Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1046 You just came out for a walk and then left?

Chapter 1046 You just came out for a walk and then left?
Lu Shun turned around in shock, Ye Yuye's figure did not move, but a huge palm appeared between the two of them, like pinching a wriggling worm, holding Lu Shun in his hand without any pressure.

Lu Shun's face became contorted.

The breath around him moved wildly.

If someone from the superior world sees it, they will find that Lu Shun's strength has reached the realm of the soul and above the realm of the gods.

In the young man's hands, even Lu Shun, who was in the Divine Aperture Realm, was vulnerable. Those strong men in the sky who were watching secretly were shocked, Di Cang's strength is still so strong?
Tens of thousands of years have passed!

Why is his strength so strong!
This is Lu Shun's real body!Not an avatar, not a clone!In Ye Yuye's hands, he was completely powerless to fight back?People who knew Lu Shun even wondered if this was Lu Shun from the Divine Aperture Realm.

The Divine Aperture Realm belongs to the upper middle class in the superior world, and it is no longer the one that is allowed to be bullied by others.

It should be more than enough to deal with a cultivator in the inferior world, but why is Lu Shun acting like a child who hasn't grown up in front of Ye Yuye?
They were even sure that Di Cang had the ability to crush Lu Shun to death.


Thunderclouds hovering above felt strange.

Even the Heaven's Punishment that has been brewing for a long time will not be released for a while.

what's the situation?
Why does it feel that its mission target is dying?
The moment Leiyun hesitated.

Lu Shun's breath was completely gone.


The huge palm disappeared.

The body turned into powder and flew with the wind.

The thunderclouds lingering in the sky are almost stunned, I'm done brewing, why did you die?Then my punishment is to swallow it back, right?

Let's use this as an analogy, you spit it all into your mouth, but you still have to swallow it back now, what the fuck, it's so fucking fucked up.

Neither is the thunder cloud in the sky leaving, nor is it that the punishment of the sky is being lowered. It is indeed a entanglement. I regret why I am rushing to this mission today.

Several people in the dark looked at each other.

Are they still going out?
Di Cang's strength seems to have become more terrifying.

After a while.

On the other side of the sky, a purple-gray cloud shrouded it, accompanied by terrifying Tianwei.

Everyone looked up in surprise.

Thundercloud again!

Is this going to bring down heaven's punishment at the same time from the thunder clouds of two calamities? !
A rare phenomenon in a century!
The last time it was said that Di Cang was there!
Their generation can actually witness the scene of two thunderclouds entering the mirror at the same time!
The people in Star Field were almost all staring in the same direction, hesitant, puzzled, dazed and inconceivable.

"what's the situation……"

Everyone in the academy was stunned and shocked by this scene.

Because they are the closest and see the most clearly!

The fat cat on the man's shoulder watched, and meowed curiously and strangely, and the long tail behind him flicked from time to time, a little too curious.

Yunhe looked at the scene over there, and there was a trace of strangeness between his brows: "During the two calamities of thunder clouds, did two people enter the lower world? It doesn't seem right, if the distance is closer, it can be done at the same time..."

Jiang Yi frowned when he heard him whisper beside him.

The thundercloud that stopped at the top was obviously shorter than the thundercloud that had just arrived, and the rumbling sound of the two thunderclouds resounded all around. Just when everyone thought something big would happen, the two thunderclouds unexpectedly floated away.

It looked very much like the back of the father carrying his son away.

Everyone looking up: "..."

...and leave now?
What about God's punishment?
Why is it gone.

You just come out for a walk and then leave?
What's going on at the academy?
What about the enemy?
How is the intruder doing now?

Are you still alive?

In the star field, cultivators from all over the place were watching, but at this moment, they were either puzzled, or a little anxious, unable to understand what happened to the thunder clouds of the two kalpas.

What's going on at the academy.

Some people have already started contacting relatives and friends who went to the academy to ask what is going on there, but the result is also unknown, or it is impossible to contact the other party.

Unable to contact, or I did not receive the message.

Either already dead.

They want to be the first, not the second.

The Academy is now...too dangerous.

The feelings of everyone in the academy were clearer, and they even had an illusion that the Leiyun who came before was here to take Xiaoleiyun away.

The Heavenly Punishment dissipated, and even the strong in the dark couldn't quite understand it. Like them, they also appeared in fear of the Heavenly Punishment. What did they see at this moment?
Dispersed before the punishment of God came down?

Even the strong in the superior world have never seen such an unimaginable scene. Didn't Lei Yun always abide by the order of heaven and earth?Why didn't God's punishment come down before he left?
Does this mean that they have entered the inferior world and will no longer be bound by the order of heaven and earth?
With this idea, someone has already started to move around.

boom -

Subtle movement.

The big thunder cloud threw a bolt of thunder towards the little thunder cloud, and the little thunder cloud followed the big thunder cloud as if he had done something wrong, occasionally making a slight sound.

"It's okay to mess around, do you know who that person is, that person was blacklisted by us in ancient times!"

"Show me clearly, the next time you see that person, you have to run away, you know? He is a scourge!"

"It will be bad luck for us to come into contact with him! If we want to harm those with pure blood, we should definitely not have anything to do with him as the bottom!"

"I know grandpa..."



Ye Yuye lazily found a place to lean on, casually raised his head and glanced at the sky, the crack marks were still there, and it was pitch black.

The handover between the upper world and the lower world has not stopped.

She squinted her eyes, with a bloodthirsty smile on her lips: "What's the matter, are you planning to come out?"

"just you,"

Ye Yuye stared at a certain place, with an indistinct smile, "Don't you want to avenge your son, come out to avenge, I want you to kill him."

The direction the boy was looking at was exactly where Qiu Peng was hiding.

The strong man in the dark subconsciously let himself hide a little deeper.

"Emperor Cang—"

The two words were spat out almost through gritted teeth, which is enough to prove how deep this person's hatred for Di Cang is.

Qiu Peng's figure appeared in mid-air, staring at the figure in white with hatred in his eyes, and his back molars were clenched: "

My son is so obedient, he went to the lower world and never came back, Di Cang, you are more like a demon than a demon!A person like you should be reincarnated into the animal realm! "

Ye Yuye narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Six paths of reincarnation, I won't touch any of them."

"Di Cang!"

Qiu Peng shouted sharply, the figure in mid-air flashed like an afterimage, his own profound power gathered in the palm of his hand, and killed Ye Yuye with all his strength!

 No. [-] is about to explode. I’m not excited. I’ve been exhausted recently. I’ve only saved about [-] words so far, and I’m still short of [-]. I’ll work hard.

  At that time, the explosive update time will be around midnight on the [-]th. It’s night owls, hurry up and get ready to drive. For those who go to bed early, let’s get up and watch it in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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