the inferior world, they must hide their aura, and at the same time their cultivation will be restricted.

But if there is a murderous intent or if the surge of profound energy in the body is not restrained in time, you will be punished by the order of heaven and earth!


Di Cang!

He did it on purpose!
He definitely did it on purpose!
Lu Shun stared at him, and suddenly sneered, "Di Cang, you didn't die under heaven's punishment tens of thousands of years ago. This time, do you think it's heaven's punishment for you or me?"

Di Cang, that is the master of God's Punishment gnashing his teeth.

Now that Di Cang reappeared, how could Heaven's Punishment let him go.

Ye Yuye raised his eyes and glanced at the thunderclouds above. The embryonic form of Heaven's Punishment was still gathering, and said lightly, "Do you think that this level of Heaven's Punishment dares it?"

Lu Shun stopped talking, but his complexion became more and more ugly, and he didn't seem to be restricted by the order of heaven and earth. Perhaps it was because the punishment of heaven was still taking shape.

He came today with the intention of killing Di Cang.

Although something went wrong, he killed Di Cang before the punishment from heaven came down!Di Cang is dead, even if he has to bear the punishment of the heavenly order, he is willing to accept it!
Di Cang must die today!
boom -

Lu Shun mobilized his own profound strength, and the surrounding spiritual energy came from all directions, gathered in his hand, and condensed into a long knife, which he held and grasped.

That is a power that does not belong to this world at all.

With the aura released by Lu Shun, the thundercloud above became even bigger!thicker!The gathered Heaven's Punishment became even more terrifying!
Lu Shun can no longer control so much.

He just wants to kill Di Cang now!
Heaven's punishment has come, so just do it to the end!


Someone is watching in the dark.

And below, everyone was frightened crazy.

Some people have already seen that the clouds floating above are thunder clouds, gathering the punishment of heaven, this is punishment of heaven!The price that intruders will suffer when they break into the inferior world!

This cut!
The violent and almost crazy atmosphere has spread outward!
After a while, a gigantic tiger was condensed, roaring like a beast, and charged towards Ye Yuye with its strong limbs!

The roar of the tiger resounded all around!

Even the people in the academy can hear the ear-piercing sound clearly.


Lu Shun's knife had already landed on Ye Yuye's body.

Reiki rolls outward!

next moment.

The knife in Lu Shun's hand opened a hole, followed by a series of cracks that quickly spread outward, and then collapsed, and the knife transformed with the aura of the four directions disappeared.

The boy acted as if nothing had happened, he didn't move a single step.

Lu Shun frowned, and took a few steps back, he wasn't sure if the knife could not bear his strength, or it was because of Di Cang.

If it is because of Di Cang.

Lu Shun's expression changed in an instant, and in an instant, he activated the power in his body, used his profound strength to transform into a knife again, performed the last knife technique, and slashed at Ye Yuye!

And this moment.


The thundercloud condensed in the sky grew bigger again.

This time.

When it fell on the boy, the boy suddenly dispersed like a shadow, and behind Lu Shun, the boy's figure appeared.

"I said, you can't kill."

(End of this chapter)

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